Weed in Canada has ZERO value

How do you feed the recents floods aided in this happening... that's where you lost me lol.

Lots of grows in the Maple Ridge/Tri-Cities area and further out into the valley will have been underwater, and there are a few warehouses out in Richmond that probably got flooded out as well. Not a massive number but that combined with being cut-off from the interior may move prices, along with the border being open again. It's not a perfect/efficient market either so pricing can move just because buyers 'think' product might be more expensive in a month. Really hard to predict beyond the fact that it always goes up, then always goes down again. Repeat, ad-nauseum.
Lots of grows in the Maple Ridge/Tri-Cities area and further out into the valley will have been underwater, and there are a few warehouses out in Richmond that probably got flooded out as well. Not a massive number but that combined with being cut-off from the interior may move prices, along with the border being open again. It's not a perfect/efficient market either so pricing can move just because buyers 'think' product might be more expensive in a month. Really hard to predict beyond the fact that it always goes up, then always goes down again. Repeat, ad-nauseum.

I don't think much will change in the long run, there's already buyers here grabbing 1000's since last week and haven't seen any hints of price going up or even going dry. Personally don't think anything will change much until people are in their new jobs for a while and feel more financially more stable and then are willing to spend more on weed which I think will take a few years. I know a few who grew outdoors and go 10-15 OZ and are happy to smoke their own vs buying it. $100 per week is a car payment.
Gotta love the way they state " illegal cannabis "
Oh the stuff they grow and sell is perfectly ok though.
Yours is illegal but ours makes us cash so it's legal and ok.
So in other words we can do whatever we please and you will do as we say...... bottom line.
Doing business with slime like our government would make me want to kill myself honestly. The attitude of it's ok for us and not you makes me sick and hugely angry.
BOYCOTT or be a on your knee's pussy boot licker chicken shit douche bag.
The attitude of it's ok for us and not you makes me sick and hugely angry.
Sorry to break it to you, but that's pretty much what a market economy under the rule of some law is about.

If you want the full-on dog-eat-dog situation you need to found a country and run an anarcho-capitalist system. It's probably not going to work out for very long, though.

The deal is not "weed is just weed, do with it whatever you want". It's a taxed and regulated commodity. You cannot sell it on your own terms and expect to get away with it.

I think that Canadians sometimes need to remind themselves that they are living with the most liberal weed market in the world, by a margin.
Many of us think it stinks to high fucking hell.
There's nothing "liberal" about it here.
Go enjoy intercourse with yourself Euro boy....you know shit about it here.
We don't need you telling us shit!
Not gonna waste a minute telling you again how it is here.
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Go enjoy intercourse with yourself Euro boy....you know shit about it here.
I know plenty about it. You get to buy Cannabis in official stores. You get to grow 4 plants per person (more than enough for heavy consumers several times over).

That's way, way more progressive than what 99% of the world population enjoys.

But for you it's not enough. You want to play by your rules, everything else is BS and wrong.

It's not how democracies work.
I know plenty about it. You get to buy Cannabis in official stores. You get to grow 4 plants per person (more than enough for heavy consumers several times over).

That's way, way more progressive than what 99% of the world population enjoys.

But for you it's not enough. You want to play by your rules, everything else is BS and wrong.

It's not how democracies work.

Umm hate to break it to you, but it was more legal when it was illegal. Before legalization I don't know anyone who that got pulled over with a joint get a DUI and your car impounded any where from 3-30 days with having to pau $100's in towing/storage fees and $500+ to get your drivers license back.

Unless you were already on the radar for more hard core illegal things even if you got busted the Green Team would just break your bulbs and cut up your ballast wires and leave, no charges or arrests.

You could get access to cannabis from 100's of dispensaries vs a few legal ones here and there.

It was way easier to get a medical license.

Growing at home now majority of insurance comapnies will void your insurance if you grow you 4 legal plants EVEN if its in a shed out back.
Umm hate to break it to you, but it was more legal when it was illegal. Before legalization I don't know anyone who that got pulled over with a joint get a DUI and your car impounded any where from 3-30 days with having to pau $100's in towing/storage fees and $500+ to get your drivers license back.

Unless you were already on the radar for more hard core illegal things even if you got busted the Green Team would just break your bulbs and cut up your ballast wires and leave, no charges or arrests.

You could get access to cannabis from 100's of dispensaries vs a few legal ones here and there.

It was way easier to get a medical license.

Growing at home now majority of insurance comapnies will void your insurance if you grow you 4 legal plants EVEN if its in a shed out back.
He'll never get it cuz I can tell he's a knee dropping yes man. Does what his mommy and daddy tell him to do and licitly split too.
Probably works for the gov.
I could care less if his country is more restrictive. Maybe somebody there might care.
He thinks it's fine that the gov is worse than before. Put him on ignore.
Umm hate to break it to you, but it was more legal when it was illegal. Before legalization I don't know anyone who that got pulled over with a joint get a DUI and your car impounded any where from 3-30 days with having to pau $100's in towing/storage fees and $500+ to get your drivers license back.

Unless you were already on the radar for more hard core illegal things even if you got busted the Green Team would just break your bulbs and cut up your ballast wires and leave, no charges or arrests.

You could get access to cannabis from 100's of dispensaries vs a few legal ones here and there.

It was way easier to get a medical license.

Growing at home now majority of insurance comapnies will void your insurance if you grow you 4 legal plants EVEN if its in a shed out back.
A good description of the reality of today here. Getting worse too. In another 3 years trudy will figure his buddies investment needs more law enforcement to see them to fruition. He use every dead child and false narrative he can think up to crush the BM if he can.
FUCK HIM and euro knee dropper types
Growing at home now majority of insurance comapnies will void your insurance if you grow you 4 legal plants EVEN if its in a shed out back.

Where did you get this from? The Canadian insurance industry doesn't do this for a legal 4 plant grow. They'd get their ass handed to them in court. Have to call BS on this, friend. Sorry.
Where did you get this from? The Canadian insurance industry doesn't do this for a legal 4 plant grow. They'd get their ass handed to them in court. Have to call BS on this, friend. Sorry.

Well you better check you insurance as mine wont allow it. Some even have clauses for hydroponics gardening indoors.
I did before I posted. Are you referring to that Chilliwack case with the 300 plants? I'm just talking the legal 4 plants here. I talk to my Insurance agent every day as I'm married to her. ;)

No I had couple customers said their insurance forbig cannabs growing and indoor hydroponic garden and it was same company I use. I don't grow so haven't talked to my insurance agent but they had to go and shop around.
No I had couple customers said their insurance forbig cannabs growing and indoor hydroponic garden and it was same company I use. I don't grow so haven't talked to my insurance agent but they had to go and shop around.

You should find out from them. I know there was a lot of confusion in Insurance when Weed first became legal. I'm assuming BC "weeded out" the issues like AB did though.
Aqua is correct. This has been discussed here before and all agreed. DO not tell then you are if you call. Just ask if it would be okay if you started to grow. Say you are NOT currently.