I hate seeds!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I hate seeds cuz i have tried the paper towel method and had no sucsses in germinating my seeds. I have been thru over 30 and only have had one sprought out of the 30 and i just have 5 left over from all the seeds i have.

Im here cuz i needs sum advice on germinateing theese seeds. Im going to try the paper towel method again and also soaking them in a cup of warm water for 12hrs and them placing them in the RW cube.

I have been using distilled water with one drop of superthrive and also put in a root excellorater and phed to 5.8. I dont know if putting the root stimulater is a good thing but may be u know.

After soaking my cube in the soln and after the seeds have been germinating and have the tap root cuming out i put the seeds in the RW and place them in a tray/dome on a heating pad.

This is as far as they get, they allways sprout with the tap root cuming out but the just stop growing after that. Even with them still in the papertowel. I use the paper towel method with it in a zip-lock bag on a heating pad and once the sprout they go into the presoaked RW.

I thought of just presoaking my cube and sticking them in the RW cubes after soaking the seeds in a warm cup of distilled water with a drop of superthrive phed to 5.8

I cant figure out WTF im doing wromg, ihave been thru so many seeds with no luck and i only have 5 left. If theese fuckers die then i will have to order sum more seeds and spend more $$$$$. The money is not the problem it the fucking seeds not sprouting.

Please give me any advice on getting my seeds to spruot. I will try a few differant ways just to get them ubove ground.

- Styl!st :confused:



Well-Known Member
Dont use any chemicals. Just plain water with paper towel keeping them very wet and then place them somewhere dark and work like ontop of a steroe in a rack or something......Use a small plate and put in the paper towels, then cover them with another paper towel, then put another plate ontop to make it dark and almost seal it up so to speak...then place the plate somewhere dark and warm and wait for 48 hours up to 5 or 6 days sometimes......

No need to soak or use ANY chemicals or anything......

You can also take a very small pot, put some soil in and bury seed maybe 1/2 inch deep in the soil....keep soil moist at all times and either under a light or again in wark dark place.....the seeds have all the energy they need stored inside them to sprout and grow a root....they only need water and warmth to "kick" start it.....after the seed sprouts and grows a root its out of stored energy now and will now need light, water, food..ect....but this is ONLY after the sprouting and main root is grown......


Well-Known Member
what are you doing wrong? That is how it works.

Maybe do with out the superthrive and root excel. These wouldn't really hurt your seedlings I would think but those are expensive and you should save them for veg when your plants can use it.

It looks like you are using good seeds and all so I don't know. How long are you letting them sit in the paper towel?

Try this: Get a towel, get it wet with tap water, fold it in quarters, put 10 seeds in it, wait a few days and check. I don't see what the problem is. Leave it in a dark cupboard. No dome or light or anything. Just keep the paper towel wet with tapwater. I usually see taproots within 2 days. It may take up to 2 weeks but it you don't see anything after 2 weeks your seeds are non viable. I don't think all those greenhouse seeds would be bad? I don;t know. Good luck


Well-Known Member
what are you doing wrong? That is how it works.

Maybe do with out the superthrive and root excel. These wouldn't really hurt your seedlings I would think but those are expensive and you should save them for veg when your plants can use it.

It looks like you are using good seeds and all so I don't know. How long are you letting them sit in the paper towel?

Try this: Get a towel, get it wet with tap water, fold it in quarters, put 10 seeds in it, wait a few days and check. I don't see what the problem is. Leave it in a dark cupboard. No dome or light or anything. Just keep the paper towel wet with tapwater. I usually see taproots within 2 days. It may take up to 2 weeks but it you don't see anything after 2 weeks your seeds are non viable. I don't think all those greenhouse seeds would be bad? I don;t know. Good luck
i wass just about to post that exact same message about paper towel folding in quarter.. ziplock bag, warm dark place.. ha


Well-Known Member
I've had troubles with the seeds of one particular strain. They would just crack, and then immediately ran out of juice to keep going. I was unable to find a solution to that problem, and it was just the one strain. In other words, it may not just be the OP doing something wrong, there could be an issue with the viability of the seeds. A friend of mine says he uses a very mild nutrient solution (this is NOT Superthrive), but I had no luck using that method getting any more of those seeds to pop fully and grow.


Well-Known Member
Dont use any chemicals. Just plain water with paper towel keeping them very wet and then place them somewhere dark and work like ontop of a steroe in a rack or something......Use a small plate and put in the paper towels, then cover them with another paper towel, then put another plate ontop to make it dark and almost seal it up so to speak...then place the plate somewhere dark and warm and wait for 48 hours up to 5 or 6 days sometimes......

No need to soak or use ANY chemicals or anything......
Sweet i will try that next time. Im going to start in the morning and see how it goes.

Maybe do with out the superthrive and root excel. These wouldn't really hurt your seedlings I would think but those are expensive and you should save them for veg when your plants can use it.
Yeah theese are very exspensive and i will leave them out next time. Thanx for the info

It looks like you are using good seeds and all so I don't know. How long are you letting them sit in the paper towel?
I hope theese are good seeds cuz they cost a fuck load, I have been letting theese germ. for 2-7 days or more.

nice mondi dome you got there.
Thanx bro, i have an xtra one if u want it.:lol:

I've had troubles with the seeds of one particular strain. They would just crack, and then immediately ran out of juice to keep going.
I have the same problem and they just run out of mojo and stop growing.I wish this was a one type of strain thing but i have about 10 differant strains. I dont think all 10 strains have a problem germing, i think its me fucking them all up.IMO

i wass just about to post that exact same message about paper towel folding in quarter.. ziplock bag, warm dark place.. ha
I have done that method too and i seem to have fuct that one too.LOL

i just use plain water for the first few weeks. :/
Yeah im going to do that with my next batch of seeds.

Ok Guy thanx for the all the usefull info. I will try to give it another go and this time i will use only water and the paper towel on the plate method. I will place 2 seeds on the warm plate with only distilled water on the paper towel and give it 2 days or so. I will be up dateing this every day too.

I was wondering when can i star to use H202 in my water when feeding my plants?

Once the tap root appears, how far down in the RW cube do i place the seed?

How wet does the RW cube have to be we the seeds is placed in the cube?

I forgot to add this lil info in the 1st post, This is a HYDRO grow useing RW and NO SOIL will be used. I hate RW but i want to get this method down to the T.

- Styl!st bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I agree, no chemicals yet. Plain water.
Well thanx for ur opinion bro.

Im going to place a paper towel on a plate and with a bowl over it and place the 2 seeds in between the paper after i warm the plate and paper towel. Then give it a lil more water as needed in btween the 2 days of germing.

Is there anything i missed, please ad ur coments.......

- Styl!st


Well-Known Member
Well thanx for ur opinion bro.

Im going to place a paper towel on a plate and with a bowl over it and place the 2 seeds in between the paper after i warm the plate and paper towel. Then give it a lil more water as needed in btween the 2 days of germing.

Is there anything i missed, please ad ur coments.......

- Styl!st
I skip the plate and bowl and just put the paper towel in a baggie and set it on the cable box or internet modem.


Well-Known Member
I've used coffee filters and plastic ziploc bags to get mine to sprout before.

Just get it damp with the seeds you want to germinate folded up inside put them in the bad zip it closed and put it in a dark place.


Well-Known Member
I skip the plate and bowl and just put the paper towel in a baggie and set it on the cable box or internet modem.
I must have done sumthing wrong win i done it,cuz htey all sprouted but once the tap root cums out it just stops grow any longer. I have left them in the twoel for 4-5 days a they just stop moving. Even if i transplant them to RW right after they crack and wait a few days and still no roots.

- Styl!st


Well-Known Member
I must have done sumthing wrong win i done it,cuz htey all sprouted but once the tap root cums out it just stops grow any longer. I have left them in the twoel for 4-5 days a they just stop moving. Even if i transplant them to RW right after they crack and wait a few days and still no roots.

- Styl!st
You can't grow them in the paper towel. Once they sprout you gotta move it along.

So if I understand, your problem has nothing to do with seeds it is really about keeping a seedling alive?


Well-Known Member
I've used coffee filters and plastic ziploc bags to get mine to sprout before.
I have never used coffee filters, thats the 1st time i have hered of that one. All theese method sound the same to me just useing differant types of paper to soak them.

Can i over water theese seeds if the paper is too wet?

Can i kill the the seeds if the heatmat is too hot?

Will H202 kill seeds if put in water to water the seeds?

- Styl!st


Well-Known Member
danm yeah just us plain water hopfully they work >_<
good luck bro
Yep that what everbody has been saying!!!!!!!!

You can't grow them in the paper towel. Once they sprout you gotta move it along.
This is not my 1st rodeo, I know u cant grow plants in a paper towel but thanx for pointing that out.

So if I understand, your problem has nothing to do with seeds it is really about keeping a seedling alive?
Nope u have mis understood my writeings. The problem i haveing is get theese lil seeds to keep going after the sprout and keep going. Once they crack and the tap root cums out they just stop germinating...........



Well-Known Member
Yep that what everbody has been saying!!!!!!!!

Nope u have mis understood my writeings. The problem i haveing is get theese lil seeds to keep going after the sprout and keep going. Once they crack and the tap root cums out they just stop germinating...........

Well if the seed puts out a tap root it has done its job perfectly. It is up to you after that.