Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

the point was: a child is tested before they get behind the wheel of something pretty heavy that could take an innocent persons life, much less a gun.

Let’s just regulate everything. How about a lic to have kinds. You have to prove that you can afford them. How about drug testing people of gov assistance? Shouldn’t be partying if you ain’t working. See how crazy it can get
the point was: a child is tested before we allow them to get behind the wheel of something pretty heavy that could take an innocent persons life, much less a gun; everyone agrees and follows the rule..guns are just another animal but shouldn't be.
I'd say he was well trained, did everything by the book.
I'd say he was well trained, did everything by the book.

Except straw purchase his gun, then be a minor in possession, then head into the streets to play security guard, then kill someone and even if in self-defense, the actions perfectly fit the definition of reckless homicide and carries up to a 60 years sentence.

But, yeah, other than that, by the book.
Except straw purchase his gun, then be a minor in possession, then head into the streets to play security guard, then kill someone and even if in self-defense, the actions perfectly fit the definition of reckless homicide and carries up to a 60 years sentence.

But, yeah, other than that, by the book.
The charges are going to get dropped.
Let’s just regulate everything. How about a lic to have kinds. You have to prove that you can afford them. How about drug testing people of gov assistance? Shouldn’t be partying if you ain’t working. See how crazy it can get

but you don't see how crazy it can get without? laws and regs are a result of poor citizen behavior.
The charges are going to get dropped.

Maybe they will, but from a legal position and not a sympathizer position, he's likely guilty of the reckless homicide charge, both reckless endangerment charges, and the minor in possession charge, plus the enhancements. Probably not the intentional homicide charges, because being really stupid and reckless obviously isn't the same as planning a killing.
so now we like guns again? People being armed in the streets seems awfully okay on this page of the thread amongst the many many ones where it was criminal LARPing or whatever. hmmm more mental gymnastics eh? That look an awful lot like folks protecting the community, its okay now because theyre black?
you cry like a bitch non stop pedo boy
LOL LOL……………ya try that. View attachment 5025448
lmao what a dork. orange man really did a number on you guys, eh?

I almost didnt recognize the guy turned away in the picture without his makeup

so now we like guns again? People being armed in the streets seems awfully okay on this page of the thread amongst the many many ones where it was criminal LARPing or whatever. hmmm more mental gymnastics eh? That look an awful lot like folks protecting the community, its okay now because theyre black?
More of that trolling bullshit from you huh?

Like people have to have a problem with guns to not want domestic terrorists like the Boogaloo boys radicalizing kids like Rittenhouse terrorizing people in neighborhoods who are protesting because they are being pumped full of right wing propaganda.
try posting them again. 3rd times the charm.
No problem, here is some of them pointing guns at one another while playing right wing heroes.Screen Shot 2021-11-09 at 8.04.45 PM.pngScreen Shot 2021-11-09 at 8.05.27 PM.png
but you don't see how crazy it can get without? laws and regs are a result of poor citizen behavior.

Many gun control laws had an origin in keeping blacks from being armed. I'd say those laws were bad laws and the people who made them demonstrated poor overlord behavior.