BK’s shit show

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judaism isn't a race, you dumb mother fucker.
Rilla called BK a kike. I said that I doubt very many Jews lived in the arctic, for they are too sensible. BK said on the contrary, there were many Jews living in the arctic. I said that's right, well known Jew; Drake, is from Canada So maybe they (Jewish people) were crazier than I thought. (for living in the arctic)

The joke was "people who live in the arctic are crazy."
you can't be racist to jewish people: judaism isnt a race, it's a religion. and like i said, maybe i misunderstood where you were going with it. <hatchet buried>
Iv always known that. But still can’t figure out why people who are Jewish literally all have the same hairline and are funnier than hell on tv.
you can't be racist to jewish people: judaism isnt a race, it's a religion. and like i said, maybe i misunderstood where you were going with it. <hatchet buried>
I think that's splitting hairs of what is considered racism. I would consider Nazis as racists for trying to wipe them off the map. I know that "anti-Semite" is a more appropriate term, but in the context of what was going on it made sense. Also Judaism is sort of a race. It's a complicated.
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