Pandemic 2020

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Well-Known Member
It is a tad hypocritical but not a huge deal, it would have been nice of her to set an example of how important she believes mask are. I didn’t think OP said he wasn’t voting for her due to just the mask but more of her record, which I know nothing about.
From my point of view we are in a full on Hitler/Nazi moment with the current Republican party trying like hell to move America into a fascist regime.

Both sides'ing someone about being slightly hypocritical (maybe, she could have just been eating and had that person photobomb her for all I know) or not being perfectly aligned with their political record is just asinine, if I guess as long as you are someone that accepts reality. This is the same kind of bullshit spammed about Clinton in 2015/2016 that got us Trump.

C. Nesbitt

Well-Known Member
From my point of view we are in a full on Hitler/Nazi moment with the current Republican party trying like hell to move America into a fascist regime.

Both sides'ing someone about being slightly hypocritical (maybe, she could have just been eating and had that person photobomb her for all I know) or not being perfectly aligned with their political record is just asinine, if I guess as long as you are someone that accepts reality. This is the same kind of bullshit spammed about Clinton in 2015/2016 that got us Trump.
We had the same bullshit outrage here when Governor Whitmer was spotted at an indoor restaurant with more people at the table than allowed under the mandate at the time. It wasn’t a great look for her but meanwhile, large swaths of the state were outright ignoring the mandate and a number of county sheriffs had said they would not enforce seating limits.
Far right sites like Breitbart gleefully pounced and the social media chatter made it sound like she had been spotted murdering puppies. It’s fake outrage engineered to push a narrative, yet many people just lap it up.
America really seems way more fucked up right now than at any point in my life.


Well-Known Member
We had the same bullshit outrage here when Governor Whitmer was spotted at an indoor restaurant with more people at the table than allowed under the mandate at the time. It wasn’t a great look for her but meanwhile, large swaths of the state were outright ignoring the mandate and a number of county sheriffs had said they would not enforce seating limits.
Far right sites like Breitbart gleefully pounced and the social media chatter made it sound like she had been spotted murdering puppies. It’s fake outrage engineered to push a narrative, yet many people just lap it up.
America really seems way more fucked up right now than at any point in my life.
Can I just say how happy I am that Peters beat James for our senate seat.

I am not sure if it is necessarily worse, more I think it is just far more out in the open. All that hate that went on behind closed doors to keep areas white and power out of the hands of minorities has been pushed back into one party and they are now using everything that they have spent decades setting up to try to maintain their total control over every aspect of society.

I do think though that for white men who do not align with the current push for fascism it might be the worse time in recent history though. It is just that the hateful shitheads were focused on 'them' who generally lived 'over there', and now 'them' is anyone who isn't in their particular cult.


Well-Known Member
“You don't fully absorb it”: Omicron’s spread across Ontario is taking experts by surprise

Just weeks after it was first identified in South Africa, the highly contagious Omicron variant is spreading through the province with such speed that it has taken experts by surprise.

Read in Ottawa Citizen:
An article I read earlier this week regarding omicron in UK said it was doubling in new cases every couple of days.


Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
We had the same bullshit outrage here when Governor Whitmer was spotted at an indoor restaurant with more people at the table than allowed under the mandate at the time. It wasn’t a great look for her but meanwhile, large swaths of the state were outright ignoring the mandate and a number of county sheriffs had said they would not enforce seating limits.
Far right sites like Breitbart gleefully pounced and the social media chatter made it sound like she had been spotted murdering puppies. It’s fake outrage engineered to push a narrative, yet many people just lap it up.
America really seems way more fucked up right now than at any point in my life.
Ya it is like that and your right. Like I said it’s not a huge deal, just that, if true, and she wasn’t wearing a mask, then it’s just more fodder to feed the jackals. As you said it’s a bad look. And your also right that it’s fucked up and looking very bleak :(.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
From my point of view we are in a full on Hitler/Nazi moment with the current Republican party trying like hell to move America into a fascist regime.

Both sides'ing someone about being slightly hypocritical (maybe, she could have just been eating and had that person photobomb her for all I know) or not being perfectly aligned with their political record is just asinine, if I guess as long as you are someone that accepts reality. This is the same kind of bullshit spammed about Clinton in 2015/2016 that got us Trump.
Well not that I followed the election closely but I think what helped get you Trump, was some people found her off putting, well me anyways lol.

Antidote Man

Well-Known Member
I value myself enough to know what kind of deals im making and who's responsible, how much, and how so. Misogyny has nothing to do with it. I merely understand there are diferent women who will do diferent things for differnent reasons on the same scale of quality. I've known lowly women and watched them try and get me to feed their coke habits. Its sad its like this but I'm not going to let those people get me that easily. For those of you that don't get it, good riddance.


Well-Known Member
I took you as a centrist, or at least I think you were the person that made a centrist argument on why biden was a better pick than bernie...and I agreed with that argument, whomever made it. The farther left people don't have anywhere to go and the biggest gains were to be made in the burbs.

Big party with diverse views. It really is " we exist on the same planet and view stuff like math as existing? ...well cool, we can sort our differences out later once the demon sperm people are gone." Given that wide net cast for voters, I do think the criticism of people criticizing biden (for normal real stuff...not Brandon gas price criticism) is off-base.

Gotta kick out the demon sperm people, then we can have grown up conversations about actual issues. Don't alienate people.
I'll test my assumptions every now and then when I feel the need. The picture that xtso posted in his complaint about Gov Brown showed Brown with a trans woman and I pressed the question to him to find out if that was what was bothering him. It was a dick move on my part. But I wanted to know what kind of person I was talking to. Misunderstandings and testy replies directed at me happen sometimes. Just about everybody here has gone through it. I've seen people who posted here for a long time all of a sudden flip their wig and become almost a different person. So it's not as if I'm being paranoid without cause.

So, I was testing to check my assumptions. I get that this can be uncomfortable to others. As soon as I saw that I had jumped to the wrong conclusion, I admitted it and I hoped I didn't hurt anybody's feelings. Then again this is a political forum. Discussion regarding difficult topics are part of the zeitgeist.

Regarding my political bent, I absolutely support many of the issues that Bernie promoted. Active and healthy stewardship of the environment, universal access to healthcare in the US, paying people living wages, free education for those who earn it through academic excellence, more progressive tax system that takes more from the wealthy than it does now. To those who lack the ability or don't want or need a degree, we need an economy that offers good jobs and choices for them too. The problem I saw with Bernie was that he had no political skill and didn't even work hard. He had charisma but his work was mostly symbolic. The "Medicare for All" bill was an empty promise. To people who call themselves "Progressives", I ask -- how many difficult elections did they win? When "Progressives" start winning in contested districts, then I'll take them more seriously. What Bernie in 2020 represented to me was four more years of Trump. Biden is socially to the right of me and he wasn't my first choice but he was the only one in the field of Democratic primary challengers who could beat Trump. Elections are about choices, not simply what I want.


Well-Known Member
I value myself enough to know what kind of deals im making and who's responsible, how much, and how so. Misogyny has nothing to do with it. I merely understand there are diferent women who will do diferent things for differnent reasons on the same scale of quality. I've known lowly women and watched them try and get me to feed their coke habits. Its sad its like this but I'm not going to let those people get me that easily. For those of you that don't get it, good riddance.
"Those people" from the guy that dumps pennies on the floor at strip clubs. Utterly adorable.

You are also "those people". You are no different from those you look down upon, worse actually.


Well-Known Member
I value myself enough to know what kind of deals im making and who's responsible, how much, and how so. Misogyny has nothing to do with it. I merely understand there are diferent women who will do diferent things for differnent reasons on the same scale of quality. I've known lowly women and watched them try and get me to feed their coke habits. Its sad its like this but I'm not going to let those people get me that easily. For those of you that don't get it, good riddance.
I don't "get it". If what you said was true then you are an asshole. Once you can accept that fact maybe you will begin to heal from whatever happened to you to make you such a dick.


Well-Known Member
Well not that I followed the election closely but I think what helped get you Trump, was some people found her off putting, well me anyways lol.
And yet she still got 5 million more votes after decades of trolling leading up to that election. I for one would have liked to see how it would have went if there were not selectively timed drops to crowd out important events in news cycles. Every single time something truly important happened there would simultaneously be something out to attack Clinton while giving something for trolls to deflect about Trump to bury the actual real story that was reported on.

Like the day that Obama came out and warned Americans about Russia attacking our election, Trump's attempted rape confession video landed and Clinton had emails 'leaked' by the Russian military.

Antidote Man

Well-Known Member
Hey, you gotta live a little. I like trying things that have never been done before, using wiseman tactics that are often uncalled for, and just finnishing a hard days work turning things around in my favor with a warm cup of soup.

But all you guys that will defend any woman to the death and presume all women innocent, let them walk into your heart and turn you into a believer while you pick up those pennies on the floor..

Just to cap this small arguement off.. there are plenty of quality women out there. My mother is one of them. My two step sisters. My ex wife/ friend (somwewhat). Everywhere...

If you dont know the diference, well, just call people misogynysts and keep wearing that cape and costume

Antidote Man

Well-Known Member
"I don't "get it". If what you said was true then you are an asshole. Once you can accept that fact maybe you will begin to heal from whatever happened to you to make you such a dick."


I'll be an asshole all day long before I let people take no responsisiblity for what they're trying to do...

Antidote Man

Well-Known Member
OH, I'm aware of what I did.

And just to let you know, because all women are innocent, I blame the establishment far more than the lovely ladies that take those high paying positions...

I'm aware they're being exploited... but I refuse to pay for it


Well-Known Member
"I don't "get it". If what you said was true then you are an asshole. Once you can accept that fact maybe you will begin to heal from whatever happened to you to make you such a dick."


I'll be an asshole all day long before I let people take no responsisiblity for what they're trying to do...
Do I need to remind you that you told a story about dumping pennies on the floor so you could look upskirt at women groveling in front of you for your measly couple of bucks? They you called them hoes or something like that.

That's what an asshole does. Take responsibility for that and perhaps one day you won't be an asshole.

You may thank me now.

Also, I neither need nor want your money. I'd prefer if you never post here again but the moderators tolerate assholes better than I do.
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