Is this too much Consistent wind hitting the plants to cause windburn ?


Well-Known Member
I have an oscillating fan in the tent but facing away from the plants as its way too strong for the space even at low setting . But this way it does just fine . I have an other, clip fan facing the plants . Nothing heavy duty but it should move the air about the space within close proximity . That said is this too much air consistently hitting the leaves to cause wind burn ?



Well-Known Member
I have an oscillating fan in the tent but facing away from the plants as its way too strong for the space even at low setting . But this way it does just fine . I have an other, clip fan facing the plants . Nothing heavy duty but it should move the air about the space within close proximity . That said is this too much air consistently hitting the leaves to cause wind burn ?

If the oscillating fan is making the leaves rustle then that's lots. I'd ditch the other one myself. You don't say how big the tent and fan is but I use a 12" osscillater in my 7x9" grow room and that's plenty. It's 4' from the plants and plays back and forth aimed at them.
