Well-Known Member
So there's one gas station that i always go to [Kroger's] and its usually 5-10 cents cheaper that the norm. Well 2 months ago, gas was about $4.25/gal and our city was running out of gas due to stupid EPA regulations. About a month ago, gas was still about $3.75/gal and only because new regulations let cheaper and dirtier gasoline in. Now, i filled up from almost empty for about $37 at $1.49/gal. And this wasn't even at my usual station, which is about $1.39! A month ago, the same amount of gas would have been about $100!! Gas hasn't been this cheap since before Katrina. Whether its our economy being unstable or new government policies, I know something or someone is doing something right.
So I had a good day

So I had a good day