Autos and photos in same tent?


My three autos are gonna be finishing up soon and i plan on starting my next grow of photos in the same tent. I want to start them in the small pots then transplant to 6 gallons when the autos are gone. I figured if i use domes to keep the RH high on seedlings they would be fine for a few weeks till autos finish. Has anyone tried this before or have any advice?image.jpg


Well-Known Member
My three autos are gonna be finishing up soon and i plan on starting my next grow of photos in the same tent. I want to start them in the small pots then transplant to 6 gallons when the autos are gone. I figured if i use domes to keep the RH high on seedlings they would be fine for a few weeks till autos finish. Has anyone tried this before or have any advice?View attachment 5031296
Your autos have many weeks to go. Domes aren't necessary. Those aren't small starting pots either. They'd do well with small starting pots.


Well-Known Member
yes autos and photos in same tent is fine, it;s all i do. Start a new seed every week or so, 12/12 from seed keeps them more manageable in a tent.

I actually take my seedlings outside to get sun, since tent is on at night, for the first month or until flowering. Plants love the sun, be aware of bugs though if doing that, not a recommendation
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