Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
If your religion forbids vaccine I would think dewormer would be another no, it's just another tRUmptard scam.
i've been telling all the trumptards i know that the vaccine the military is working on is even worse than the one the government has, and that the antiviral pills are just the vaccine in pill form...they should keep on refusing to take any of that shit...disinformation works both ways....


Well-Known Member
Most of the military who refuse the vaccine are republicans, it's a good way to cleanse the forces of them and reduce their numbers somewhat. They take other vaccines and the only reason they don't take this one is that they bought into propaganda and that makes them unreliable, as well as vulnerable to illness.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Most of the military who refuse the vaccine are republicans, it's a good way to cleanse the forces of them and reduce their numbers somewhat. They take other vaccines and the only reason they don't take this one is that they bought into propaganda and that makes them unreliable, as well as vulnerable to illness.
that's my issue with them...they're refusing a direct order for political reasons. they have no reason to refuse the order, they take up to 17 different vaccines already depending on where they're being stationed (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK220954/ )...and seem to have no problem with any of them. if they feel comfortable refusing a direct order for political reasons, then i consider them entirely untrustworthy, and think they should be expelled with their refusal plainly listed as the reason for their expulsion.


Well-Known Member
Religious reasons usually mean "they put aborted fetuses in there and God told me abortions will send me to hell"

I knew the cell line was old and decades removed from that aborted kidney but what I really never comprehended was the reasoning behind their use. Seems the cells are used to verify the safety of the drugs on alive fetuses in pregnant women.

So one fetus was used to safeguard millions of other fetuses... these religious objections ignore the fact that these cell lines are used with foods such as coffee creamer and bullion cubes and drugs such as:

Tylenol, Pepto Bismol, aspirin, Tums, Lipitor, Senokot, Motrin, ibuprofen, Maalox, Ex-Lax, Benadryl, Sudafed, albuterol, Preparation H, MMR vaccine, Claritin, Zoloft, Prilosec OTC, and azithromycin.

These religious objections should require a search of their pantries and bathrooms.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Another nut job commits suicide.

I meet these kind of idiots everyday at work . They are old and immune compromised coming into a cancer center for treatment and proud to be unvaxxed. It turns me off completely and I have to ignore how pathetic they are and treat them well anyway. It sucks. They have like arrogant attitudes like they know better. I hate my job, they are pushing me to the limit and making me work alone with a very heavy patient load. I would love to quit .


Well-Known Member
Trump pushes back on Candace Owens: 'People aren't dying when they take the vaccine'
In a Wednesday episode of The “Daily Wire” podcast, Trump told Owens that he takes credit for the “incredible speed” of how the vaccines were developed during his time in office and his partnership with private pharmaceutical companies.

“I came up with a vaccine, with three vaccines,” Trump told Owens. “All are very, very good. Came up with three of them in less than nine months. It was supposed to take five to 12 years.”

Owens then said to Trump that more people died from the virus in 2021 than in 2020 even with the vaccine being administered to the public, taking a shot at President Biden.

“Yet more people have died under COVID this year,” Owens told Trump. “By the way, under Joe Biden, than under you and more people took the vaccine this year. So people are questioning how—”

“Oh no, the vaccines work, but some people aren’t the ones. The ones who get very sick and go to the hospital are the ones that don’t take the vaccine. But it’s still their choice. And if you take the vaccine, you’re protected,” Trump told Owens.

“Look, the results of the vaccine are very good, and if you do get it, it’s a very minor form,” Trump continued. “People aren’t dying when they take the vaccine.”

Trump figures he has to get his people to pull together on covid so after 2024 he is not hobbled like Biden.

“I came up with a vaccine, with three vaccines."

He probably should get the Nobel Prize, given the key to the world.


Well-Known Member
Trump pushes back on Candace Owens: 'People aren't dying when they take the vaccine'
In a Wednesday episode of The “Daily Wire” podcast, Trump told Owens that he takes credit for the “incredible speed” of how the vaccines were developed during his time in office and his partnership with private pharmaceutical companies.

“I came up with a vaccine, with three vaccines,” Trump told Owens. “All are very, very good. Came up with three of them in less than nine months. It was supposed to take five to 12 years.”

Owens then said to Trump that more people died from the virus in 2021 than in 2020 even with the vaccine being administered to the public, taking a shot at President Biden.

“Yet more people have died under COVID this year,” Owens told Trump. “By the way, under Joe Biden, than under you and more people took the vaccine this year. So people are questioning how—”

“Oh no, the vaccines work, but some people aren’t the ones. The ones who get very sick and go to the hospital are the ones that don’t take the vaccine. But it’s still their choice. And if you take the vaccine, you’re protected,” Trump told Owens.

“Look, the results of the vaccine are very good, and if you do get it, it’s a very minor form,” Trump continued. “People aren’t dying when they take the vaccine.”

Trump figures he has to get his people to pull together on covid so after 2024 he is not hobbled like Biden.

“I came up with a vaccine, with three vaccines."

He probably should get the Nobel Prize, given the key to the world.


Well-Known Member
Two folks have died in the AT thru hiking community the last couple three weeks. A 2021 thru hiker and the father in law of a popular vlogger. This is too fucked up. The reason you watch hiking videos is to get away from the realities of the world.