Curling edges and a few claws?


Well-Known Member
So I’ve noticed some small things happening on my plants and figured I’d ask and see if something needs to be done.
2 plants in a 3x3x6, with a SF1000
Plants in a mixture of mostly FFHF with a little FFOF.
Plants are appx 7 weeks old from time of germination, have only fed plants water, no extra nutes.
Temps/RH lights on 82~79 69~71%
lights off 72~74 75~77%

I’ve noticed some slight curling on the edge of a few leaves and a few leaves have a dramatic claw. Is this from potentially hot FFHF soil, too much airflow on the plants?
I raised my light a few inches higher last night when I first noticed the curling.
Anything to worry about here?



Well-Known Member
Medium looks very wet. Are you possibly overwatering for a start?
Just had a full watering on the 28th, which was 3/4 gal per plant (3 gal fabric pots)-prior to that was the 24th. Pots felt very light when I lifted them, but I’ll make absolutely certain next time.
Could this be happening from the Happy Frog in the first place? I’ve heard people say that it runs hot


Well-Known Member
Nitrogen toxicity, you should be ok, when you repot make sure you cut your soil with some soiless mix to chill it out.


Well-Known Member
Nitrogen toxicity, you should be ok, when you repot make sure you cut your soil with some soiless mix to chill it out.
I’ll look into that, thank you. Any brand you could recommend? I’ve got FFOF waiting for the next repotting, but I’ve never messed with soilless mixes before


Well-Known Member
I’ll look into that, thank you. Any brand you could recommend? I’ve got FFOF waiting for the next repotting, but I’ve never messed with soilless mixes before
Some Promix to cut in, even some FF Light Warrior would help. I used to run 2 bags ocean forest mixed with 1 bag Light warrior and had great results. In flower I would add pure blend pro bloom nutrients.


Well-Known Member
Some Promix to cut in, even some FF Light Warrior would help. I used to run 2 bags ocean forest mixed with 1 bag Light warrior and had great results. In flower I would add pure blend pro nutrients.
Thanks for the heads up. When starting seedlings what do you start with


Well-Known Member
Nitrogen toxicity, you should be ok, when you repot make sure you cut your soil with some soiless mix to chill it out.
So I’ve got some further leaf issues with more looking a little crispy/burnt at the edges. Is it safe to assume this is still related to nitrogen toxicity? If it is, is there anything I can do at the moment to correct the issue?
Pics 1-3 are plant 1, 4-6 plant 2, but one seems to be more effected than the other. I also dimmed my light to 80% thinking it may be too strong at the moment. No idea what that pinhole in a leaf is about

