Big Game Hunters, Show Your Stuff

My father in law would be pissed, he liked heart and stuffing. He thought I hit one in the heart once, but I had actually just unplugged it, it was all in one piece.
Heart is not my favorite but I'll eat it.
Liver, bacon, shrooms & onions on the other hand is a straight up delicacy.

I'm a big fan of the high neck shot as no recoverable meat is lost.
Quick snack while I pack this years deer meat up with the Food Saver.

Youngest boys doe. Soo tender.

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Doe meat is the absolute best! Especially this time of year when the bigger bucks get rutted out. I'll take a fat doe over anything with horns any day. Had to use my 'antlerless deer' tag on this guy, but, again, this late in the year, meat in the freezer is the important thing. :peace:
Heart is not my favorite but I'll eat it.
Liver, bacon, shrooms & onions on the other hand is a straight up delicacy.

I'm a big fan of the high neck shot as no recoverable meat is lost.
The liver- again soaked in saltwater to drain out blood, comes out looking purple and surgically removed, :hump:
This one goes to the nice lady who let's me hunt her property. She has asked me for kidneys, but I've yet to find out how to remove those. Any advice would be great.