HELP!!! Autos not looking good with slow growth.

Im just pushing my photos to 1500ppm and they are 4ft plus so pretty big. Over a month into flower. Hope this gives sort of a referance, someone grows just autos on here, cant remember who. Autodr maybe? They should be able to give auto referance, havent grown the new good autos.
Thx imma look him up. I stared 2 photos a wk and half. It doesn't seem worth it to go through the trouble for autos imo.
Im new to this, all of it. Not big on social dont have it and new to growing lol. Im not sure how to do it.
I'm not trying to be a dick.........sorry.
When you upload the pics you have an option to do full size or thumbnails before you place them in the post.
Full size are ok if there are only a couple.