Kali Mist - Seed to Stone


My review from the first time I grew Kali Mist more than a decade ago.



Kali Mist - Serious Seeds

I've always had trouble getting strains to finish on time so taking on a 14 week strain was daunting for me, my KM clones usually finish about 16 weeks hydro/17 weeks soilless. It grows easily but stretches incredibly in hydro, I had a 1.5" clone that ended up close to 36". In soilless stretch is not so bad, but its still a sativa stretch. The buds are loose and airy in hydro and are so encrusted with trichomes that they seem that they would break if bent. The soilless buds are tighter and not as crusty. Fox farm liquids and solubles, hygrozome, Dark Energy, Liquid Karma, Kool Bloom, Overdrive.

The high is ... delisious. It's so beautiful and pleasant that I crave it more than the other strains and go through this strain at a record pace. It's a floaty dreamy high, like an up narcotic. Nothing maters, everything is OK. It reminds me of when I had my elbows operated on and got a hundred percocet with each operation. Like an opiate nothing is wrong, but I can do things, not just sit and look out the window. I use 2 of 12 spots in my garden for Kali Mist and I may add another two spots.

I find myself very forgeful high on Kali Mist, and I know it while I'm high and I don't care. Just now I'm keeping my dogs seperated because of an operation one had, the second dog got by me twice (under my desk - 3' wide hole) and I didn't notice for a half hour each time.

The smell and taste is a beautiful strong spice, I can smell it everytime I crack the jar, and I've had my nose broken a few times so I don't smell so good. But after a shower I can smell this stuff, very strong. After a 4 week hang/bag/cure vaporizing gives an incredibly smooth vapor, very thick Volcano bags with 1/3 level teaspoon.

This isn't a trippy or a knock out of reality high but it's very stong. I've read it described as a cutting high, right through other strains and moods, and I agree.


Spectrums of experience

fast effect or creeper. 1 fast/5 slow: 2

I've just taken 3 hits and can feel a tingle everywhere and pressure in the top of my head and ears.


1. Up (stimulating) and Down (sedative): Neither.

Liven the disposition and stimulate the emotions: encourages a love of existance.
Inspiring sociability and talkativeness: You could stand just about anybody on this high.
Sedative and depressant effects: Chill but not sedative. If you want to do things you can, but you have to make a small initial effort to overcome inertia.


2. Head High / Body Stone: mostly head.

Energizing: Not energizing but not couch lock.
Motivating: Frees inhibition but there is inertia to overcome.
Couch lock: No, see above.


3. Tolerance: ability to provide the same experience via the same amount over time – the burnout factor. "Over time" means the long run: months, years, decades...

I've been vaping Kali Mist for 4 or 5 months and the high seems to be getting better, probably because I'm getting better at growing and curing it, but the high is better 4 months later. No chasing the Dragon.


4. Ceiling: How high (of far) one is capable of going with the variety. How many hits can be consumed until more hits are unnoticeable.

I notice a ceiling, but it takes a few Volcano bags.


5. Emotional State

Anxiety: melts anxiety, nothing is wrong.
Euphoria: not so much euphoria as bliss.
Calm: very calming
paranoia: reduces or eliminates paranoia.


6. Body - medicinal effects

Nausea: mild help
Pain: fair help
Seizures: not known
Back: fair help


7. Head - medicinal effects

Depression: works like a dreamy opiate
Mania: calming
Anxiety: good help
Antisocial: you could tolerate anyone high on this strain.
Anger: calming.
Rage: From first hand experience, this strain has saved some lives. Medicinal help.


8. Duration short 1 2 3 4 5 long: 3

Two consecutive Volcano bags will last two hours.


9. Potency: weak 1 2 3 4 5 strong: 4. Hit's hard but not time loosing nor reality knocking out of. Cutting dreamy high.


10. Taste: SPICE


Overall just a great strain, if you've got room for a 14 week sativa and want a dreamy high I couldn't recomend Serious Kali Mist higher.




Week 16 of flower (day 112)

My flower garden is down to two plants, the heaviest and the runt. The shorter of the two will have less Bud but it's coated in trichomes, should be a heavy hitter.



The heaviest cola in the garden, , few white pistils. It could be ready to harvest any day.



The runt still has lots of white pistils




I up potted the four Happiness plants to 7 gallon cloth pots.

I'm going to veg them until the colas are around 12" and hope for 14" - 18" colas after flower stretch.


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I have 3 of 4 plants dried and cured to 62%. I weighed them with the following results:

Plant 1: 208 grams
Plant 2: 179 grams
Plant 3: 221 grams
3 plant total 608 grams

I expect plant 4 to come in at 150 grams, the runt but crusty with trichs.


Two weeks ago (Post 137) I estimated plant 1's dry weight at wet weight divided by 4.5, which would give a dry weight of 80 grams.

The actual dry weight of 208 grams shows that my factor of 4.5 is so far off it's hard to believe I used it.

"There was a bigger volume than I thought but the weight wasn't as high as I'd hoped. Plant #1 weighed 365 grams WET and will probably be 80 grams DRY.

I estimated dry weight from wet weight divided by 4.5. This has been a good estimate in the past but I'm thinking the dry weight should be around 150 grams."


The bud from my 4th plant is still drying down to 62% RH, It's at about 65% RH now. Tomorrow or the next day I'll get the final weight on this plant and then it's just popping the top to cure for a few weeks.

I ran out of bud 3 weeks ago and bought an ounce from a friend and two ounces from Bud Buddies. All told I was out of pocket $716 because I didn't plan my grows properly.

End harvest = 3.5 gallons.


Thanks Rurumo!

Maybe you and Claude can help me with a Happiness dilemma. I've got 4 plants and 3 of those are practically the same height, but the fourth is 50% taller than the first 3.

Which Pheno should I be choosing to make clones from?


The plant in the rear left is obviously the tall pheno.



By herself:



There's the same number of nodes on the colas of all the plants, just a wider internode spacing on the tall one.

Do you think that the tall pheno is influenced by AK47 and the shorter ones Warlock?
Yes, I suspect that is the case. You might want to keep clones of each if you can, just until you can sample the end results. I did that last run and ended up keeping just one plant and composted the rest. I'm looking forward to seeing how that tall one turns out. Mine was definitely a short pheno, but it produced 8oz of quality bud plus 2 of pretty nice larf, so it's definitely a producer.

You might want to keep clones of each if you can, just until you can sample the end results.

Next grow I'm running a Defoliation Trial with 4 clones, they don't have to be from the biggest producer but it'd be nice.

I've got my cloner all set up to take 5 cuttings off each plant, I'm not sure if I'll take the cuttings on the first day of flower or wait until after week 3 of flower. Another week or two before I flip the switch to flower.


I've been vaping Kali Mist from plant 1 (canned to cure on October 20) and the high is getting stronger each day. Normally I wouldn't touch a plant until it's been curing for +4 weeks but I've been out of bud for the past month and I don't want to come out of pocket for anymore average weed.

There really is an opioid type of high, very relaxing, nothing matters, everything is OK.

This morning I had my first time shift high - I lost track of time, got the tingles. Excellent high that I think will strengthen over a long cure.


Some of my cans (1 gallon Cvaults) have cured to the point that there's a spice smell, no more fresh harvest hay smell.

This isn't a head spinning high like Sour Diesel, but it's strong like a warm cup of coffee. It's Saul Goodman.


The Kali Mist high is very clear but very strong at the same time. It's been 2 hours since my last hit and I can still feel the tingles and I'm very calm, nothing maters, all is good.


This is Serious Happiness just before going into flower. The foliage is very thick with an under coat of developing leaves.



After defoliation. I clip all the fan leaves with a stem but leave the developing leaves. Not as bare as Kali Mist.



My cloner in my veg tent. (200 watt led)

I only need 4 clones from one plant, I took ten cuttings from each of the 2 plants on the left. I'll throw out or give away the clones I don't need, I want to be sure I get enough clones from 1 plants for my defoliation trial.


I bought a new air pump from Amazon, fantastic air pressure.


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nice grow and journal,
I had a Kali cross 25 years ago. I can't remember what it was crossed with. I have grown hazes since then. I wouldn't have feed it so much, I would spread those girls out some more and I would reduce the light period down to under 10 gradually