Was Biden a good choice or was he the only choice?

It is similar enough, and doesn't mean that there is not also other Spanish speaking troll farms that they would work with too, just that it is a nearby dictator that Trump is working with, and we know that our Spanish speaking population is under attack, so it does fit.
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As much weird as it is to say, I would not have minded seeing the other Bush get elected in 2016.

I disagree with the 'corrupt' narrative about Clinton, and would point to Biden's kid just dying being the reason he said he didn't want to run in 2016.

I don't believe that Biden didn't run because of his son's death. If anything Biden would have run because that's what his son would have wanted. The fix was in. They tried it in 2008 when Obama won the primary and Clinton wouldn't concede that he was the Democratic candidate. Remember that long drawn out spectacle with Clinton clinging on and refusing to admit that Obama won the primary? I remember Clintons words "He can't win".

We all know that Obama could and did win 2 terms. It was Clinton that couldn't win. She lost to one of the most despicable candidates in the history of the United States. Why did she lose? Because she was a terrible candidate hated by many including a good number of Democrats that voted for Obama. Many of those same Obama voters ended up voting for trump because they despised her so much.

A loud and obnoxious wing of the Democratic party that controlled the DNC pushed the sitting VP to the side and he had no choice but not to run because he wouldn't get the support. They had already decided that it was Clinton's turn.

I have a feeling in another year, even people who have no opinion of politics will be missing that time Trump was in office. Mean tweets and immorality aside, people’s pockets were doing better.

The Democratic primary voter turnout was not enthusiastic enough to pick an outside the box candidate. Those who voted went with familiarity it seems. The machine picked Biden. Booker, Yang, or Holder were 8 year material who would have remained more likable than Biden in my opinion. They just didn’t have the machine’s backing. Sanders had years and years of familiarity and got pretty close, but the machine won.

The midterms will be interesting to watch but 2024 is a long ways away and many political cycles from final opinions
For one thing the tax break expires for the non- rich. Gee, why did Trump do that? It's not real reform. Those of us who worked way back in the 70s know what working people have lost since WWII. Toss the peasants a crumb and keep them pacified without really giving them anything. Biden got in because non-Trump lovers didn't want to risk more years of the conman.

I have a feeling in another year, even people who have no opinion of politics will be missing that time Trump was in office. Mean tweets and immorality aside, people’s pockets were doing better.

The Democratic primary voter turnout was not enthusiastic enough to pick an outside the box candidate. Those who voted went with familiarity it seems. The machine picked Biden. Booker, Yang, or Holder were 8 year material who would have remained more likable than Biden in my opinion. They just didn’t have the machine’s backing. Sanders had years and years of familiarity and got pretty close, but the machine won.

The midterms will be interesting to watch but 2024 is a long ways away and many political cycles from final opinions
Constantly overlooked is the fact that the biggest welfare recipients are corporations and corporate farmers (same thing). I will never miss not having a traitor/moron in office. He did have the best spiritual advisor In Paula White though. Where are those angels from Africa? My pillow guy too! I do miss the comedy though.
I don't believe that Biden didn't run because of his son's death. If anything Biden would have run because that's what his son would have wanted. The fix was in. They tried it in 2008 when Obama won the primary and Clinton wouldn't concede that he was the Democratic candidate. Remember that long drawn out spectacle with Clinton clinging on and refusing to admit that Obama won the primary? I remember Clintons words "He can't win".

We all know that Obama could and did win 2 terms. It was Clinton that couldn't win. She lost to one of the most despicable candidates in the history of the United States. Why did she lose? Because she was a terrible candidate hated by many including a good number of Democrats that voted for Obama. Many of those same Obama voters ended up voting for trump because they despised her so much.

A loud and obnoxious wing of the Democratic party that controlled the DNC pushed the sitting VP to the side and he had no choice but not to run because he wouldn't get the support. They had already decided that it was Clinton's turn.
Clinton conceded on June 9th 2008 to Obama. And then threw everything she had into helping Obama win.

I would point to her losing to the decades of trolling and the fact that there was a foreign military attacking our democracy with the help of the Republican candidate leading up to the election that she still ended up with millions more votes than Trump. And it really didn't help that Bernie stuck around until mid-July of that election year, and then kept trolling her afterwards.

And really I wouldn't be so sure that Biden would have won in 2016. The troll was set up for him too (remember his kid was working for the Ukrainian company) and they didn't understand the attack until too late.
Clinton conceded on June 9th 2008 to Obama. And then threw everything she had into helping Obama win.

I would point to her losing to the decades of trolling and the fact that there was a foreign military attacking our democracy with the help of the Republican candidate leading up to the election that she still ended up with millions more votes than Trump. And it really didn't help that Bernie stuck around until mid-July of that election year, and then kept trolling her afterwards.

And really I wouldn't be so sure that Biden would have won in 2016. The troll was set up for him too (remember his kid was working for the Ukrainian company) and they didn't understand the attack until too late.
Bernie won the primary in 2016. Hillary was overconfident. Trump signs here were everywhere. I think it's a hoot that all the Mary Kay cosmetics salespeople decided it was time for a woman prez. Would change things about as much as having a Black prez I guess. I know it's coming, bring it. Lol.
Bernie won the primary in 2016.
I think it was @Fogdog that had put the numbers up somewhere that show that Clinton was way ahead of Bernie in the primary votes, so I am not sure how you are saying this, but if anything if you feel strongly about it, I would suggest checking everything you think with the AP news.

Hillary was overconfident. Trump signs here were everywhere. I think it's a hoot that all the Mary Kay cosmetics salespeople decided it was time for a woman prez.
Maybe, but I am pretty sure that it was everyone else who was overconfident thanks to the micro targeting propaganda attack that was nudging people to not vote in 2016 that would not vote for Trump in those key areas that swung the election to him by something like 77,000 votes even though Clinton had something like 5 million more votes than Trump got.

Would change things about as much as having a Black prez I guess. I know it's coming, bring it. Lol.
That is why trolling her was so effective. After 8 years of a black man as POTUS the racists were losing their mind, and adding in the Chauvinists and we end up with Trump.
"Biden was the only choice, even as senile old crook who forces himself on children and destroyed the economy - heh, at least he got Trump out!"
ITT means In This Thead. Learn to internet.
>have seen a pic of Ivanka Trump sitting on daddy's mushroom stump though.
I'm sure you've had lots of fancy hallucinations. How's the weather on Kensington Ave. Philly today?
sunny with a chance of cheesteaks.

is Red Square crowded today, Komrad?
Trump could win in 2024, offer to legalize cannabis and half this board would an hero. True story.
Would you believe the world used to respect, even admire the USA? Now, you're the subject of ridicule almost as harsh as that normally reserved for Canada.
I'll never understand people who, even as grown adults want to see socialism take hold. Can't wait to stand in a breadline, Komrad?
Trump could win in 2024, offer to legalize cannabis and half this board would an hero. True story.
Would you believe the world used to respect, even admire the USA? Now, you're the subject of ridicule almost as harsh as that normally reserved for Canada.
I'll never understand people who, even as grown adults want to see socialism take hold. Can't wait to stand in a breadline, Komrad?