SayWords 1st grow, seven plants


Well-Known Member
the camera battery's dead. gotta find the charger but its the same blue and like tan pots that are in the pics in this thread. none of the plants are over 12" tall.
Ok it looks like their 2-3 gal pots? Plants can get 2-3 ft in those approx.
Probably underwatered? Do yourself a favor, when you get some extra $
go to wallmart or lowes and get a cheep 10$ moisture meter. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
how much water do u give each plant? i use 1 gallon between the seven big plants usually, every threeish days. is this underwatering?


Well-Known Member
how much water do u give each plant? i use 1 gallon between the seven big plants usually, every threeish days. is this underwatering?
See thats the thing im a noob myself and im not really sure about a set
watering schedule/amount. Before i got the moisture meter i just stuck mah
finger in the dirt, if top 2'' were dry, id water. So judging 1gal on 7 plants
id have no idea :-| I just checked the last pics you posted an some of em did
look pretty dry. MOISTURE METER! =]


Well-Known Member
how much water do u give each plant? i use 1 gallon between the seven big plants usually, every threeish days. is this underwatering?
As long as your plants are not turning soft and yellow (as opposed to crispey yellow[like from burning]) you know you are not over watering them. thats kinda a round the board thing for any plant.

also, when plants get on a good routine like every 3 days they get water, then on the 4th day if they dont get water they get droopy... its kinda like training your plant... it just gets used to that cycle.

I would say you are not underwatering ur plants. you got a good routine going on. the plants speak volumes on their own if you pay attention to them.

As you know i've got a huge pot at least 10 gallons possibly more than 15 gallons even. I give my plant about a half gallon of water once a week lol. i figure cause the pot is so huge, the water will absorb evenly throughout the soil. Anyway.... its still growin alright so i figure i am not doin anythin bad at least :P.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the help guys. well the plants look wonderful now. they were rediculously underwatered ig uess even tho i watered them like two days ago. theyre all perked up and everything. the lil ones are lookin way good too! my effing girl needs to find the camera charger so i can get some flictures for all ya'll!


Well-Known Member
thanks for the help guys. well the plants look wonderful now. they were rediculously underwatered ig uess even tho i watered them like two days ago. theyre all perked up and everything. the lil ones are lookin way good too! my effing girl needs to find the camera charger so i can get some flictures for all ya'll!
Nice man, awaiting pics.


Well-Known Member
i just finished setting up a veg room in the closet of the bedroom that the plants are in. its about 2'x4'. just mylared it up and am ready to put all the cfls in there. just waiting on that damn hps. supposed to be here tuesday, but then i'm leaving on wednsday for 5 days. do u guys think i should set up the hps tuesday and get everything ready and leave with all this shit going? or should i wait to put the hps up until i have time to fuck with it and make sure its not gonna start a fire in my apartment? any advice would help if u have experience with hps. im a lil nervous lol.

*edit: if i did set up the hps before i left, i'd set it on a timer for 12/12 for the big plants and put all the lil plants under cfls in the veg space. i have never used a timer and that is the other part of my concern. i wouldnt have much of a chance to make sure its set up right before i left town.


Well-Known Member
i just finished setting up a veg room in the closet of the bedroom that the plants are in. its about 2'x4'. just mylared it up and am ready to put all the cfls in there. just waiting on that damn hps. supposed to be here tuesday, but then i'm leaving on wednsday for 5 days. do u guys think i should set up the hps tuesday and get everything ready and leave with all this shit going? or should i wait to put the hps up until i have time to fuck with it and make sure its not gonna start a fire in my apartment? any advice would help if u have experience with hps. im a lil nervous lol.

*edit: if i did set up the hps before i left, i'd set it on a timer for 12/12 for the big plants and put all the lil plants under cfls in the veg space. i have never used a timer and that is the other part of my concern. i wouldnt have much of a chance to make sure its set up right before i left town.

You could set it up but theres a good chance the plants will grow up
to the light within 5 days, possibly getting burned. Id say wait and just
veg your plants out with the CFLs, better yield, start flowering when you
get back, IMO


Well-Known Member
Ya, I was gonna say the same thing. Wait, adding a new light that you're not familiar w/ could be fatal : [ wouldn't want any preventable accidents accuring while you're away.


Well-Known Member
there are these things called Y splitters thta allow you to attatch two CFL bulbs to one socket, then that socket attatches to another thing that is essentially a plug that will allow you to plug it into an outlet.

so its 2 things.
the Y splitter
and the thing that essentially converts the Y splitter's "light bulb end" into an "electrical outlet end" (u know, with the two prongs)


Well-Known Member
yep. ive found walmart has them for like half the price of ace and other stores. walmart theyre like 1.50 and ace is like 3 bucks


Well-Known Member
i veg with a mh 400 just put them under 600, after 8 weeks, today I yanked 3 beautiful "males". you cant think a male female,,,or shit it would of happened/ just ran out of purps, im smoking a blunt rolled of shitty old trimmings


Well-Known Member
there are these things called Y splitters thta allow you to attatch two CFL bulbs to one socket, then that socket attatches to another thing that is essentially a plug that will allow you to plug it into an outlet.

so its 2 things.
the Y splitter
and the thing that essentially converts the Y splitter's "light bulb end" into an "electrical outlet end" (u know, with the two prongs)

why screw with all that, just save the mony, they will grow 2x faster w/ a red mh, since mh is always bluer than red. it eavens the spectrum,


Well-Known Member
thanks man.

soooo just got the HPS today. i put it all together and shit and i'll set it up over the ladies after i get back from the break. then i'll move all the babies into the veg chamber. i cant wait to get this shit poppin!

*EDIT: its my girl's fault that theres no pics for like three pages. i dont have a camera charger cuz she left it at her sisters so we're gettin it during thanksgiving and will have a big update party when i get back


Well-Known Member

IIGHT so i got the hps set up. i moved all the little plants into a small veg chamber i made in the closet. except i let one of the babies stay in the big girl crib with the older ones cuz it was FUCKING HUGE. like twice as big as the rest. but anywhooo i still dont have a fuckin camera charger cuz i suck at life. but these bitches look spectacular under the new hps!! im so excited fuck! im gonna start 12/12 in a day or two i think. and i'll probably give them 24 hours of darkness first. im still tryin to decide what would be the best time to run the lights. hmmmmmm