I hate seeds!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
My White Widow has pop in 48hrs :clap:

Im so happy, but i need to know what i should do next?

I have uncover the RW cube and put her in the tray with the dome over it to keep the humidity and heat inside.

How much water do i need to add with out over watering this seedling?

How long do i need to leave the dome on the tray?

This way of germinating is soooo much easyer than haveing to mess with transplanthing the seeds to the cubes. I will be doing all of my seeds this way from now on. Thank you ppl for all the differant way of germinating and info for this stage of growing. I wish i wood have had enough cents to do this the 1st 20 times.:lol:

Now all i need to do is keep this lil bitch going and not to over water or under water her.

I m going to transplant her to a flood/drain system but not untill she is ready. I have 3 differant types of mediums to use in the system.


Please give me ur opinions on with medium u wood use and with woo the easiest to use as a 1st timer in HYDRO. I will be useing 6" pot in a flood/drain system with a 400w MH light 24/7. Im using Fox Farm nutes too. I will be useing just distilled water for the 1st few weeks.

Should i be useing H202 in my water at this point? Or even superthrive at this point?

Im sooooo f*cking xcited at this point, I hope i dont herme this female seed and end up with a male in my grow room. That wood suck. :wall:

- Styl!st


Well-Known Member
Where are you getting this idea to use H202?? You do not need to use H202 unless you are getting root rot.


Well-Known Member
Exactly, just use water only.

Do you guys soak your seeds first and are they suppose to float or sink if they are good..bad?? How long so you soak then for?

I am assuming this would apply to all types of seeds correct not just cannabis??


yah finally got one to sprout.you got some nice strains it would be a waste to kill them all i would comment but you got a lot of good info already so i want clog up your thread just want to see some lovely strains come thru.

congrats on the sprout now keep it going

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
i didn't read through your whole thread, but this is what i do. i use a paper towel like you. it doesn't need to be dripping wet, but not too dry either. i use a gallon zip-lock bag. i get a heating pad and put the paper towel (no seeds) and the bag on top of the pad. i use a bath towel as a cover for the heating pad. i put a temp. gauge on top of the ziplock, and fold the towel over that. if the temp. is too hot, i put another layer of the towel over the heating pad. i keep doing this until i get a constant temp. of around 82-85 degrees. when i get that temp. the seeds go in the towel. blow it up with air too, forgot to mention. check every 12 hours. if the towel gets too dry, use the condensation in the bag to re-wet the paper towel. if needed, add more water. i almost always see a tap root in less than 24 hours. when the tap root is about 1/2 inch long i put them in whatever medium i'm using. i use r/o water to do this, but i don't ph it. it really isn't necessary. proper ph is needed for the plant to uptake the necessary nutrients. for the first couple weeks the plant is feeding from the cotyledons. but i do ph for whatever medium i'm using once the seedlings go into it.


Well-Known Member
Where are you getting this idea to use H202?? You do not need to use H202 unless you are getting root rot.
Please dont cum in here telling me crap like this. I have read ur profile and u cant even get seeds to sprout either. U have only been growing for a few weeks now and already u act like ur an expert in on this site. Untill u have a REAL plant or dank nugs then u can post shit like that in my thread. U also said THIS IS A LEARNING EXPERIENCE and u will take all the help u need. Do u even have that lil seedling growing any more? U prolly killed over like the rest of them!!!!!!!!!

About the coment about H202. Have u even got to use H202 in ur grow? Prooly not since u have not even got past the seedling stage. If i had root rot it wood be to late to cure it cuz a seedsling does not need much to go wrong for it to kill over. Im sure u allready know that since u cant get them to say alive for very long. Useing H202 before sumthing goes wrong wood be btter than wait for sum to go wrong.

Please dont post in here unless u have sumthing to back up in ur own grow. This is ur 1st grow and it seems that u cant even get things going. U proll dont even own a bottle of H202 or even used it before!!!! And ur telling me how and when i should use it, I think u need to read and grow a lil more u start posting on this site, BUD cuz Im going easy on u and there are a few ppl in here that wood tare u a new hole,BUD........

One day u might get a plant like this :cuss:

Exactly, just use water only.
Sweet, Im useing just distilled water at the moment!!!

Do you guys soak your seeds first and are they suppose to float or sink if they are good..bad?? How long so you soak then for?
I dont soak my seeds but there are a few ppl that do. I use either a paper towel or just plant them straight in the medium. I think it works better for me to just plant them straight in the RW cube and wait for it to sprout. It seems to be lees stress and much easyer for me, but otheres will say that the paper is better cuz u can see exactly whats going on.

I am assuming this would apply to all types of seeds correct not just cannabis??
Still have not grow anything but cannabis at the monent.

Al most as gay as this guy........LIMPSHOT

yah finally got one to sprout.you got some nice strains it would be a waste to kill them all i would comment but you got a lot of good info already so i want clog up your thread just want to see some lovely strains come thru.
Thanx for posting bro, nice to here from u. U should stay around and see whats happens. This is my 1st HYDRO grow and i hope to get sum plants here soon. I dont mind u posting here :mrgreen:

i didn't read through your whole thread, but this is what i do. i use a paper towel like you. it doesn't need to be dripping wet, but not too dry either. i use a gallon zip-lock bag. i get a heating pad and put the paper towel (no seeds) and the bag on top of the pad. i use a bath towel as a cover for the heating pad. i put a temp. gauge on top of the ziplock, and fold the towel over that. if the temp. is too hot, i put another layer of the towel over the heating pad. i keep doing this until i get a constant temp. of around 82-85 degrees. when i get that temp. the seeds go in the towel. blow it up with air too, forgot to mention. check every 12 hours. if the towel gets too dry, use the condensation in the bag to re-wet the paper towel. if needed, add more water. i almost always see a tap root in less than 24 hours. when the tap root is about 1/2 inch long i put them in whatever medium i'm using. i use r/o water to do this, but i don't ph it. it really isn't necessary. proper ph is needed for the plant to uptake the necessary nutrients. for the first couple weeks the plant is feeding from the cotyledons. but i do ph for whatever medium i'm using once the seedlings go into it.
Mybe u should have read the thread 1st and u wood have seen that i have heard this type of way of germing about 10 times allready, but thanx for posting anyways. I think i will germ my seeds by just placing them straight in the RW cube and wait till they sprout. The only thing that sucks is that u cant tell if they are growing or not. The great thing is that if they do pop i dont have to transplant them cuz thay are allready in the medium. Thanx for stopping by :peace:

- Styl!st


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to post a few things about this lil seedsling.

How long do i need to leave her covered with the dome?

Do i need to use the heat-mat?

Thanx for everybody posting all the differant ways of germinating, I think there is enough info here for others to see and use to get started. Now its time to move on to the next stage of growing.

Now im in the early stage of vegging, now what should i do next? I want for ppl to start posting things that wood the best way of handling theese lil fragile seedlings. This info here from now on should be about the veg stage and no more germinating stuff. Well now that we are moveing on please post ur opinion on grow seedlings in the veg stage.

The info u post here will be for ppl that are new and need advice on growing from seed. So even if it's sumthing simple just an idea u should post it for others to see and use. Thanx for stopping by and happy growing.

- Styl!st


New Member
In the veg stage just be dilligent about changing the nutes every 10-12 days and keeping your equipment clean. Light nutes still, be wary of over watering but in a good drainage mediam you should be fine. Keep the light sched consistent 18/6 Humidity should be around 40 and temp no more than 85 w lights on and no less than 60 when off. Patience is key at this point, let it mature and only give it what it needs. Keep us posted


Well-Known Member
In the veg stage just be dilligent about changing the nutes every 10-12 days and keeping your equipment clean. Light nutes still, be wary of over watering but in a good drainage mediam you should be fine. Keep the light sched consistent 18/6 Humidity should be around 40 and temp no more than 85 w lights on and no less than 60 when off. Patience is key at this point, let it mature and only give it what it needs. Keep us posted
Thr only way for me to keep the humidity up to 40-50% is to keep the dome on the tray.

Should i keep it on or take it off?

If i take it off the humidity drops to 20%, will that dry them ou too fast?

I also have the heat-mat on too, do i need this anymore at this time?



New Member
I would leave the dome on until it looks like they have that first set of leaves established. If your humidity drops to 20 you will be fine as long as there is some leaf growth so the plants can take in whats in the air. It also may be beneficial since plants grown in dryer environments produce more resin. with your lighting i would be careful about moving them to it before they can handle it, when they are young too much light isn't good either, or dry heat from the bulb. You should keep the roots warm w the heat matt and this will help keep the humidity up in the dome. If you could get some pics up that would help.


Well-Known Member
Thanx for posting that, I will keep it on for a few days or so. I have a few pics that i will post so u can see my grow tent. I have to run to work untill the after noon but again for posting , stay around for the update on this grow. once i get into a few week of this grow i will post a new thread and start a grow journa;.

I will post sum better pics of my homebox once i get home tonight :peace:


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- Styl!st

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
if you can't follow instructions to pop beans, how do you expect to be able to grow plants? maybe you should get your hands on some clones and a grow guide, cervantes is good.


Well-Known Member
if you can't follow instructions to pop beans, how do you expect to be able to grow plants?
Who the are u talking to????????

If u have read any of my threads or even have kept up with my postings u wood have allready know what and where im at in my grow phase.

Do cum around here post BULLSHIT like this in my thread!!! Looks like u just running around a posting shit, if u ging to post here u need to do ur home work and read a lil b4 u post shit like that in my thread.

maybe you should get your hands on some clones and a grow guide, cervantes is good.
I have a Plant that is over 2 mounths old now and i can take as may clones as i need, so once again u did not do ur reshearch cuz u wood have not said such things.

I dont need Jose bullshit book cuz i have ROLL IT UP and all the ppl on this site. There is WAY more usefull info in one thread than that whole book. All the ppl here that actually do there research and home work is all the info i need, plus i wood rather spend my money a sak of good dank in stead of that grow book.


I hate when ppl cum in here and post shit b4 they even read the damn thread, exspecially if they are NEW them selves and have no grow experance them selves.

All u have to do is read b4 u post, it's not that hard fellas.........

- Styl!st


Well-Known Member
Silky Shagsalo how are going to give me sum bullshit advice and u dont even have a grow op. U just run around and post shit to raise ur posting points. U dont even have any weed plants at all so way are u here in my thread.

U should be asking advice from me since u dont even have anyhting in ur grow room. U prolly dont even have a grow room or anything to grow with. U need seeds 1st to even think about growing sum weed plants.

Please dont cum in here and give me advice or tell me what i need to do. All the info i get from ppl here on RIT i use and take very serious and dont need ppl like u to get in the way. All u do is raise my blood pressure and get me all worked up.

I need a fat bowl now, thanx to u bongsmilie

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
Silky Shagsalo how are going to give me sum bullshit advice and u dont even have a grow op. U just run around and post shit to raise ur posting points. U dont even have any weed plants at all so way are u here in my thread.

U should be asking advice from me since u dont even have anyhting in ur grow room. U prolly dont even have a grow room or anything to grow with. U need seeds 1st to even think about growing sum weed plants.

Please dont cum in here and give me advice or tell me what i need to do. All the info i get from ppl here on RIT i use and take very serious and dont need ppl like u to get in the way. All u do is raise my blood pressure and get me all worked up.

I need a fat bowl now, thanx to u bongsmilie
yup, that's me. 8 months and not even 300 posts, i'm a post whore, LOL! you've almost caught my post count in 3 months. i don't post a whole lot. and i don't feel the need to post a bunch of pics for no reason. so if i post some pics, will that make me cool?? o.k. maroon, here's a pic for you. now go piss up a rope puss!



Well-Known Member
i'm a post whore, LOL!
U got that right :wall:

i don't post a whole lot. and i don't feel the need to post a bunch of pics for no reason. so if i post some pics, will that make me cool??
U could not be cool if u stood in a freezer :lol:

Any body can buy a bag of weed and put it in a jar. Ur post it says
" i need a grow lesson"
How are u going to tell me that i need a grow lesson when u did not even reead my whole thread. Just because i had a few problems with sum seeds now i need help from u.
U did even say anything nice at all of even give me or anyone sum usefull advice. u just post bull shit and then start tell me i need a grow book.

Why the hell would i need a grow book when im here on this site. there is way more info on one thread than than that book. I dont need to spend money on a book to grow marijuana when i have Roll It Up.

Plus no book can give ten differant opinions on how to do sum thing in a timely fashion. There are soo many ppl here that do give there opinions on how to do sum thing. I said that i need to atke sum one advice, i do take all the advice i get from theese ppl. i dont know what the hell ur talking about

GET OFF MY THREAD...................

I made this thread for ppl like u to use for useful info.


- Styl!st


New Member
The only thing about RIU is that you ask 1 question and 10 different poeople will give you 10 diff methods on how to do something. Sometimes this site hurts as much as it helps if you get the wrong post or 2 and do something wrong. Just know the fundamentals of what the plants need at what stage in life they are at. This site is good for finding other ways to do things that work for your style and situation. I agree though, books would just be redundant info if you're already on here.


Well-Known Member
Glad to see you got past the trouble with seed germination :)
Thanx bro, I have my 2nd seeds pop out of RW this morning. My problem was........ I really dont know what i was doing wrong. Oh well, now i have 2 out of 3 to pop and have one still germing, its the White Rhino. A few ppl said that theese seeds are a pain in the ass to germ and take a lil longer to pop.

Thaey are still in in the tray/dome on the heat-mat, i will leave them in there till thay have a few set of leaves and then i will place them in the flood table. Once they reach the 2 week mark i will slowlly start feeding the a light nute soln.

Thanx for posting, bud

If u have any advice for me and others that read this thread please post it and type away.

Here are the 2 that have pop up.

Tme for work...............

- Styl!st :bigjoint: