Valium instead of CBD for plane travel?


Well-Known Member
Hello, I'm travelling from Mexico to Nepal. It is a 30 hour flight with stopovers in Barcelona and Dubai.

I've easily done long flights by taking CBD oil. But, apparently those backwarded Saudis can jail me for 10 years for possesion of CBD, so I need a substitute.

Basically in long flights I get uneasy, pressure changes give me migraine sometimes and also my guts start killing me. I think is stress related. What drug can I substitute it with?
Hello, I'm travelling from Mexico to Nepal. It is a 30 hour flight with stopovers in Barcelona and Dubai.

I've easily done long flights by taking CBD oil. But, apparently those backwarded Saudis can jail me for 10 years for possesion of CBD, so I need a substitute.

Basically in long flights I get uneasy, pressure changes give me migraine sometimes and also my guts start killing me. I think is stress related. What drug can I substitute it with?
A beta blocker such as propranolol might work and is not scheduled. It eases anxiety and often reduces susceptibility to migraine.
It is really hard to get a prescription of any of those! God damnit! Freacking Saudis. A country that jails you for 10 years for having CBD? Freacking shithole. Doesn't matter if Dubai is in there if there's no freedom.
Dubai airport has bars, you’ll pay way more than it should cost even by airport price standards but nobody likes to fly sober.
That was how I flew for 39yrs.......Hell , you could drink Bloody Mary's at 6 a.m. Only one big problem toilet on f'ing plane , I should have used barf bag.

I don't know if all airlines pour heavy, or they just see the anxiety in my eyes, but my jack n cokes have never had coke in them :lol: Never a problem until I'm trying to find my next flight cross eyed.
I make the journey from Australia back to England every few years, that flight is gruelling.
I’ve found eating a whole tray of hash cakes as close to departure as possible works amazingly.
I usually just melt away to a shitty inflight film which kills a nice chunk of the flight. Then use the free gin and tonics or poison of choice and Valium for the next leg.
Good luck on your journey.
Benzodiazepine from your medical doctor will help you. Xanax, Valium, Diazepam and others. You can take a few ones, but not for long time, cause it is dangerous than! You have to take the original package with these medicine, so that policemen in every country can easyly see this are no drugs.