What is causing this leaf issue?


Well-Known Member
Is this light induced? Two random bag seeds growing side by side. Possibly 2 different strains. One has this condition and the other one doesn't. Spider Farmer LED sf2000 in a 2x4x5. Currently 28" above canopy (raised from 24" this morning). Dimmed from 40% to 35% also. Maintaining about 60%RH and 75 degrees. Don't want to starve them of light but don't want to BBQ them either. Am I on the right track here or not? Thanks.



Well-Known Member
Dim to 75% and see if any difference,Seems pointless to have a strong light and dim it to 35%.


Well-Known Member
Raising temp over 80 not very doable in my situation. Dropped RH to low 50s. Raised light a couple more inches. Left dimmer alone for now. No noticeable change in the edge upcurl after 2 days. Again this is only happening to one of two plants. Suppose maybe I will try increasing intensity as originally suggested and see what results that has. My hesitancy of going this route was due to the fact that most of my searches on the topic indicate a heat or light stress defense mechanism. I will need to become a bit more adept at reading some of these clues as future attempts at growing different strains will likely present basic indicators of cause and effect. Thanks for the input.


Well-Known Member
Raising temp over 80 not very doable in my situation. Dropped RH to low 50s. Raised light a couple more inches. Left dimmer alone for now. No noticeable change in the edge upcurl after 2 days. Again this is only happening to one of two plants. Suppose maybe I will try increasing intensity as originally suggested and see what results that has. My hesitancy of going this route was due to the fact that most of my searches on the topic indicate a heat or light stress defense mechanism. I will need to become a bit more adept at reading some of these clues as future attempts at growing different strains will likely present basic indicators of cause and effect. Thanks for the input.
Thats all you can do,change something and see.Good luck,everybody room is different so keep playing around.


Well-Known Member
Pics of both showing leaf issue on only one. Thing 2 was always a bit runty compared to thing 1 but seems to be catching up and maybe surpassing. Topped both a week ago. Both broke ground on 10/28. Both have gotten two 1/2 strength feedings of fox farm big bloom over the last two weeks. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Plant looks good. I don’t think the spectrum is that good when dimmed to 35%?? Small tent so environmental must be hard to keep consistent? Over water and root problems can also show like that. By I think it’s really nothing and it will grow out. Young plant maybe a little fussy.


Well-Known Member
Thank Myke. I don't think overwatering or roots are an issue. Recently transplanted to 5 gal and roots were white and abundant. Bumping up intensity and we'll see what happens. Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
Do you know what your leaf temps are at that level? What kind of ventilation and circulation fans do you have running?


Well-Known Member
I have a small tower fan that was blowing on low speed along the tent wall for circulation thought maybe wind burn although it wasn't directed on the plants. I have access to an IR temp gun I could check tomorrow and relay findings. Ventilation is ac infinity at half speed so about 100 cfm. So roughly 2 air changes per minute. Not sure if I mentioned above but the tent is 2x4x5. I did swap places with the plants to see if the unaffected one would show symptoms. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Checked leaf temps. Both plants showing 69.5. Tent is about 73.5 (thermometer/hygrometer above and to one side of the the light near exhaust duct). Using cool mist humidifier in the tent and wondered if using tap water can land chlorine on the leaves so using filtered now. Supposedly it strips out chlorine but I let it sit out for good measure. A second humidifier (evaporative in the room with the tent) just found the media crusty after only a month and not absorbing water so my RH dropped to 46 today. Apparently I will need to maintain the media on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. House RH is in the low 30s now but the grow room is small and RH has been quite manageable at least until the evaporative took a dump. Thanks.

go go kid

Well-Known Member
Checked leaf temps. Both plants showing 69.5. Tent is about 73.5 (thermometer/hygrometer above and to one side of the the light near exhaust duct). Using cool mist humidifier in the tent and wondered if using tap water can land chlorine on the leaves so using filtered now. Supposedly it strips out chlorine but I let it sit out for good measure. A second humidifier (evaporative in the room with the tent) just found the media crusty after only a month and not absorbing water so my RH dropped to 46 today. Apparently I will need to maintain the media on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. House RH is in the low 30s now but the grow room is small and RH has been quite manageable at least until the evaporative took a dump. Thanks.
to get rid of chlorine in the water, boil it up first and leave it for 24 hrs, i believe that rids chlorine and chloramines. thats what you do to drinking water

go go kid

Well-Known Member
yes ,it was more to do with the chloramine realy, but it was recomended to clear drinking water on a site i visated ,they also mentioned putting in direct sunlight too, just remembered tha, thanx, you jogged my memory

go go kid

Well-Known Member
can you use sodium metabisulphite used in steralizing wine and beer making equipment, they were saying 1 tablet would do 50 galons of drinking water, minimal sodium content in the water at that dose.
i ask because it may have been for river water and dont want to confuse the readers


Well-Known Member
can you use sodium metabisulphite used in steralizing wine and beer making equipment, they were saying 1 tablet would do 50 galons of drinking water, minimal sodium content in the water at that dose.
i ask because it may have been for river water and dont want to confuse the readers
Sodium Metabisulphite is used in the brewing and pub trade as a steriliser. It is what they clean the lines in a pub with, it is often called Campden Tablets. It is perfectly safe for anything.


Well-Known Member
to get rid of chlorine in the water, boil it up first and leave it for 24 hrs, i believe that rids chlorine and chloramines. thats what you do to drinking water
"Boiling speeds up the evaporation of Chloramine from tap water significantly, but it still remains a relatively slow process. You’ll need to boil 10 gallons of water for at least an hour to completely remove 1 mg/L (milligram per Liter) of Chloramine. Therefore it’s not feasible to try and boil Chloramine out of larger volumes of tap water."

Good luck!