Another leaf issue


Well-Known Member
This started small and has become more pronounced over the last week. Started out looking like bleached splatter on a a dark cloth and has progressed to this. Definitely getting worse. So far only on the large fan leaves. The affected leaves are noticeably darker green and glossy compared to the rest of the plant. Browsing around I'm beginning to suspect rust fungus. Any remedial suggestions before I start hacking and discarding the affected leaves? Another plant in this tent shows no symptoms. Soil is 50/50 Happy frog and Ocean Forest.


Well-Known Member
Not sure what the above post means. Under a loupe it didn't look like the pic above. Wasn't raised up from the leaf. If anything it appeared slightly depressed or level with the leaf surface. I did remove the affected leaves. Weird thing was the affected leaves were also very glossy as if they had been waxed and much darker green than the rest. We'll see how it does. Apologies for the picture fail. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Not sure what the above post means. Under a loupe it didn't look like the pic above. Wasn't raised up from the leaf. If anything it appeared slightly depressed or level with the leaf surface. I did remove the affected leaves. Weird thing was the affected leaves were also very glossy as if they had been waxed and much darker green than the rest. We'll see how it does. Apologies for the picture fail. Thanks.
Probably isn't rust fungus if it isn't raised up. If it's a deficiency, then you need to consider adding nutrients. If it's an excess, then you may be able to flush the potting mix with a lot of water. The potting mix you are using has a reputation of not needing supplemental nutrients for a period of time. Dark green leaves can be caused by too much nitrogen. A common problem is overwatering, make sure you let the potting mix dry out.


Well-Known Member
I gathered that ocean forest was pretty hot nutrient wise. Thought cutting it with happy frog would temper that issue. May be part of the dark green issue and in addition I've introduced fox farms grow big 1/2 strength. It has 6% nitrogen. 3 feedings over the last week and half I'd say. Total nitrogen of the OF and HF is 0.3% each. Don't think I've overwatered but I could be mistaken. 1/2 dose may be overkill? I'm into 4th or 5th week of veg.