Vert(600+400) 5 plant, from Ukraine with love

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Have you been smoking every day all these years?

Yes, this video consists only of the photos that are here. Added a small video as well.

Bro, I already told you that you give a lot of fertilizers. Reduce the dose.
Yep i will do a littlebit
When you such to LED, change your racks so they are a flat plane instead of curved. You get more room for growth and it's much easier to work on.
Im probably going to run just basic horizontal setup in 3x5 tent.
I havent really see any vertical led setups inside tent. How u would adjust led panels on 3x5 tent in vertical set?
Yep i will do a littlebit
I didn't tell you about this earlier so as not to upset you. The first time is always better than the second. This is from my personal experience.

Also, I will note that now, when you have a lot of plants, you start having problems with the microclimate. This is noticeable in the plants. You need to improve the ventilation in the tent.

What is your extraction power?
Im probably going to run just basic horizontal setup in 3x5 tent.
I havent really see any vertical led setups inside tent. How u would adjust led panels on 3x5 tent in vertical set?
I have a person who will make you an OSRAM lamp of any configuration and power according to your tent parameters, if you are interested. Your tent needs a light of about 900 watts. The luminaire is 1.5m high and 15cm in diameter.
When you switch to LED, change your racks so they are a flat plane instead of curved. You get more room for growth and it's much easier to work on.
On a tent 1X1.5m, if you turn the lamps straight, not curved, you need a lot more light.

We have an awning 1X1.5m. The working area of each wall is 1x1.5 + 1x1.5 + 1.5x1.5 + 1.5x1.5 = 7.5 square meters.

This is a lot of light needed.
I didn't tell you about this earlier so as not to upset you. The first time is always better than the second. This is from my personal experience.

Also, I will note that now, when you have a lot of plants, you start having problems with the microclimate. This is noticeable in the plants. You need to improve the ventilation in the tent.

What is your extraction power?

I have a person who will make you an OSRAM lamp of any configuration and power according to your tent parameters, if you are interested. Your tent needs a light of about 900 watts. The luminaire is 1.5m high and 15cm in diameter.

On a tent 1X1.5m, if you turn the lamps straight, not curved, you need a lot more light.

We have an awning 1X1.5m. The working area of each wall is 1x1.5 + 1x1.5 + 1.5x1.5 + 1.5x1.5 = 7.5 square meters.

This is a lot of light needed.
I have Td-silent 500 and Honeywell fan blowing air throught cooltubes. Tempeture is about 26c and humidity is around 50%.

Thanks for offer. I just purchached those Sanlight which were pretty expensive so im going to continue using them now.
I have Td-silent 500 and Honeywell fan blowing air throught cooltubes.
570 cubic meters per hour, I have the same hood capacity in my installation.

Another contour, through a cool tube, everything should be fine.

Tempeture is about 26c and humidity is around 50%.

Temperature and humidity are not as important here as air exchange.

Also, it would be nice if there was a distance of 10cm between the net and the tent. So that air circulates in this gap. This is important, Bro, when such a thick tapestry.

570 cubic meters per hour, I have the same hood capacity in my installation.

Another contour, through a cool tube, everything should be fine.

Temperature and humidity are not as important here as air exchange.

Also, it would be nice if there was a distance of 10cm between the net and the tent. So that air circulates in this gap. This is important, Bro, when such a thick tapestry.

View attachment 5052839
True, cant do much for that right now. Im trying to control air movement with defolition. It seems to work just fine. That circle could anyway be littlebit smaller, some of the buds are too far away from lights.
I just purchached those Sanlight which were pretty expensive so im going to continue using them now.
This is your light, as I understand it

SEOUL SEMICONDUCTOR diodes are not popular with us, we use Samsung or Cree for white. But the price is about the same for these diodes.

True, cant do much for that right now.
Yes, now you can’t do anything, it’s for the future.
This is your light, as I understand it

SEOUL SEMICONDUCTOR diodes are not popular with us, we use Samsung or Cree for white. But the price is about the same for these diodes.

Yes, now you can’t do anything, it’s for the future.
Yep thats my light
I didn't tell you about this earlier so as not to upset you. The first time is always better than the second. This is from my personal experience.

Also, I will note that now, when you have a lot of plants, you start having problems with the microclimate. This is noticeable in the plants. You need to improve the ventilation in the tent.

What is your extraction power?

I have a person who will make you an OSRAM lamp of any configuration and power according to your tent parameters, if you are interested. Your tent needs a light of about 900 watts. The luminaire is 1.5m high and 15cm in diameter.

On a tent 1X1.5m, if you turn the lamps straight, not curved, you need a lot more light.

We have an awning 1X1.5m. The working area of each wall is 1x1.5 + 1x1.5 + 1.5x1.5 + 1.5x1.5 = 7.5 square meters.

This is a lot of light needed.
When I did my light vs area calculations for the round silo vertical grow, they always showed how much I was under lighting the square footage. I got good results anyway.

When I upgraded to LED, I was very careful to keep exactly the same Watts per unit of area. The improvement in quality and quantity was immediately obvious.

For reference, that number was about 400W/m².
no my work took care of that with drug testing,trouble is that 3or 4 days after doing pills and meth these other guys piss clean ,smoking i had to stop smokin @least three weeks early.
I didn't get it a little, Bro: can't you smoke when you're using meth?

I have been using meth for a long time. And he smoked, nothing like that happened to me.

More to the point, I can make meth from ephedrine, red phosphorus, and crystalline iodine. It turns out not very clean, but it takes a couple of days, very strong.

.. probably won't be able to cook anymore))), it was a long time ago, I forgot already ..

I want to share a joke with you. Although such things, many take it very seriously and blame it sincerely.

The "authoritative" newspaper Times for December 21.


Russia conducts exercises on the border with Ukraine


Yes, it does, of course. Only Orenburg is located 2000 kilometers from the border with Ukraine.


Russia is preparing a blitz krieg)))))) It will take about 27 hours to transfer equipment to the border with Ukraine. The blow will be unexpected and lightning-fast.))))

If the exercises were conducted, for example, in St. Petersburg, it could be written that these exercises are taking place on the border with ... Great Britain.))))

I have not seen such a blatant lie from such an authoritative publication - it looks like a yellow press anymore.))) Or, for some reason, their journalists are illiterate.)))

Do you know what this is talking about, Bro ?! This suggests that the West has nothing to oppose to Russia at the moment, except for outright lies, which the whole world reads, and which the whole world also sacredly believes! There is nothing that could really compromise Russia now, they would have dug it out of the ground and printed it!
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The German Foreign Minister (woman) in all seriousness threatened Putin that he would prohibit him from visiting boutiques in Paris.)))))

Hillary Clinton compared Putin to .. Lenin, because Putin is just like Lenin, who had a favorite aphorism:

"Take the bayonet and prick the body until you bump into a bone."

V. Lenin.

This is a blatant lie: Lenin has 50 volumes of his works


And believe me that there are not stupid things for the most part.

there is no such aphorism in any volume!

Hillary Clinton is an illiterate liar !)))

I will say more, based on the works of Marx, Engels and ... Lenin, such a state as China still maintains! China has brought the work of these people to life. He put their theory into practice. And show me now where the Chinese are stabbing someone with a bayonet?)) Happy people live there.
"I honor in Lenin a man who, with complete self-sacrifice, devoted all his strength to the cause of the implementation of social justice. I consider his method expedient. But one thing is indisputable: people like him are the keepers and renovators of the conscience of mankind."

(Albert Einstein)

ironically .. I will give one more historical fact)))

The American magazine Time considered the physicist Albert Einstein to be the greatest thinker of the last century. And it was Einstein who, perhaps, gave the highest appraisal to Lenin, calling him “the keeper and multiplier of the conscience of mankind”. Einstein lived a long life (died 1955). He knew about what was happening in Russia: about the civil war and the Stalinist era, but did not change his mind.

And again, I’m not a lover or admirer of Lenin, I just don’t like it when people lie!
Let me show you another page in the history of Russia. It was back in 1969. On the border between Russia and China, there is a small island called Damansky. At that time he belonged to Russia, I don't know what hit Mao in the head, maybe he drank too much vodka last night, but he made an incomprehensible decision - to seize this island by military means. This island was small and there was nothing on it - a snowy desert.

A little background is important here. Relations between the USSR and China in the middle of the last century were very warm and friendly. In fact, Mao and Stalin were great friends. And as always at the time, Mao got much more from friendship than Stalin. Mao begged Stalin for nuclear weapons technology, and the Chinese army was also fully equipped with Soviet weapons, ranging from aircraft to AKs, which they still have not learned to do normally.

All this continued until Stalin's death. When Stalin died, Khrushchev came to power, who publicly criticized and condemned Stalin for his activities. You will never believe ... the most offended ... Mao Zedong! At first, he still came to Khrushchev in Moscow, he wanted to beg for the technology of a nuclear submarine. But after Khrushchev refused him this, he finally broke off relations with Moscow. This continued until 1969. When the Chinese, with 5,000 men, went on the attack. The island was guarded by several hundred border guards. They asked for Moscow. Moscow, as in 1941, .. as always .. said, not to succumb to provocations, to solve the problem on its own, so as not to provoke a global war with China. There was a small reserve at our disposal. For almost two weeks the Russian border guards defended themselves heroically and did not retreat ... as in Stalingrad .. All this time, the commander requested support from Moscow. He was refused time after time. And when most of the Russian border guards were killed. He made an unauthorized decision, summoned several vehicles with Grad missile launchers from the district. It was the newest, classified weapon at the time, no one knew about it. This was the first combat use of the Grad. These several installations fired only one volley. Perhaps the Chinese thought that heavenly punishment had descended on them .. no, the communists do not believe in God, they probably thought that Lenin was threatening them from heaven .. 5000 Chinese fled in all directions ... Just one volley. They never came back ...

I am telling this to the fact that in the photo, where the exercises are ... on the border with Ukraine, this is the very Grad ... A very old and inaccurate installation. It is in service with the Ukrainian army ..
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