First time grower needs step by step instructions on what to do with this stuff..


Well-Known Member
Lookin much better,one thing though,i have no idea how those electronic thermometers work,ive only ever used old style mercury thermometers,i tried once to use a digital one,those lil ass digital numbers are too small for me to see.

Just dont be in too big a hurry to water her again until the soil feels good & dry & your on the right road,just wait, 3 or 4 months from now when she's full of fat ass budds you'll look back on when you 1st started this grow & wonder why you ever thought it was hard,you'll get the hang very quickly.



Well-Known Member
Lookin much better,one thing though,i have no idea how those electronic thermometers work,ive only ever used old style mercury thermometers,i tried once to use a digital one,those lil ass digital numbers are too small for me to see.

Just dont be in too big a hurry to water her again until the soil feels good & dry & your on the right road,just wait, 3 or 4 months from now when she's full of fat ass budds you'll look back on when you 1st started this grow & wonder why you ever thought it was hard,you'll get the hang very quickly.

thanks buddy, I think everything should move smoothly from now on but as far as the nutes go,(they're all pictured in my first post in this thread I believe) when should I start giving them to her? And when do you think it'll be safe enough to move the light closer. I believe in an earlier post here you said it shouldn't matter much after the plant is more mature. Will you let me know when to start and how to mix it and administer it? I just want to do everything possible to have a non mediocre grow, even if it's my first real attempt. Especially with someone as knwoledgeable as you and the rest of the good people here at my side, I can't lose right? Thanks again for the help and attention rock!:clap:


Well-Known Member
thanks buddy, I think everything should move smoothly from now on but as far as the nutes go,(they're all pictured in my first post in this thread I believe) when should I start giving them to her? And when do you think it'll be safe enough to move the light closer. I believe in an earlier post here you said it shouldn't matter much after the plant is more mature. Will you let me know when to start and how to mix it and administer it? I just want to do everything possible to have a non mediocre grow, even if it's my first real attempt. Especially with someone as knwoledgeable as you and the rest of the good people here at my side, I can't lose right? Thanks again for the help and attention rock!:clap:

It's soo damm easy once they develope a root system it's hard to fuk up,as long as you keep holding off on the fertilizer,let them go until they are about a month old,give or take,then when you transplant them give them 1/4 strength nutes,just follow the directions on the bottle at 1/4 strenght of reccomended dose,fertilize them once a week for 2 weeks then up the dosage at week 3 to 1/2 strength,stay on the 1/2 strength for 2 weeks then up the dose again but be carefull at this point,watch for any signs that the plant is not happy with the fertilizer,if all is well & the plants are digging the nutes then up the strength again to 3/4 strength,it's a slow process getting the plant used to the nutes but it avoids nute lock in the soil & nute burn to the plants.

Nute lock is when the soil has way too high of NPK levels,or ph levels way outta whack, causing the plant to loose ability to take any nutrients through the roots,this condition is fixable but not easy,nute burn is where the plant itself is damaged by too much nutrients,this condition is never fixable.


Well-Known Member
Hey Panhead,
It's been a week and a day and I think everythings going smoothly but I got a couple of quick questions for you.
1. How long am I supposed to keep up the 24hr light cycle before switching to a light and dark cycle.
2. What ist the best light schedule for me? (ex. 18hr. light/ 6hr. dark?)
3. The plant seems to be growing fine but the temp. is at an average of 84 degrees F even with the lights a good distance away and two fans going, one for circulation and one just off the plant for movement of the plant itself to stimulate the viny thingie. I don't see any problems as far as growth and appearance but will this temp. affect it's sex? Will higher temps. produce a male or female? Or does it not matter?
4. I read somewhere to keep the light two inches from the plant as soon as the seed hatches for the best results if your light gives off minimum heat, as does mine which is a T5 Flourescent setup, two lights for grow, two lights for bloom. Is this true? Should I do this also?
5. And speaking of the lights, I have 4 of each and my ballast, I think that's what it's called, holds 4 lights. Should I leave them as is with 2 of each light? Or should I put 4 grow lights first for veging and then put the 4 bloom bulbs for when it's time for the plant to flower?
6. I saw a tiny bug in the soil yesterday and I was wondering what do you personally do when YOU have a insect infestation of some kind. Do you make your own concoction? With soap or father in law does this to his house plants or something to keep ants and insects off I believe. I was just wondering if you had a homemade solution like he does, your's obviously would be a better choice considering our hobby.
7. And when watering, is it good to spray the plants leaves itself with water also as I saw in a youtube video? And if so, at what point should I START watering the leaves? Or was I supposed to do that fro the start of the plants growth?

And that's about all I can think of for now.
Like I said though, the plant seems ok and the bug I saw was just the one and I haven't had any big bug problems per se yet since I've been spraying the area every once in a while with garden safe bug spray,(with the plant out of the room of course). And the fans seem to keep any insects off if they do manage to get in.

Here's some pics....Tomorrow it'll be two weeks since the seed was actually placed in the soil to germinate. (Ok, a couple more guestions)

8. Is this the right size since for this plant at this stage? Too small?
9. And is it actually two weeks old? Am I correct in saying it's two weeks old? Like I said, I'm going from the time I placed the seed in the soil, not since it actually sprouted, whick was 3 days later.

Thanks again for all your help dude, I wouldn't be this far in with minimal complications if not for you and your help....Happy Holidays buddy and Happy belated Thanksgiving!:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
so here it is again just in case you missed....I'm in dire straits here. -dude I'm so glad you're back online. I hope that everything is well with you and your family. My plant apparently got a phosphorus definciency. I'm standing by with Sensi Grow A and B. Apparently I have to mix the two somehow but I have no idea bro, I've been at this for three days and can't a single mixing chart for soil for this stuff. Please help? I just started this new thread today cuz I was getting desperate.


Well-Known Member
Howdy,chill bro its not that bad & near death is not happening,a little sick is more like it but fixable for sure.

I responded to your other thread.

Work on ph'ing the water & soil & also foliar feeding the plants with 25% mix ratio fertilizer,unless the sensi bloom spells out the entire nutrient content i'd stay away from it,micro nutrients are extremely important & relying on fertilizers to have them if they are not listed on the package can cause large problems down the road.


Well-Known Member
Sensi Grow is a really good product, and as far as I know, nice and complete. When I'm easing the babies onto this product I start out at about .5-.6 mL/L (1/3 of bottle light feeding) and work up from there. Never had a problem since I switched to Sensi. Best of luck!