***DAT's Art Cave***

Probably but I have no motivation . I need to meet someone to help me.

Sad to hear that Doc , you have always been so immersed and creative. Fuck that no motivation, that's a death sentence to a truly creative person like you. Those dark winds blow everywhere on everybody......power through that bad head , get yourself out there ........., do not get in that quicksand. It's a struggle, I empathize. Only you know your situation. " Take the bull by the horns" and crack on. Try professional help if needed, what ever it takes. Lots of beautiful shells , surf and azure sky waiting for you !
Sad to hear that Doc , you have always been so immersed and creative. Fuck that no motivation, that's a death sentence to a truly creative person like you. Those dark winds blow everywhere on everybody......power through that bad head , get yourself out there ........., do not get in that quicksand. It's a struggle, I empathize. Only you know your situation. " Take the bull by the horns" and crack on. Try professional help if needed, what ever it takes. Lots of beautiful shells , surf and azure sky waiting for you !
Thanks for words of wisdom. I will keep pressing on with my shells and the completed ones will wrap them up for now because I am moving next month . I will keep my eyes and ears open for possible connections and places to exhibit. I haven’t even lived here a year yet so shouldn’t be hard on myself but my stuff is piling up and I hate storing things.

that last wood and shell painting I did I really didn’t like . So decided to take it apart by pulling the wood circles
Off the canvas. I was trying something different but just didn’t sit right with me. Today I created this one with the little wood circles . I like it ALOT better. Plus it goes with my other work so much more. Today I was organizing my jewelry making kit and put together some new shark earrings.We are headed to the Keys in 2 weeks! I will be collecting some new shells down there.
Thanks for stopping by. I appreciate your insights. AC0735D3-9C72-4FFA-8929-9367CA228F10.jpeg
dont you know any women who you can trust to help you?? thats what i did with the exhabitions i do, but you need to realy trust them.
I have only been here 10 months and haven’t been out very much because of the pandemic. I am hoping to meet some people to direct me in the right place if I am fortunate enough. Also checking out different towns and the vibes . I will keep my ears and eyes open and hope for the best. Maybe someone in the Keys will be a key to opening a door for me. That would be very cool.
Thanks for words of wisdom. I will keep pressing on with my shells and the completed ones will wrap them up for now because I am moving next month . I will keep my eyes and ears open for possible connections and places to exhibit. I haven’t even lived here a year yet so shouldn’t be hard on myself but my stuff is piling up and I hate storing things.

that last wood and shell painting I did I really didn’t like . So decided to take it apart by pulling the wood circles
Off the canvas. I was trying something different but just didn’t sit right with me. Today I created this one with the little wood circles . I like it ALOT better. Plus it goes with my other work so much more. Today I was organizing my jewelry making kit and put together some new shark earrings.We are headed to the Keys in 2 weeks! I will be collecting some new shells down there.
Thanks for stopping by. I appreciate your insights. View attachment 5028546
Quite the presentation! The 'hors d'oeuvres look stupendous.....why is it so much of your work makes me hungry. Beautifully earthly !