No distinct smell


New Member
Hi there thanks for reading. I've had a few grows outside with good success. This is my first indoor grow with led lights. Just one philzion 600w full spectrum. All seemingly has gone to plan, using star dawg autos. My concern is that although I have many white pistils (for about 2 weeks now) none of these sites smell remotely of bud. I'm worried that there is a freight musky odour and am concerned I've messed something up.

Hopefully I'm just way off and I've a few more weeks to go!




Well-Known Member
Hi there thanks for reading. I've had a few grows outside with good success. This is my first indoor grow with led lights. Just one philzion 600w full spectrum. All seemingly has gone to plan, using star dawg autos. My concern is that although I have many white pistils (for about 2 weeks now) none of these sites smell remotely of bud. I'm worried that there is a freight musky odour and am concerned I've messed something up.

Hopefully I'm just way off and I've a few more weeks to go!

Closer to a couple months left. Be patient.

Boreal Curing

Well-Known Member
Looks like you're just into flower. It's normal. In 7 weeks when the skunk smell wakes you up at 3am, you'll be here asking about what to do about it. Lol.


New Member
Thank you.. I've been an idiot and not really charted any times either so not sure where I am! One thing that does interest me is adding a molasses feed at this stage. Is this worth doing to boost yield?


Well-Known Member
One thing that does interest me is adding a molasses feed at this stage. Is this worth doing to boost yield?
Don't go dumping in a bunch of molasses. You should consider inoculating your medium with a good microbial source. In soil, you can do compost tea with earth worm castings, a tsp/gallon of molasses, and some kelp meal and high phosphorus guano (as an example, there are many different tea recipes out there). Or simply top dress with ewc.

You could also buy a product called recharge, which has a everything needed to give the soil a boost in microbial life. You aren't feeding the plant sugar from the molasses. The sugar is helping the microbe population flourish so it can properly break down the nutrients in the medium.

If growing in Coco or hydro, I think recharge can be used, but not sure how well it works.


Strains vary on how much smell they give off and how early in the grow. My last grow didn't have much of a smell until around week 9


Well-Known Member
Too funny...I was in your shoes about a month ago. I too use to grow outside and had some great harvests...but other than starting under fluorescents I knew little about indoors, and even less about autos. I started some super skunk autos in mid Oct and a month later the buds started to form. I couldn’t smell a thing...thought I had the Covid!
Well over the next month the smell def intensified. If i pinch a bud it’s like crazy glue and is the sweetest smell on the plant.
I did notice a couple things. I grow in a closet that in a small guest house (but only one big room) behind my home. I have a strong 6” exhaust in the top of the closet and it sucks everything out and into the small attic which is vented to the outside. So the inside room has a noticeable but not outrageous smell, but my entire backyard and driveway/patio area smells like half skunk/half sweet candy w/ a hint of pine. I have maybe 3/4 weeks before I chop and only imagine the smell will get worse....or better depending on how u view it. Also, I’m living in it and smell it everyday, so I’m sorta used to it. I had a friend over recently and they made a comment as soon as they got out of their car. I don’t advertise my activity and he didn’t know....luckily I had ran over a dead skunk the week prior and I blamed it on that.
Sorry for the rambling post, but do not fret....those buds will stink eventually.....that strain is known for its strong odor, if I’m not mistaken. Good luck


New Member
Ok, so no I'm panicking for a totally different reason! We're in the process of moving to a much bigger house, I've a proper grow space allocated there. This was a suck it and see scenario, I cleared the grow with my wife, 12r/on off light regime.. she's been ok with that... I wonder that sleeping in there is going to be like when the sweet stick starts.. I do have air purifieries.. or am I looking at carbon filtering the window... I really wanted to avoid a complete set up just yet!

Also laws here dictate that smells are baaaad!


Boreal Curing

Well-Known Member
Thank you.. I've been an idiot and not really charted any times either so not sure where I am! One thing that does interest me is adding a molasses feed at this stage. Is this worth doing to boost yield?
Carbohydrates (molasses) are for soil microbiology as a food source and should be used at first planting in the ground. Maybe organic supersoil. Nothing more. It won't boost your yield. You can water with it in veg occasionally, but too much and you risk inviting ants that will acidify the soil.

Increase light to increase yield. If you're in flower, you get what you got.

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
Carbohydrates (molasses) are for soil microbiology as a food source and should be used at first planting in the ground. Maybe organic supersoil. Nothing more. It won't boost your yield. You can water with it in veg occasionally, but too much and you risk inviting ants that will acidify the soil.

Increase light to increase yield. If you're in flower, you get what you got.
I also find bugs love molasses. And have since stopped using it


New Member
Hi guys so as an update it's started to smell a bit now.. still not as much as I thought.. and the buds still have a musty smell.. though pinching the bits slightly I get the stickyness and the smell is incredible.

Issue I have now, is the leaves from the bottom up are going extremely yellow, drying up and I can litrually pull them off with ease.. it's slowed a bit, and slowly I think the leaves off the bud sites are also now turning, but sugar leaves etc and the top is looking healthy. I flushed, and pH was 5.8, I've also now noticed that the stems on the leaves off the bud sites are turning red, so I've added a feed today with some cal mag.

Also worth mentioning that 3 weeks ago a light fell and snapped one of the main shoots.. I tried to bind it up (like a pro tree surgeon) but failed.. I wonder if this has shocked it a bit?

Advice is welcomed.. would be a shame to lose her now!


