January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.

With Trump's COS Meadows' Democracy-Ending PowerPoint, It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like . . . RICO

In a staggering development, Donald Trump's former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows turned over to the House select committee, pursuant to a subpoena, a 38-page PowerPoint presentation setting out how to corruptly overturn Joe Biden's election win and install Trump for a second term as president.

With each new revelation about the democracy-busting crime and corruption of Trump and his associates, it looks more and more like our nation's RICO laws might apply to certain segments of the Trump administration.

Although our RICO - Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations - laws came into existence in 1970 to combat organized crime in the form of the Mafia, the RICO laws can be applied to any organization operating as a corrupt enterprise, as is discussed run this video.
Representative Schiff is trying to dampen enthusiasm regarding the ppt file being some sort of smoking gun. He says the whole point of the committee's memo that reveals the existence of the file found in the information that Meadows released to the committee was to show he had already waived his right to silence on the grounds of executive privilege.

I think he's right to try to reel in expectations and stay focused on finishing the investigation. What I believe at this time is that the ppt file by itself isn't really much of a clue. Who wrote it, who sent it to Meadows, who saw it when it made its way to the WH and what plans were laid down by Trump and his team are all way more important to the case. The committee still has time to find these things out. I hope they finish before August but I'd rather they do a good job however long it takes.
I wouldn't assume Mitch would oppose an independent special counsel. Most of the republicans who he is at war with are the Trumpers who supported and participated in the insurrection and this might be a useful way to deal with them, especially when Trump goes down in NY and Gaetz goes down for being a pervert, both have dates with the courts.

All those lunatics who are being a pain in the ass to Mitch and fucking up the 2024 election, might be gone or scared into silence, in one fell swoop. An independent special counsel with grand juries will keep it out of the news until after the 2022 election and probably start prosecutions for the insurrection conspiracy ringleaders in 2023 or sooner. It sure seems like they have the complete picture and overwhelming evidence.

So ya never know, Mitch might muster up the 10 votes to consolidate his power over the GOP after Donald goes down. He needs to either hold his ground or win back control of the senate and talk of Trump being house speaker would be a nightmare for Mitch, Joe and America. I still think NY will handle and imprison the Trump's and the feds will end up dealing with the 1/6 conspirators and other corruption. Trump will only get out of a NY prison in a bag so federal imprisonment would be moot, but he will go down with the rest for the insurrection though.
i have no idea why trump would want to be speaker of the house...he must be misled by the name...the speaker does very little actual speaking, and never gets to go off on rambling nonsensical rants...

The Speaker of the House acts as the leader of the U.S. House of Representatives. Every two years, the Members of the U.S. House of Representatives vote on the first day of each new Congress. Both of the major political parties nominate one candidate for the position of Speaker. The candidate from the majority party usually wins.
The Speaker of the House is responsible for administering the oath of office to the Members of the U.S. House of Representatives, giving Members permission to speak on the House floor, designating Members to serve as Speaker pro tempore, counting and declaring all votes, appointing Members to committees, sending bills to committees, and signing bills and resolutions that pass in the House. The Speaker is also second in line, behind the Vice President, to become President should the President be unable to fulfill his or her duties.
While serving as Speaker of the House, the Speaker continues to serve the residents of his or her district and has all of the duties of other Members of the U.S. House of Representatives. Traditionally, unlike other Members, the Speaker does not serve on committees or participate in floor debate.
i have no idea why trump would want to be speaker of the house...he must be misled by the name...the speaker does very little actual speaking, and never gets to go off on rambling nonsensical rants...

The Speaker of the House acts as the leader of the U.S. House of Representatives. Every two years, the Members of the U.S. House of Representatives vote on the first day of each new Congress. Both of the major political parties nominate one candidate for the position of Speaker. The candidate from the majority party usually wins.
The Speaker of the House is responsible for administering the oath of office to the Members of the U.S. House of Representatives, giving Members permission to speak on the House floor, designating Members to serve as Speaker pro tempore, counting and declaring all votes, appointing Members to committees, sending bills to committees, and signing bills and resolutions that pass in the House. The Speaker is also second in line, behind the Vice President, to become President should the President be unable to fulfill his or her duties.
While serving as Speaker of the House, the Speaker continues to serve the residents of his or her district and has all of the duties of other Members of the U.S. House of Representatives. Traditionally, unlike other Members, the Speaker does not serve on committees or participate in floor debate.
There is a simple calculus. Speaker of the House is 3rd in succession. Boom boom oops oh hey!
you know, its been pointed out that trump can be pardoned on federal charges, but not state ones...but if he is convicted of federal charges first, the state of new york can still charge and try trump, and when they find him guilty, they can order that the sentences run consecutively...so even if a republikan president pardons him, he would just be moved to new york state to start his sentence there...
and i'm beginning to think it doubtful that a republikan, or any other president will pardon him...he's filthier than Nixon ever was, and Nixon became a political pariah...with RICO charges looming, the charges from new york, and all the dirt that will come out in the mean time, he will become a political leper...all but the most misled magats will be afraid to have any contact with him, in the fear that the leprosy will spread to them...
you know, its been pointed out that trump can be pardoned on federal charges, but not state ones...but if he is convicted of state charges first, the state of new york can still charge and try trump, and when they find him guilty, they can order that the sentences run consecutively...so even if a republikan president pardons him, he would just be moved to new york state to start his sentence there...
and i'm beginning to think it doubtful that a republikan, or any other president will pardon him...he's filthier than Nixon ever was, and Nixon became a political pariah...with RICO charges looming, the charges from new york, and all the dirt that will come out in the mean time, he will become a political leper...all but the most misled magats will be afraid to have any contact with him, in the fear that the leprosy will spread to them...
We have disagreed before, but in this instance I’m right there.
There is a simple calculus. Speaker of the House is 3rd in succession. Boom boom oops oh hey!
even trump can't be stupid enough to think that he could get away with a double assassination of the president and the vice president in quick order...and he may not think so, but there are thousands of people who would love a chance to blow his shit filled head off...and that would be a perfect invitation to a trump assassination
even trump can't be stupid enough to think that he could get away with a double assassination of the president and the vice president in quick order...and he may not think so, but there are thousands of people who would love a chance to blow his shit filled head off...and that would be a perfect invitation to a trump assassination
Could not be stupid enough? With respect,

i have no idea why trump would want to be speaker of the house...he must be misled by the name...the speaker does very little actual speaking, and never gets to go off on rambling nonsensical rants...

The Speaker of the House acts as the leader of the U.S. House of Representatives. Every two years, the Members of the U.S. House of Representatives vote on the first day of each new Congress. Both of the major political parties nominate one candidate for the position of Speaker. The candidate from the majority party usually wins.
The Speaker of the House is responsible for administering the oath of office to the Members of the U.S. House of Representatives, giving Members permission to speak on the House floor, designating Members to serve as Speaker pro tempore, counting and declaring all votes, appointing Members to committees, sending bills to committees, and signing bills and resolutions that pass in the House. The Speaker is also second in line, behind the Vice President, to become President should the President be unable to fulfill his or her duties.
While serving as Speaker of the House, the Speaker continues to serve the residents of his or her district and has all of the duties of other Members of the U.S. House of Representatives. Traditionally, unlike other Members, the Speaker does not serve on committees or participate in floor debate.
The Speaker job is hard work and long hours.

right in trump’s wheelhouse.
even trump can't be stupid enough to think that he could get away with a double assassination of the president and the vice president in quick order
Stay tuned. There could be a PPT file out there with all the details. I’m surprised they don’t have a Facebook page to share their plans. These clowns should be on an episode of world’s dumbest criminals.

GOP Senators and Congressmen were briefed on 38-page coup PowerPoint memo two days before insurrection: report

Two days before the January 6 insurrection several Republican U.S. Senators and Representatives were briefed on a 38-page coup PowerPoint memo. That document is being described as a roadmap for then-President Donald Trump to declare a national security emergency, invalidate all electronic votes, and move to have himself declared the winner of the 2020 presidential election.

It does not appear that any of the Republican lawmakers alerted the public to the in-process coup attempt. It is not known if they alerted the Dept. of Justice, FBI, or other law enforcement agency...

GOP Senators and Congressmen were briefed on 38-page coup PowerPoint memo two days before insurrection: report

Two days before the January 6 insurrection several Republican U.S. Senators and Representatives were briefed on a 38-page coup PowerPoint memo. That document is being described as a roadmap for then-President Donald Trump to declare a national security emergency, invalidate all electronic votes, and move to have himself declared the winner of the 2020 presidential election.

It does not appear that any of the Republican lawmakers alerted the public to the in-process coup attempt. It is not known if they alerted the Dept. of Justice, FBI, or other law enforcement agency...
i hope they can get a list of everyone who saw it and said nothing, and use it to kick their fucking seditious asses out of all present offices, and prevent them from ever participating in politics in any way ever again...silence is cooperation in trump's coup attempt, and anyone who participated in any way, shape or form deserves to be barred from government permanently, and a couple of years of federal vacation, in a small cell.
The Speaker job is hard work and long hours.

right in trump’s wheelhouse.
Donald would take the title, but wouldn't even show up most of the time, the deputy speaker would do all the work and Donald would be in front of every camera spewing bullshit. But alas, Donald will be in prison by election season and so will Gaetz, the desperado who floated the idea.

I think 2022 is gonna be a life changing year for Donald, it will be the year his luck runs out. There is only one way out really, run to Russia while he can, but that depends on if Vlad will take him in and if he can offshore enough cash out of Uncle Sam's reach. Donald's troubles in NY will tie him down in NY and the 1/6 committee will start public hearing in the new year and a report not long after. There will be plenty of guilty pleas and deals soon, we won't have to wait for the last of the ringleaders to be found guilty in a couple of years to know the whole story.