‘Merrick Garland shivering under his desk’: Former officials slam DOJ for lack of action on ‘criminal’ Trump


Well-Known Member
Charge him with what specific crime? You can charge someone with anything but if you don't get a conviction it's a waste of time.

Everyone keeps saying he should be in prison and I agree. But you need to have your ducks in a row and proof of whatever law he's being charged with breaking written in stone. You don't just charge an ex-President and go to trial like normal.

This lock him up is the same thing trump used at his campaign rallies when talking about Clinton. It makes for a nice sound bite and that's about it. trump will never see a day behind bars anyway so don't get your hopes up.
If he does not go to prison, the national experiment is over.


Well-Known Member
people keep saying that...i haven't seen anything that says someone in a state prison can't be pardoned...show me a link plz? i can't seem to find one?

Can the president pardon a state prisoner?

Limitations. Federal pardons issued by the president apply only to federal offenses; they do not apply to civil, state or local offenses. Federal pardons also do not apply to cases of impeachment. Pardons for state crimes are handled by governors or a state pardon board.

the president can't pardon him, but the governor of new york certainly could, and would if they're a republican...?¿
There won't be any republican elected to the governorship of NY soon and if one is, they would be unlikely to pardon Trump. A federal pardon depends on who wins in 2024 and the republicans have tilted the playing field quite a bit in their favor. If Donald was doing federal time, freeing Donald would have to be promised to him and his base, for any GOP primary winner. If Donald goes to a NY prison he will most likely get out in a bag, technically he can be state pardoned, but in NY that is most unlikely.

If Donald won the GOP primary while doing federal time there would be immense pressure to release him while claiming he's some kind of political prisoner. If he won the republican primary while in a NY state prison it would be a different matter and he would unlikely get out. NY has a well developed case against Trump, you just know he broke the law and made lot's of reckless decisions with his business. I'm confident NY will deal not just with Donald, but with his family and business too.


Well-Known Member
If Donald won the GOP primary while doing federal time there would be immense pressure to release him while claiming he's some kind of political prisoner. If he won the republican primary while in a NY state prison it would be a different matter and he would unlikely get out. NY has a well developed case against Trump, you just know he broke the law and made lot's of reckless decisions with his business. I'm confident NY will deal not just with Donald, but with his family and business too.
Is that legally possible?
(edit) the Constitution didn’t touch it.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Donald could end up forming the MAGA party (Free Donald) and walk his supporters out of the GOP because the congress people and senators wouldn't storm the courthouse in NY when they put him away
to me, that would be a best case scenario...it would cripple the republican party, and neither the republicans or the magats would have enough voters to get the democrats out of power. then all we'de have to do is either figure out how to get rid of his supreme court toadies, or just add enough members to the court to make their majority a minority...then pass a law that the court goes back to 7 members as the present members die off or retire, and can never be expanded again...AND that there are no more life appointments to the court, they get 10 years, then they GTFO


Well-Known Member
so just like he's always been, then?
This time from Moscow on RT with a Russian script and millions of American suckers hanging on his every word. Vlad's very own 5th column, maybe fox will partner with RT to broadcast his show, so the yokels don't need to search for it on YouTube. No federal charges and he can hop on a plane to Europe, then on to Moscow if he gets wind of NY indicting him. Vlad is pretty cocky and might give him asylum in exchange for making propaganda videos, "I was robbed a political prisoner blah, blah".


Well-Known Member
to me, that would be a best case scenario...it would cripple the republican party, and neither the republicans or the magats would have enough voters to get the democrats out of power. then all we'de have to do is either figure out how to get rid of his supreme court toadies, or just add enough members to the court to make their majority a minority...then pass a law that the court goes back to 7 members as the present members die off or retire, and can never be expanded again...AND that there are no more life appointments to the court, they get 10 years, then they GTFO
There are a limited number of scenarios at this point, he's either going down in NY, croak, or he will run to Russia, if Vlad will have him. If Joe knew he was going to run (likely), he'd probably let him go, since he isn't indicted, he couldn't stop him I suppose, or would want to. It would confirm Trump was a traitor to the vast majority of the public and with the investigations would leave little doubt. It would also leave the republicans in a shambles, but they would be rid of Trump, to the delight of some and the consternation of many others.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
This time from Moscow on RT with a Russian script and millions of American suckers hanging on his every word. Vlad's very own 5th column, maybe fox will partner with RT to broadcast his show, so the yokels don't need to search for it on YouTube. No federal charges and he can hop on a plane to Europe, then on to Moscow if he gets wind of NY indicting him. Vlad is pretty cocky and might give him asylum in exchange for making propaganda videos, "I was robbed a political prisoner blah, blah".
that's ok, we can deal with video messages from a traitorous fuck talking from moscow...if the democrats can't spin something like that to their advantage they deserve to lose


Well-Known Member
democrats are the biggest fucking time wasters on the planet, and it WILL end up costing them the house, the senate, and probably the whitehouse....they need to GET THE FUCK OFF THEIR ASSES AND DO SOMETHING....goddamn it people, you have a limited window, lets not form a committee to pick a fucking window washing company before we actually do anything...
Well aside from brainwashing people that think the way that you are posting here, I really am not sure what it is that they can do.

The snow flaking about 'the Democrats are not doing anything' is strong today in here, but it is bullshit. And if it is something that you really feel, I would suggest actually looking back over the last 10 months and realize that they have gotten a shit ton done with only having a tie breaker in the senate and about 250 Republicans trying like hell to stop anything and everything that the Democrats have had to do to fix all the shit Trump broke on the way out.

This is Bernie baby snow flaking all over again. The 'say it so often, it feels true' kind of bullshit.


Well-Known Member
that's ok, we can deal with video messages from a traitorous fuck talking from moscow...if the democrats can't spin something like that to their advantage they deserve to lose
It won’t be the Democrats in government so much as the center-to-left media heavies. They have the capacity, and arguably the duty, to point and giggle every time.


Well-Known Member
Well aside from brainwashing people that think the way that you are posting here, I really am not sure what it is that they can do.

The snow flaking about 'the Democrats are not doing anything' is strong today in here, but it is bullshit. And if it is something that you really feel, I would suggest actually looking back over the last 10 months and realize that they have gotten a shit ton done with only having a tie breaker in the senate and about 250 Republicans trying like hell to stop anything and everything that the Democrats have had to do to fix all the shit Trump broke on the way out.

This is Bernie baby snow flaking all over again. The 'say it so often, it feels true' kind of bullshit.
Sorry. I let my anger go.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Well aside from brainwashing people that think the way that you are posting here, I really am not sure what it is that they can do.

The snow flaking about 'the Democrats are not doing anything' is strong today in here, but it is bullshit. And if it is something that you really feel, I would suggest actually looking back over the last 10 months and realize that they have gotten a shit ton done with only having a tie breaker in the senate and about 250 Republicans trying like hell to stop anything and everything that the Democrats have had to do to fix all the shit Trump broke on the way out.

This is Bernie baby snow flaking all over again. The 'say it so often, it feels true' kind of bullshit.
it does feel true...tick tick tick...thats three seconds from a very finite pool of seconds before the democrats lose what little majority they now enjoy...better make use of every single one of them.


Well-Known Member
it does feel true...tick tick tick...thats three seconds from a very finite pool of seconds before the democrats lose what little majority they now enjoy...better make use of every single one of them.
There are more ticks left than there have been used so far. And again, they have gotten a shitload done. Thinking otherwise is just more 2009 nonsense when people tricked themselves into thinking that Obamacare, banking regulation, and fixing the Great Recession was not good enough and let the Tea Party trolling convince them to not vote so the Republicans could gerrymander the shit out of everything for the next decade.

Vaccine rollout, saving the economy from what was on pace to be the greatest eviction crisis in history as well as the largest amount of job losses in history due to Trump's shit handling of the pandemic, the largest infrastructure investment in history, the largest evacuation of a warzone that Trump abandoned, saving DACA, rejoining the Paris climate thing, avoiding war to this point with the Republicans stopping all of Biden's ambassador's, appointing the most diverse cabinet in history, stopped children from being ripped out of their parents arms at the border, stopped local and state government budget shortfalls, rejoined the WHO, reversed Trump's military transgender ban and Muslim ban. Avoided the stupid debt ceiling crisis the first time, and is about to again even though the Republicans would love to see it be a issue, which would be devastating to the economy.

There is a shit load that Biden and the Democrats have gotten done, and again, we are not even 1/4 of the way through his term, and there is still a year left to go before the next election that everyone is worried about due to Republicans/Trump cheating with their census and local election scams.

And again, that is on people to be real about the fact that the Democrats really doing everything on their list was always a pipe dream with 50 Democrats in the senate. If people need anymore reason to vote for Democrats than the fact that they are the only party actively trying to get shit done for 100% of the population, you would think it would be that the Republicans are doing everything they can to destroy our democracy and install a dictator who would only legislate for the <1% while pitting the rest of the nation against one another with lies and foreign generated propaganda.