Try a bandana or a 'buff'I have long hair and have noticed I’ve been shedding in the room. maybe time for a hair net cause a hats not cutting it.
I think I will. My hat has fallen off my head into the water bucket about 5 times now.Try a bandana or a 'buff'
I dropped my phone Into my 5gal pail full of water a couple days ago, slipped out of my hoodie pocket.... It survived!I think I will. My hat has fallen off my head into the water bucket about 5 times now.
Definetly the gnomes playing during lights outI don’t even think these are my hairs or my pets but almost seem like lint off clothes or something. They look like microscopic pubic hairs ( they aren’t) but in kinky appearance. Every time I dry sift I scrape up off table and find the occasional human or pet hair but later on when taking spoonfuls from the glass bowl it’s kept in and putting into its press I find these hairs. I keep the kief covered with plastic so I am confused where they are coming from.
I once flushed some keys to a work truck the same way, made for a extra long lunch hour!I dropped my phone Into my 5gal pail full of water a couple days ago, slipped out of my hoodie pocket.... It survived!
Lol gnomes jerkin the gherkenDefinetly the gnomes playing during lights out
Anyone who grows inside their house will probably have this happen at some point. I go to great lengths to keep it out of my tent, but it's hard with a dog around. I won't smoke one of my buddy's weed though, he has an absurd amount of cat hair in his weed. Commercial weed should be hair free though, as should taco bell burritos, but that's not always the case...
It happens sometimes. Just try to keep clean areas where you work with your material. All my intakes are run through a furnace filter Merv 8 or 6 before going into the grow area. I have long hair but wear a bandanna when working with the plants. Still find a rando here or there prob from off my clothes or whatever. Hair in your weed is like hair in your food.... Gross
Home air quality is important. Cleaning, dusting and vacuuming on a reg bases as well as changing furnace filters, cleaning ducts etc.I give a lot of my weed and the last thing that I want is to give away something with hair in it. That is my main concern actually
I use a baseball hat as it helps to contain your hair and also provides a shield from the bright lights (in addition to your sunglasses).