Stardawg, coming down next week 9 week

9 week cure the bud is really nice ,found that taste wise it's best picked just a little early not to early it was done full 9 week ,but I have pushed it to 10 in past.Just found over years some strains have a really nice taste if taken early livers an exodus was same.Buds are absolutely solid.This is last one ,only differenceI see through winter is odd purple hues in the leaf 20211115_183437.jpg20211115_182627.jpg20211115_182700.jpg
Plants look great. Mother looks great.
Nice pheno.
Must admit after doing that wonder pie ,I'm really looking forward to the chemical bride ,gsc is a auto.So be interesting to see what that turns our like ,got a grape auto I may do in spider farmer tent also .
The roots. They look good, just not a lot of root mass except on the corners.
Used auto pots with a weed barrier square on bottom with air ring from a pump in bottom.There was roots about 1 1/2 inch thick that pulled of when I lifted pot out .They was grown in auto pots, so the root mass was huge
Not really.
Explain why Jimmy, because don't look cosmetically perfect,they up too 12 ltrs of water a day ever 12 hour,plus it was top side what mattered.They was in auto pots I use a root barrier at the bottom to stop the ball cock getting blocked .It's placed in bottom of the pot,with a air stone under that.Has long has a plant produce beautifully tasting bud in large amounts,I don't see problem.The bottoms had roots they was caught up in the barrier ,if you use one you should know they cling to that ,it pulled of with air ring .I was happy with the amount I got from suckmh a small area.
Explain why Jimmy, because don't look cosmetically perfect,they up too 12 ltrs of water a day ever 12 hour,plus it was top side what mattered.They was in auto pots I use a root barrier at the bottom to stop the ball cock getting blocked .It's placed in bottom of the pot,with a air stone under that.Has long has a plant produce beautifully tasting bud in large amounts,I don't see problem.The bottoms had roots they was caught up in the barrier ,if you use one you should know they cling to that ,it pulled of with air ring .I was happy with the amount I got from suckmh a small area.
Heh heh, you said cock.
Wouldn't every 12 hours be twice a day? :p
No,the plants was up taking 12 ltr every 12 hour during lights on .They don't drink during lights off ,not much any how.The two phenos are both really nice looking forward to seeing more of that dark purple some of the leaf had,didn't notice it until I chopped got a nice hash run to do,put all the smaller buds to hash, so should get some nice black squidgy.
Selling more of these than bud at the minute,really nice.Love way they have come out and a great way of using those smaller buds up.Took me some time to find how to knock these up with out them ending up looking like crap .IMG_20211123_221010_512.jpgIMG_20211123_220818_234.jpgIMG_20211123_212814_909.jpg20211124_144459.jpg