Autoflower, 20 days old, am using fox farm ocean forest, not giving any thing else just water, please help

At that size, you should just use a pump sprayer and lightly water around the seedling in that size pot. With a small container you can get away with soaking it.
It would be a good idea to check your PH and also look for a calibration issues if you do PH when watering. In my experience it is kind of hard to oversaturate. Hell, I accidentally ran 2x nutes at 14 days the other day so had to run about a half-gallon of PH water through my medium in solo cups to fix it. They did not miss a beat. As long as you don't have a lagoon going on for days you should be fine.
Yeah looking like too much water At that size, maybe a few shot glasses worth of water

got a fan blowing on it too?
I’m running autos with ffof too.. you add extra perlite to your soil mix? Add anything to the foff for that matter?
Agreed with Auto doctor. They look really young. My recent grow day 15 in organic soil. When did you start counting days from?

KB and SSH day 15 from sprout.jpg
Ocean Forest is FAR too "hot" for seedlings.

I too have heard that.. but I am currently running 4 without issue in FFOF, EWC and I even added 4-4-4 dr earth in the mix too

tap root after 24-36 hours and right into a solo with that mix of FFOF, EWC, more perlite (drainage) and 444