Another gun thread


Well-Known Member
I did that stuff a total of maybe 4 times. The first couple times was back in the early 80's when it was not the junk made in 50 gallon drums in mexico and then a couple times in the late 80's when it was nasty garbage. I regretted each use after I used it. I don't understand why anyone would want to take that crap. The high totally sucks. There is nothing to like about it. And I just snorted it. I can't imagine smoking that crap like most are doing today.
Never smoked mdma, sounds awful and a waste.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the long-lasting effect, and terrible comedown was not a fun thing about meth.
I have no honest idea of the purity of “mdma” I’ve tried other than trusting the person I got it from and them telling me they ordered it from a lab, but it wasn’t as uplifting and did still keep me awake against my will.
I just stick with cannabis and occasional alcohol now. No regrets, my bad choices remind me to try to stay humble, and don’t judge others too harshly when it comes to their pick of poison
I ran in circles that had analytical chemistry available. That was my credential.


Well-Known Member
I heard that they were going to add "Scab Picking" as a sport in the Olympics.

They judge by weight.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply but in my opinion, if you think one party is good and the other as bad, I personally think you have the blinders on. I feel both sides are equally terrible and our a common threat to all of us. I do not trust, nor blindly follow either.
So I have blinders on when you go off of your 'feels' and just claim both sides without any actual information?

I call bullshit. Your feels are what I am calling bullshit on btw. There is one party that is about 800% more likely to lie to you than the other. That same party is actively trying to stop people from being able to vote so that they can maintain power, set up nationwide 'local news' scams to sell people their narratives, using the help of foreign militaries generated propaganda to be able to micro target people in ways they know is most likely to scare them into either voting for them by hating 'them', or not voting by selling them the 'both sides' narrative that you would have us believe that you are fully bought into.

Only one party was pushing people to attack our nation last year that culminated in a all out attempted insurrection on our capital.

lol there are 5 more pages to wade through, I am guessing that others have already picked up on this though.


Well-Known Member
Anyone know more about modafinil? It's pretty great for working, pretty rad for not feeling any sort of pull to take more/abuse.

I dont trust psychonaut wiki for info.
I had a prescription. It did not do a thing for/to me.


Well-Known Member
I may have gotten details a little fuzzy but I do believe that the Black Panthers were perceived as a threat and gun control legislation was enacted to keep them from being able to openly carry weapons. And once that perceived threat dissipated, right-wing legislators and the NRA hopped back on promoting widespread gun availability (to caucasian Americans).
If it's any consolation...I agree with you and that was my understanding of events.

Not sure where it's guys are talking about this thing right?



Well-Known Member
But but, that’s like, just your opinion, maaan.
*winks and blows a kiss*
Didn't Trump do that too? Say something stupid then get angry at people who corrected him? Then his aides did damage control and the best they could do is call what he said "alternative facts"? It works on some people, I guess.


Well-Known Member
then how do you stay informed? do birds perch on your window and tell you what they see as they're flying around? if you don't look at the news, then you have no idea whats going on in the world...yeah, i know, "you can look at the news and still not know what's going on in the world"....bullshit.
look at media that backs each other up...Reuters, AP, npr, bbc, the hill, propublica, forbes, usa today, voice of america...these are all reliable sites, every thing they say can be checked, and backed up...they may have slight slants, but for the most part they're pretty impartial, and pretty fair, and pretty factual...all operating in the dark gets you is a knot on your head when you bounce off the wall

Ah! But so many simply peek outside their door. "If it's snowing on my plum tree it must be white everywhere in the world".

"If no one I know has died of covid, it can't be a threat."

And in some, object permanence never really set up in their heads.