fun shit while high?

ganja man23

Well-Known Member
i rode my bike once. it was pretty cool i guess. best thing for me has been watching americas funniest home videos on youtube. also unecessary cencorship from jimmy kimmel live. other fun things are the, sex, so on.


Well-Known Member
When I have a lot of time on my hands with nothing to do and plenty of weed, I whip out the Playstation and put on some Final Fantasy. I can get lost in that game for days.


Active Member
I like deep thinking.

One time i thought of how bad it would be for a pregnant woman to have a seizure.

it wasn't funny but a weird thing to think about lol.


Well-Known Member
funniest shit does happen when yer high

walkin to tbell and saw a kid i knew and his friends tole his truck and burned the fuck out in the lot..

then i was working security and i was high, and out of nowhere there formd a gay parade, i was freaking out, they were chanting some language or somthing crazy shit

then a bum come up to me with is stuffed dog on a leash and hes like man whats up d000d i got some lazzzagnia and im hungry man. i need a forK..

told him to go to the casinos
and 5 min later this fool came back, and he was like yo man u got any nakins? whie his hands were all red

^^ this is how high i am

riiidonkulous ...


Well-Known Member
i do a lot of thinking when im fukin high. one time i thought to myself how breakfast menus in restaurants have no vegetable in them and came up with a crazy solution about vegetables not being able to digest in the morning and shit. i thought to myself, im fukin smart:)


Well-Known Member
coming up with weird food to eat
play games (GTAIV FTW)

but my fav thing to do is slip on some headphones (gotta have the good ones, those foam ones all around your ear) and play some really good music. i got my 90s rap mix on


Well-Known Member
It's really dangerous and stupid to drive high. However I know this yet I can honestly say my favorite thing to do while high is drive, not ride, but drive.

It always so amazing the feel of the car, the vibrations, and I have an awesome stereo.

Get my favorite cd playing and just hit the road with a friend - never alone cuz who would I share my amazing thoughts with?

When I get high alone I tend to go online.