outside Dixie
Well-Known Member
My kid has been hunting since 8.Knows gun safety. So only rednecks get shot. That is why we teach gun safety early on.So everybody a redneck that gets shot..
Generals Warn Of Divided Military And Possible Civil War In Next U.S. Coup Attempt
"Some might follow orders from the rightful commander in chief, while others might follow the Trumpian loser," which could trigger civil war, the generals wrote.
Generals Warn Of Divided Military And Possible Civil War In Next U.S. Coup Attempt
"Some might follow orders from the rightful commander in chief, while others might follow the Trumpian loser," which could trigger civil war, the generals wrote.www.huffpost.com
time to dig foxholes....
That is a great plan. But I have so many odd sizes it is not funny. But these days the only shooting I do is killing varmints with the .22.I like my weapons to be standard cal...12ga, .38, .45, 5.56, 30/06. Easier to stockpile standard caliber ammo and more likely to be able to source ammo from others or share when SHTF.
Also why would country folk feel the need for open carry, is it really that dangerous? Are there man killing possums and stuff?
Coyotes and cougars here. The four-legged sort.I think some people thought Red Dawn was a documentary and not fiction. Those kids really showed those commies though. Also why would country folk feel the need for open carry, is it really that dangerous? Are there man killing possums and stuff? I don’t think I’ll ever go for a pardon to travel south, seems way to dangerous if everyone needs a handgun for protection!
People who own guns intended for personal defense, but can’t or won’t train themselves in use, carry, basic tactics, perhaps they’re better off without one. The chances of the gun making the situation worse are quite good.I point at stuff like this and that police have pretty uniformly lined up on one side as the reason you should own a gun even if you can't stand them. Just seems like a bad idea to be defenseless.
People who own guns intended for personal defense, but can’t or won’t train themselves in use, carry, basic tactics, perhaps they’re better off without one. The chances of the gun making the situation worse are quite good.
Either have a gun or dont..But you cant talk shit till you see the damage that the pigs do...If you have crops pig dig up every night.what would you do.? I have seen where you kill moose becauce of crop damage...aGun making thing worse is not right.nobody knows you have one til its needed..
You are deliberately missing the point. Machine-gunning pigs from a helicopter is, at the very least, unethical. Every self-respecting hunter seeks a clean kill. If a decent hunter wounds the quarry, he or she will track it down and make sure it isn’t suffering.Either have a gun or dont..But you cant talk shit till you see the damage that the pigs do...If you have crops pig dig up every night.what would you do.? I have seen where you kill moose becauce of crop damage...aGun making thing worse is not right.nobody knows you have one til its needed..
no one is saying you can't kill the pigs that are damaging crops...we're saying that getting drunk and laughing like hyenas while you're doing it, and leaving the animals alive enough to suffer for a while is not cool...they're animals doing what animals do, if you have to stop them, then do it cleanly, and eat the fucking things, their carcasses aren't an effective warning for other pigs to stay away...Either have a gun or dont..But you cant talk shit till you see the damage that the pigs do...If you have crops pig dig up every night.what would you do.? I have seen where you kill moose becauce of crop damage...aGun making thing worse is not right.nobody knows you have one til its needed..
I am curious. How much of your granddaddy's river bottom land do you own? I'm sad to say I ended up with less than 100 acres of the good river bottom land, but I do have a bit more than that on the sandhill.When its your land... . . . . . . . .
i used to enjoy hunting, when i went. i never felt any sadness that i had killed bambi's mom, or dad...and i felt pretty elated when i made a difficult shot and took down an animal that i was sure was going to get away...but then i went and made sure the animal was dead, and i used everything off of it that i could.He's a ignorant fuck.
You shouldn't enjoy killing things, hunting should be humane not homicidal.
With all the people needing food they should be killed in a manor that won't ruin the meat and donated.
You should not use lead ammo hunting, it kills the animals and birds that feed on a carcass.