Green line organics seed bank

From what I gather his mother is not doing well. Heart wrenching times having a parentage fight for life

All he has to do is refund people and say sorry, can’t ship right now.
No excuse to hold peoples money to the point that theyre worried they got frauded.
This was eventually going to happen, and if it doesn’t happen now and he pops back up then it’ll happen to others down the road.
Anyone willing to pay him money after reading this thread shouldn’t be surprised If they get stiffed.
Good luck tho to those involved. Sucks to get robbed.
I ordered and paid for a pack of Strayfox's fems. Not a peep since paying a few weeks ago. If I lose 70 so be it. I have made way more than That reselling on Strainly. I am sad to see him go
Buying wholesale was very nice while it lasted.
Having family issues or even just needing some personal time is totally understandable, but when he’s still letting people place orders, still sending out emails for deals/invoices(when most orders would get canceled if not paid in 12 hours if using a card, or however long he gave people to send cash), and hasn’t shipped out orders(or at least the majority of them) for almost a month(even longer from what it seems like) in my opinion the least he could’ve done was given not only loyal customers that have stuck their necks out but also new customers a heads up. Can almost 100% guarantee that the vast majority of his consistent customers and even some newer customers would totally understand(especially in times like this).

Just being honest saying this, in no way shape or form am i anywhere near the same stratosphere as him when it comes to success with a business, but honestly anyone that has any business experience would probably agree with me when i say that from hearing others experience’s his customer service seems to definitely leave something to be desired(which is definitely putting it lightly to say the least). So after this if he does get things running again it wouldn’t shock me one bit that he would have an extremely hard time generating orders again(at least consistently). Definitely not wishing that on him, because he honestly was always real cool to me, never was rude to me, and has done me solid multiple times. Don’t think i could bring myself to take a chance ordering through him after what happened with this past order though. Especially after recommending him to someone that had extreme reservations, placed an order, grows for medical needs, and he dropped close to 1000.
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what a fucking asshole this guy is smh

he can come back to take more orders but wont answer any questions about all the orders he hasn’t shipped

and now his site is offline

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“I gotta get back on track mentally” - while taking on more shit. Bet this is all an exit scam and in the next month we’ll see someone with suspiciously similar seed stock on strainly. Sorry, beating a dead horse I just hope this dude gets what coming to him.
20% of the population experiences serious mental illness within a given year. If you guys know someone who has been diagnosed with Bipolar 1, then his behavior makes sense.
Lol same ole Glo with or without covid. He's ran this back n forth drama on folks for almost 10 years lol. I don't get why he doesn't shut down the website when he goes on vacation. Guess it must be nice to hold on to people's cash like that, just as long as he makes it right. He wouldn't send me invoices long before this new story but I cant support people like him