How much pk is usually needed during the flowering stages ?


Well-Known Member
I'm using Terra aqautica tripart flora bloom which is 0-5-4 at full strength . I'm not 100% but I reckon there is a lack of phosphorus is 0-5-4 sufficient. I've seen other brands which are as high as 20 . Anyone use the Terra aqautica
The issue with increasing the dose is it increase potassium as well
The main thing is Ratio, and PPM. Your Potassium rate is also low.

You also need Nitrogen in flowering. Its a myth to cut nitrogen in flowering. All nitrogen is, is Protien. It makes no sense to cut protien when the plant will put on more mass, and create more hormones during flowering than any stage of its life. Nitrogen/Protien is the most important lement. The meaning of Protien is of most importance.
It basically best to have a ratio of 1-1-2 the whole way. My fertilizer is 19.5-20-39.. Weed likes the same amount of nitrogen, and Phosphorus, and 2 times the amount of Potassium.
Human beings eat protien, and our bodies turn it into Nitrogen. Plants skip this process and use nitrogen.
The word » protein « comes from the Greek »proteos«, meaning the »first one« or the »most important one«. Protein is truly the body’s most important building block. Life takes place in proteins, and store vital information in proteins.

My base formula is 4-20-39, and then I add Calcium Nitrate-15.5-0-0 and Epsom Salts.

An example is using fish as a nitrogen source. It will need to be broken down into smaller molecules before being available to the plant, and then taken up as nitrogen. Fish is protien to human beings.

In an 8 weeks flowering strain you can add Momopotassium Phosphate if your using chemicals.

Add MPK in weeks 2.5-4 in flowering for an 8 weeks strain while keeping the base formula going in ever increasing small amounts until the last 2 weeks of flowering.

If you miss the window of 2.5-4 weeks in flowering window, extra PK will do you no good.
You can also supplement more Epsom salts in weeks 4-6. The sulfur in Epsom Salts helps produce more terpenes.
Weeks 7-8 is best to cut back by about 50%-60% of the normal feed.

Flushing is also a myth, and has no scientific basis.
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That's just General Hydroponics Flora Series and you need to use all 3 parts. Grow, Micro and Bloom. There is plenty of phosphorus.
I've just been using grow and bloom I figured micro was for soft water and has an npk of 5--0-1 , so I just use grow for nitrogen
Weeks 7-8 is best to cut back by about 50%-60% of the normal feed.

Flushing is also a myth, and has no scientific basis.

Most people just laugh about flushing and don't explain the alternative. Lots of people "flush" to correct over-feeding prior to harvest vs feeding what the plant needs. I used to be one of those guys then I started monitoring actual rootzone EC and learned flushing is just starving and potentially shocking the plant.

If you miss the window of 2.5-4 weeks in flowering window, extra PK will do you no good.

100%, lots of people add "dry amendments" that are PK sources and think it's going to do something only having 4 weeks to break down.
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I've just been using grow and bloom I figured micro was for soft water and has an npk of 5--0-1 , so I just use grow for nitrogen

Nope. Micro is used pretty much throughout. Effectively all three parts are balanced in different ways across the cycle. If you're using hard water for feeding, there is a specific version of GH Micro for that. I use the Hardwater stuff and I think it's great.