“Bleach” in hydro systems


Well-Known Member
Kind of. I'm using Blumats, but still hand watering to waste every other day or so. Someone said .1 / L, but I used less than a ML for 15 gallons because I was scared.
I meant .1 / gallon. I think. I forget. I looked it up before I attempted.


Well-Known Member
Surely there’s nicer ways to discuss opinions and realise we all have different views, opinions and ideas? I just read this whole thread and now I’m picturing everyone as kids in a playground that argue without any idea what they’re hearing or saying because they want to be the alpha person? I joined the forum to gain and share information with friendly fellow growers and I’m doubtful I found the right place . I’m sure I’ll get someone criticising this or accusing me of some agenda.
Sure there is, but do you have any idea how fucking boring that would be? That aside you’ve definitely found the right place, there’s so many amazing growers willing to help you out around here.


Well-Known Member
Surely there’s nicer ways to discuss opinions and realise we all have different views, opinions and ideas? I just read this whole thread and now I’m picturing everyone as kids in a playground that argue without any idea what they’re hearing or saying because they want to be the alpha person? I joined the forum to gain and share information with friendly fellow growers and I’m doubtful I found the right place . I’m sure I’ll get someone criticising this or accusing me of some agenda.
I'm cool with everybody, until they give me a reason not to be. I'm also more than willing to help, and share ideas and opinions, but if you come off like a douche', then expect touche'. Lol


Well-Known Member
Haha, I love that two people responding to me with positive feedback and offering help and advice then the thread goes straight back to abuse it’s actually lightened my thoughts on what seemed like everyone bitching… I’ll leave you to it


Well-Known Member
Just to be clear, I’m not interested in teaching, not enough patience. I am interested in learning, and to do that on the interwebs, separating the wheat from the chaffe is critical. The interwebs have soo much chaffe! I have vetted a few people in this thread and have found them wanting.
There’re have also been some I would learn from.
Let’s puff and be friends.