Pure Kush Canundrum


Well-Known Member
I'm having a similar issue. I wonder how cold it is getting at night? I have just increased feed though and adjusted lighting and things are looking good!

for me avg temps are probably 66-73. Pretty low for LED. In the summer though I have other issues to worry about here.


Active Member
Yesterday I did some cleanup on plant #1 the happy girl. I cleaned her up underneath and removed some leaves deep in the canopy. This morning she looked like she grew 3 inches in height, amazing.

I found these leaves on top of her canopy this morning.

This is where experience comes in.

Is this nutrient burn ?
Is this Potassium deficiency ?

Charts and pictures leave a great deal to interpretation it seems.

I fed them this morning, PH 5.8, EC 1.0.


Well-Known Member
You can buy wall heaters that are ultra thin for LED rooms. Leaf temps and warmth is half the battle for them to metabolise. Try and have a balanced moisture and air exchange in the coco medium- try and water at 50% weight of the medium, from the weight of the first watering , especially in big pots like that. Coco is designed for multifeeeding , it's best to severely root out the pot - if you don't fully root out the pot , you run the risk of high feeds being really overpowered especially at 1.8ec with old dry roots absorbing salt crystals. If you get dry back where the pot completely drys out , feeds administered are ultra overpowered. The liquid salt ferts crystallise on already dry and dead roots.You have to have the right balance in coco or issues occur . Best to get the temps up and have a warm medium.


Active Member
Day time temps are 81 to 83 Deg F.
Nightime lowest temp 71 Deg. F.
RH between 65 to 75 %
Watered to runoff daily.

Troubles started after transpant and what I thought was some maintenance defoliation, exposing bud sights to light, taking lower leaves blocked from light.

They did have a nice rootball but I am sure they could have stayed in the 1 gal pots longer.

After transplant 1 fluorished, the others faltered.

I am now convinced the exhuberant defoliation coupled with the heavy feeding led to my woes.
I got ahead of myself and thought my plants were bigger than they actually were.

These short squat girls are way different than my only other grows, outdoors.

Note on rooting out pot taken.



Well-Known Member
Yesterday I did some cleanup on plant #1 the happy girl. I cleaned her up underneath and removed some leaves deep in the canopy. This morning she looked like she grew 3 inches in height, amazing.

I found these leaves on top of her canopy this morning.
View attachment 5059460

This is where experience comes in.

Is this nutrient burn ?
Is this Potassium deficiency ?

Charts and pictures leave a great deal to interpretation it seems.

I fed them this morning, PH 5.8, EC 1.0.
That looks like a little nutrient burn brought on by their proximity to the lights and slightly higher temps. Low P will affect older leaves lower down first and will start at the ends of the fingers with bronze/purple blotches on the surface of the leaves.




Well-Known Member
In no way was i having a dig at your growing expertise, this is from my trial and error experiences.


Active Member
In no way was i having a dig at your growing expertise, this is from my trial and error experiences.
I,m sorry if I came off to be presuming to have any expertise. I have zero.

No digs recieved.
Just trying to tell the story and present the facts I have.

Please correct me if I mispeak, I am here to learn.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the Chart OldMed, looks like a good one to keep around.
Just passing along stolen goods. :D You can get a lot of good books about growing, breeding, cooking with etc pot books at pdfdrive.com. Thousands of other books there too in pdf. mobi, epub and some html for free with no sign up.



Well-Known Member
Do you flush your plants at all? As soon as I notice an imbalance I always flush with pH'd water and start feeding again on the next watering. I tend to agree with Oldmeduser that it appears to be nutrient burn bought on by light proximity and added stress from the defol right after transplant. I tend to wait at least a few days to a week before defoling if I've just transplanted.


Well-Known Member
I'm having a similar issue. I wonder how cold it is getting at night? I have just increased feed though and adjusted lighting and things are looking good!

for me avg temps are probably 66-73. Pretty low for LED. In the summer though I have other issues to worry about here.
Take the guess work out. I have one of these hanging in my tent not only tells you 'live' from anywhere you've got phone data, but also gives you graphs of all your info. To me this was well worth the 35$.



Well-Known Member
Take the guess work out. I have one of these hanging in my tent not only tells you 'live' from anywhere you've got phone data, but also gives you graphs of all your info. To me this was well worth the 35$.

Nice dude! I bought a pulse pro but my buddy's got it. I upped my feed and changed my reservoir and they seem to have bounced back! When I get my meter back this week I'll check the temp logger