January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.

Peter Navarro Joins the Ranks of Trump's Co-Conspirators; Garland Set to Discuss Jan 6 Investigation

New reporting in Rolling Stone reveals that Peter Navarro is yet another Trump lackey who participated in the efforts to corruptly overturn the results of the presidential election. He now joins the ranks of other Trump co-conspirators: Rudy Giuliani, Jeffrey Clark, John Eastman, Mark Meadows, Steve Bannon and others. Here is what Navarro did to assist Trump's efforts to corruptly deny Joe Biden his win.

In a second breaking story, Attorney General Merrick Garland will make public statements tomorrow about the state of the investigation into the events of January 6. Here is some of what Garland may say, as well of some things that he almost certainly will NOT say.
The schemes and conspiracies are falling apart like a turd being flushed. These idiots never even tried to hide things including power point presentations and a host of other evidence. The gang that couldn't shoot straight, prosecuting these assholes would be a breeze and there's a long line for the chance to do them.
Giuliani Aide's Submission To January 6 Committee Exposes New Facet Of Trump Plot

Nicholas Wu, congressional reporter for Politico, talks with Rachel Maddow about materials given to the January 6th Committee by Rudy Giuliani sidekick Bernie Kerik, including mention of a "draft letter from POTUS to seize evidence in the interest of national security for the 2020 elections."
You know as an army vet who did 2 combat tours and fought for this nation it really pains me to see the polarization that exist in this country. You either have to pick one side or the other and you are demonized if you do not agree fully with the left or right. And that is exactly how the politicians want it. I have personally voted for both republican and democratic presidents. I fought to give ensure that everyone has a voice regardless of color,race,religion or politics. I do not agree with the censorship that is taking place on this site or any other entity. What happened to common decency and everyone fighting for the common good of this nation. So before anyone ask no I didn't vote for trump either time. I believe in freedoms that are guaranteed to every citizen under our constitution. What ever happened to a man or woman's right to make up their own mind. I am an unvaxxed American patriot. I personally do not believe in abortion but I also believe that is up to the woman. Government has no business being involved. I do not agree with mandatory vaccinations. I again believe that is up to the individual. I do not believe in racism or white power extremist. I know they exist and am not blind. But then again I fought for everyone to have their voice. if more people felt as I do the world would be a better place. Enough ranting for now. I will be back in a bit because I am sure that I will hear from several people who do not agree with me. But that is ok. I fought for those people to have a voice also. Peace.
You know as an army vet who did 2 combat tours and fought for this nation it really pains me to see the polarization that exist in this country. You either have to pick one side or the other and you are demonized if you do not agree fully with the left or right. And that is exactly how the politicians want it. I have personally voted for both republican and democratic presidents. I fought to give ensure that everyone has a voice regardless of color,race,religion or politics. I do not agree with the censorship that is taking place on this site or any other entity. What happened to common decency and everyone fighting for the common good of this nation. So before anyone ask no I didn't vote for trump either time. I believe in freedoms that are guaranteed to every citizen under our constitution. What ever happened to a man or woman's right to make up their own mind. I am an unvaxxed American patriot. I personally do not believe in abortion but I also believe that is up to the woman. Government has no business being involved. I do not agree with mandatory vaccinations. I again believe that is up to the individual. I do not believe in racism or white power extremist. I know they exist and am not blind. But then again I fought for everyone to have their voice. if more people felt as I do the world would be a better place. Enough ranting for now. I will be back in a bit because I am sure that I will hear from several people who do not agree with me. But that is ok. I fought for those people to have a voice also. Peace.
This thread is about the insurrection and the attempt to steal the election, patriots don't support that or buy Trump's bullshit. As for being unvaxxed, that ain't helping the folks in the hospitals, your family or yourself, cause you stand a good chance of ending in a hospital and they are near collapse. This is a public health matter and public rights come before private ones, it's always that way when it gets bad enough.
I know what the title says but I have read most if not all entries in this post. And Everytime someone has chimed in with a different opinion they have been demonized by the same people. I hope everyone that was involved with the events of January 6th are locked up and charged with treason. Because what took place was nothing less. But I feel that mandatory vaccines are an overstep by the government. I may get covid and it may kill me but that is my choice. I do not believe in executive orders that can decree what the people of this nation must do. That is akin to socialism. And all the media entity's that are censoring people no matter who they are because they don't agree with them is the exact same thing Putin does. And any true patriot should not stand idly by and let that happen. But I see so many people agreeing with the social media companies taking away some else's freedom of speech because they do not align with them politically. This sight is included. The mods here do not believe in equality or social justice unless it aligns with their political views. Who is to say that my opinion does not matter because they do not agree with it. This country is headed into total chaos and if the true patriots do not stand up and seek change as a collective this country will turn into a socialist or communist republic.
You know as an army vet who did 2 combat tours and fought for this nation it really pains me to see the polarization that exist in this country. You either have to pick one side or the other and you are demonized if you do not agree fully with the left or right. And that is exactly how the politicians want it. I have personally voted for both republican and democratic presidents. I fought to give ensure that everyone has a voice regardless of color,race,religion or politics. I do not agree with the censorship that is taking place on this site or any other entity. What happened to common decency and everyone fighting for the common good of this nation. So before anyone ask no I didn't vote for trump either time. I believe in freedoms that are guaranteed to every citizen under our constitution. What ever happened to a man or woman's right to make up their own mind. I am an unvaxxed American patriot. I personally do not believe in abortion but I also believe that is up to the woman. Government has no business being involved. I do not agree with mandatory vaccinations. I again believe that is up to the individual. I do not believe in racism or white power extremist. I know they exist and am not blind. But then again I fought for everyone to have their voice. if more people felt as I do the world would be a better place. Enough ranting for now. I will be back in a bit because I am sure that I will hear from several people who do not agree with me. But that is ok. I fought for those people to have a voice also. Peace.
Thanks for your service. Hopefully you killed more people on your tours of duty than you did your fellow citizens.
You know as an army vet who did 2 combat tours and fought for this nation it really pains me to see the polarization that exist in this country. You either have to pick one side or the other and you are demonized if you do not agree fully with the left or right. And that is exactly how the politicians want it. I have personally voted for both republican and democratic presidents. I fought to give ensure that everyone has a voice regardless of color,race,religion or politics.
Do you think it should be fine that a company like say Ritz crackers be able to lie on their TV commercials and say that their product guarantees weight loss?

I do not agree with the censorship that is taking place on this site or any other entity.
What censorship do you refer to?

Should a restaurant have to allow someone to stumble into their business and scream horrible things at families trying to eat their meals? Should a business not be able to remove graffiti from their walls because it is someones 'free speech'?

I would also point to the fact that paid trolls spamming this and every other website with a comment section trying to get folks like yourself to stand up for their 'right' to spread propaganda is why they cry about being 'banned/censored'. Are you ok with them trying to brainwash people into buying their lies?

What happened to common decency and everyone fighting for the common good of this nation.
It got hijacked when the far right dictators started their attack on our nation.

So before anyone ask no I didn't vote for trump either time.
Did you vote? One of the ways the attack on us happened was to get the people who would not vote for him to program the 'both sides' troll to nudge people into not voting.

I believe in freedoms that are guaranteed to every citizen under our constitution. What ever happened to a man or woman's right to make up their own mind. I am an unvaxxed American patriot. I personally do not believe in abortion but I also believe that is up to the woman. Government has no business being involved. I do not agree with mandatory vaccinations. I again believe that is up to the individual.
What makes you think that some random online account is a American citizen? Just because they say so?

Nobody in government is making vaccines mandatory. That is bullshit programming, and not really possible. The mandate is a test or vaccine for businesses.

And people explaining that the lying propaganda are trying like hell to trick our citizens into being unsafe during a pandemic when a extremely safe and effective vaccine is available, is not stopping them from making up their own minds. It is attempting to get them the accurate information so that they can make better choices.

I do not believe in racism or white power extremist. I know they exist and am not blind. But then again I fought for everyone to have their voice. if more people felt as I do the world would be a better place. Enough ranting for now. I will be back in a bit because I am sure that I will hear from several people who do not agree with me. But that is ok. I fought for those people to have a voice also. Peace.
I am not sure where the racism part is coming into the conversation. Are you also aware of things like Redlining that has kept non white people at a severe economic and social disadvantage? Things like keeping them confined into very small highly populated areas with very little power to impact our government with things like underfunding their ability to easily vote and gerrymandering away their political power after the white people who had the power over police these communities as they fled to the suburbs.

It is at least a good thing to understand the racism and white power agenda's exist, but it is also important to understand fully how it still has a powerful impact on where we find ourselves today.

I know what the title says but I have read most if not all entries in this post. And Everytime someone has chimed in with a different opinion they have been demonized by the same people. I hope everyone that was involved with the events of January 6th are locked up and charged with treason. Because what took place was nothing less.
Right on. I would ask that you maybe take the time to understand that those accounts you are talking about being 'demonized' is not 'censorship' and that those accounts might just be trolls getting you to feel bad for the 'other side'.

The attack on our society is very real and is very worth understanding how it takes place.

But I feel that mandatory vaccines are an overstep by the government.
What vaccine mandate? You do get that if someone doesn't want to get the vaccine that they don't have to right? That is an option, that is why it is a 'vaccine-or test' mandate.

I may get covid and it may kill me but that is my choice. I do not believe in executive orders that can decree what the people of this nation must do. That is akin to socialism.
Maybe it would be worth understanding that you have been programmed to believe a lie.

Also do know the impact that people who are unvaccinated is having on our medical system? The unvaccinated are hammering them and causing tremendous burn out in our hospitals due to the vast majority of the people clogging them being the unvaccinated. Your decisions have real world impacts. It is a lot like not having car insurance and driving drunk.

And all the media entity's that are censoring people no matter who they are because they don't agree with them is the exact same thing Putin does.
What do you mean by 'the media'? It is one of those bullshit programming terms that can literally mean anything.

And who is being 'censored'?

And any true patriot should not stand idly by and let that happen. But I see so many people agreeing with the social media companies taking away some else's freedom of speech because they do not align with them politically. This sight is included. The mods here do not believe in equality or social justice unless it aligns with their political views. Who is to say that my opinion does not matter because they do not agree with it.
This gets back to the Ritz question I had. Are you really saying that a company should be able to flat out lie to people to sell their product?

Just because you may 'feel' what you are saying makes sense, I would suggest to really put some time into considering the impacts of your 'say anything and never censor' liars has had on the mentally impaired people that our nation does a shit job of taking care of.

This country is headed into total chaos and if the true patriots do not stand up and seek change as a collective this country will turn into a socialist or communist republic.
But Fascism is cool with you? Because that is the real issue when you allow politicians to pay these foreign nations to troll our citizens with lies and propaganda to trick them into being afraid of 'socialism' and 'communism' or whatever boogey man that they can program people into believing like is happening today in America and every other democratic nation.
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Do you think it should be fine that a company like say Ritz crackers be able to lie on their TV commercials and say that their product guarantees weight loss?

What censorship do you refer to?

Should a restaurant have to allow someone to stumble into their business and scream horrible things at families trying to eat their meals? Should a business not be able to remove graffiti from their walls because it is someones 'free speech'?

I would also point to the fact that paid trolls spamming this and every other website with a comment section trying to get folks like yourself to stand up for their 'right' to spread propaganda is why they cry about being 'banned/censored'. Are you ok with them trying to brainwash people into buying their lies?

It got hijacked when the far right dictators started their attack on our nation.

Did you vote? One of the ways the attack on us happened was to get the people who would not vote for him to program the 'both sides' troll to nudge people into not voting.

What makes you think that some random online account is a American citizen? Just because they say so?

Nobody in government is making vaccines mandatory. That is bullshit programming, and not really possible. The mandate is a test or vaccine for businesses.

And people explaining that the lying propaganda are trying like hell to trick our citizens into being unsafe during a pandemic when a extremely safe and effective vaccine is available, is not stopping them from making up their own minds. It is attempting to get them the accurate information so that they can make better choices.

I am not sure where the racism part is coming into the conversation. Are you also aware of things like Redlining that has kept non white people at a severe economic and social disadvantage? Things like keeping them confined into very small highly populated areas with very little power to impact our government with things like underfunding their ability to easily vote and gerrymandering away their political power after the white people who had the power over police these communities as they fled to the suburbs.

It is at least a good thing to understand the racism and white power agenda's exist, but it is also important to understand fully how it still has a powerful impact on where we find ourselves today.

Right on. I would ask that you maybe take the time to understand that those accounts you are talking about being 'demonized' is not 'censorship' and that those accounts might just be trolls getting you to feel bad for the 'other side'.

The attack on our society is very real and is very worth understanding how it takes place.

What vaccine mandate? You do get that if someone doesn't want to get the vaccine that they don't have to right? That is an option, that is why it is a 'vaccine-or test' mandate.

Maybe it would be worth understanding that you have been programmed to believe a lie.

Also do know the impact that people who are unvaccinated is having on our medical system? The unvaccinated are hammering them and causing tremendous burn out in our hospitals due to the vast majority of the people clogging them being the unvaccinated. Your decisions have real world impacts. It is a lot like not having car insurance and driving drunk.

What do you mean by 'the media'? It is one of those bullshit programming terms that can literally mean anything.

And who is being 'censored'?

This gets back to the Ritz question I had. Are you really saying that a company should be able to flat out lie to people to sell their product?

Just because you may 'feel' what you are saying makes sense, I would suggest to really put some time into considering the impacts of your 'say anything and never censor' liars has had on the mentally impaired people that our nation does a shit job of taking care of.

But Fascism is cool with you? Because that is the real issue when you allow politicians to pay these foreign nations to troll our citizens with lies and propaganda to trick them into being afraid of 'socialism' and 'communism' or whatever boogey man that they can program people into believing like is happening today in America and every other democratic nation.
Good post but it will probably fall on deaf ears, unfortunately.
At this point I pretty much assume I am wasting my time mostly. Shit I wouldn't even bet it is not the same account as the ones bitching about being 'censored' claiming to be an American vet to get some bullshit credibility to spread the 'cancel culture' snowflake troll.
Even if you’re preaching to the choir, it can help. Maybe you will reach someone with your efforts but if not, it’s still good therapy.

I admire your patience. It’s a more honourable tactic than mine, ridicule.
Trump adviser Navarro: Rioters on Jan. 6 hurt plan to challenge election result

Who is to say that my opinion does not matter because they do not agree with it. This country is headed into total chaos and if the true patriots do not stand up and seek change as a collective this country will turn into a socialist or communist republic.
I was somewhat OK with your opinion until this part. You can not let the people decide with a free and fair election? And this slide into socialism. Do you not understand that the US has programs like Social Security and Medicaid which are socialist, don't you think? So what does the 'true patriots' have over the non-'true patriots' that they get to decide how much socialism the people want? Say the non-'true patriots' want a single payer health care system like every other major democratic country has? Would the 'true patriots' decide for the people what they get or not?

On the socialist mods here, it does look like the ones giving a right biased opinion get enough rope to hang themselves. We have not had ant which want to get down to a real debate, I have asked them to and they either ignore me or answer by changing the subject. Rather sad, I used to discuss politics on a right biased site years ago and the guys at least tried to uphold their opinions with facts as they see them. But that was in a world before alternative facts. You seemed to be one that might go in for some discussion but then you showed you stripes. Which is too bad, but you can still try if you like. And for others here, if he does, keep it civil.