Examples of GOP Leadership


Well-Known Member
Well well well .. roger stone needs a cash infusion. Wants to sell trump autograph as NFT ( * insert laughter )

Fuck Roger Stone and all of the associated grifters now worried about their finances …. Ask Avenatti if crime pays nowadays ( no more luxury life style for that leech ) apparently he has an old school flip phone from CRICKET Wireless due to any internet activity being forbidden . Fashion forward ankle bracelet and Top Ramen.

So a big FUCK OFF you wannabe extremist … Clown Posse song “ Hahahahaha fuck you “

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Sucks to be you …….

might i again suggest Mar-a-Lago sand in those little bottles with a cork- unlimited grift material?

awesome post; love your comments:clap:

oh! apparently what goes around..? yes, cancer medical is very expensive.


Well-Known Member
It is fascinating that the Wisconsin Republicans are good with funneling millions of tax payer dollars into the pockets of Trump's political trolls to do these bullshit investigations, but cancel free meals for kids while they are in school so that they have the calories needed to be able to function properly because they might get used to eating.


Well-Known Member
"Madison Cawthorn just said that Russia’s military is stronger than ours.
Ted Cruz called our troops “woke and emasculated” and Russians hardened killing machines.
8 GOP Senators spent July 4th in Moscow.
Republicans can always be counted on to support their leader, Vladimir Putin"


Well-Known Member
"Madison Cawthorn just said that Russia’s military is stronger than ours.
Ted Cruz called our troops “woke and emasculated” and Russians hardened killing machines.
8 GOP Senators spent July 4th in Moscow.
Republicans can always be counted on to support their leader, Vladimir Putin"
I dunno why Vlad wouldn't give Donald asylum in Russia if he were to run away from indictments. He could broadcast on RT via YouTube to his base of 5th columnists, some of whom are in the congress. Donald would be like Vlad's ventriloquist dummy with his arm shoved up his ass working his mouth. I'm sure Vlad's people can write him a better script than the one he's been spouting. Why GOP senators and congress people can fly there to suck his ass on TV. The base won't care at all, most only see in black and white anyway.


Well-Known Member
Maybe they or someone else has a recording of the call? We haven't heard much from Rudy, who is in trouble, broke and cut off from Trump. I wonder if Rudy cut a deal, he was in the middle of things and the 1/6 panel hasn't called him in...


Well-Known Member
Prominent far right columnist fell out of his apartment window in Moscow naked with one slipper on, a tragic accident. He must have been running because he landed out in the street, must have slipped from only wearing one slipper.



Well-Known Member
Prominent far right columnist fell out of his apartment window in Moscow naked with one slipper on, a tragic accident. He must have been running because he landed out in the street, must have slipped from only wearing one slipper.

That sounds right


Well-Known Member
Prominent far right columnist fell out of his apartment window in Moscow naked with one slipper on, a tragic accident. He must have been running because he landed out in the street, must have slipped from only wearing one slipper.

I’m wondering which foot was the problem. There is something about the word “slipper” here, but the idea is slippery.