Weird stuff while tripping


Well-Known Member
Hello guys i have taken acid multiple times and almost every time a weird stuff happens at the peak or when the most intense part is. It feels like some beings/aliens wanna pull my soul from my body out in the sky or they wanna take my soul out of my body. For example i was reading a book called "life is a gift" really nice book full of wisdom, reading this book on acid felt elevating and very eye opening but at the same time an energy "god knows" where it was coming from felt like it was pulling me out of my body and that it was intentionally wanna stop me from absorbing good informstion. Most of this stuff usually happens in the most intense moment when it feels like "i get enlightened" i dont wanna say i really get even dough it feels like it in that. Maybe is just my misinterpretation? Anyone ever had similar kind of stuff?
If you fully let go at the peak after taking a few good tabs of L, I can guaruntee you can fully leave your body if you close your eyes and become un-grounded. One of my most intense experiences happened this way. I saw a mirror image of myself, trying to pull my own self into a black hole. I’m sure if I fully let go at that point I would have had a better time but it was too frightening.
Shit bro, I thought you meant like weird shit happening like involving other people or a series of events.

Like one time me and a group of friends were partying drinking and few of us tripping. Im one of the ones tripping. After a few hours we noticed some dude there just chilling in our little circle in the living room.

We ask dude who the hell he was and he said he was just walking by and heard us partying and came inside to see whats good?! We about beat dude's ass lmao but just told him to hit the bricks.

Or a different time a buddy went into a fire to get his wallet back because some dick told him they threw it in. He got 3rd degree burns from that one.

All kinds of weird shit if you're 16-19 frying balls in public. Good times.
Shit bro, I thought you meant like weird shit happening like involving other people or a series of events.

Like one time me and a group of friends were partying drinking and few of us tripping. Im one of the ones tripping. After a few hours we noticed some dude there just chilling in our little circle in the living room.

We ask dude who the hell he was and he said he was just walking by and heard us partying and came inside to see whats good?! We about beat dude's ass lmao but just told him to hit the bricks.

Or a different time a buddy went into a fire to get his wallet back because some dick told him they threw it in. He got 3rd degree burns from that one.

All kinds of weird shit if you're 16-19 frying balls in public. Good times.
almost everytime when i take it it feels like my appearance is becomeing more beautifull/brighter, is really hard to look normal when taking it even if u dont act weird. One time it feelt like kids were following me mezmerized by my warm presence, or girls were looking at me, anyway wonderfull substance!
Shit bro, I thought you meant like weird shit happening like involving other people or a series of events.

Like one time me and a group of friends were partying drinking and few of us tripping. Im one of the ones tripping. After a few hours we noticed some dude there just chilling in our little circle in the living room.

We ask dude who the hell he was and he said he was just walking by and heard us partying and came inside to see whats good?! We about beat dude's ass lmao but just told him to hit the bricks.

Or a different time a buddy went into a fire to get his wallet back because some dick told him they threw it in. He got 3rd degree burns from that one.

All kinds of weird shit if you're 16-19 frying balls in public. Good times.
"Frying balls" haven't heard that in a bit :lol:
I only did acid in between 1996 and 2000 so my lingo is a bit dated.
My first experience was @ '89-90 I must be dated :grin: .. Last real acid I acquired was purple gel caps in 2000 . My ol' had never tripped , needless to say I gave her the first hit. I swear after @ 30 seconds , she turned to me to say something .. I SMELLED THE ACID.. All I thought was "Oh SHIT , she's gonna be trippin ball's. Sorry for the novel.
First did acid in '93. Peak hit in my bedroom watching a cartoon drawing of me just explode into different shapes and faces, colours, all 3D. Remember like it was yesterday. Many, many stories since that Trip. Since im still tripping 28 years later.


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Shit bro, I thought you meant like weird shit happening like involving other people or a series of events.

Like one time me and a group of friends were partying drinking and few of us tripping. Im one of the ones tripping. After a few hours we noticed some dude there just chilling in our little circle in the living room.

We ask dude who the hell he was and he said he was just walking by and heard us partying and came inside to see whats good?! We about beat dude's ass lmao but just told him to hit the bricks.

Or a different time a buddy went into a fire to get his wallet back because some dick told him they threw it in. He got 3rd degree burns from that one.

All kinds of weird shit if you're 16-19 frying balls in public. Good times.
why would you kick his ass, ive met some great people who just sat down to enjoy the vibes
Normally when strangers partied with uson LSD they would bail out not being able to take it anymore.