Flipping to flower - put the net up now?


Well-Known Member
First grow - plan on flipping to flower this weekend - if I plan on putting a net up, do I put it up when I swap? Where to put the net, right on top of the canopy where it is now or push it down?


Well-Known Member
For scrogging, the whole idea of it is to produce an even canopy over a limited space. You want to manipulate the branches through the net to create this. If you put it on top now and switch to flower, theoretically yes it'll work, but not very efficiently. Put the screen on, and give it time to fill it up, if you have the space that is.


Well-Known Member
For scrogging, the whole idea of it is to produce an even canopy over a limited space. You want to manipulate the branches through the net to create this. If you put it on top now and switch to flower, theoretically yes it'll work, but not very efficiently. Put the screen on, and give it time to fill it up, if you have the space that is.
So how far over the canopy would you put the screen? Few inches?