January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.

I'm a staunch believer in a person's right to choose too. Funny how the same group of people who say as you do about the vaccine are selective about that.

So, what do you say about the Texas anti abortion law?
I do not agree with the law in Texas. I believe in a woman's right to choose. I stated that in my first post.
As I said I did not put you on ig
Ore. Because believe it or not I value your opinion. But you have not stated an opinion. You have only made inflammatory statements hoping I will bite. And I will not.
Oh and I'm a big believer in the right to vote. These people do not:


What was it you were advocating? That I should listen to lies about them being Antifa or tourists? Come on man, that was a violent insurrection and the people behind it are pumping out propaganda to cover their asses. What is there to discuss?

I'll stop mocking you if you give me a straight and factual answer.
See herbs th
At is where I have to respectfully disagree. No one's rights should end in favor of another's. But I do understand where you are coming from.
It is “should” arguments like that that have led to utter crap like that happily expounded on by our local anarcho-solipsist. The real crime is substituting dogma for reality, then punishing the realists.
I do not agree with the law in Texas. I believe in a woman's right to choose. I stated that in my first post.
I agree, your body, your choice. I'm not into forcing anybody to choose what to put into their body or refuse. I've said THAT many times in many posts. Never said otherwise. Same goes with Biden and most others in government.

That doesn't mean we can't mandate vaccinations in schools, for example. Or prior to travel or other places where people must gather in order to exercise the freedoms we hold as rights in this country. That doesn't mean a restaurant owner can't mandate his employees be vaccinated. Rights have limits when they affect other people. That concept is much older than our constitution and was part of our system from the very beginning.
I agree, your body, your choice. I'm not into forcing anybody to choose what to put into their body or refuse. I've said THAT many times in many posts. Never said otherwise. Same goes with Biden and most others in government.

That doesn't mean we can't mandate vaccinations in schools, for example. Or prior to travel or other places where people must gather in order to exercise the freedoms we hold as rights in this country. That doesn't mean a restaurant owner can't mandate his employees be vaccinated. Rights have limits when they affect other people. That concept is much older than our constitution and was part of our system from the very beginning.
Someone else’s body, not your choice.

Is there a reason I’ve not seen this obvious counter?
Oh and I'm a big believer in the right to vote. These people do not:

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What was it you were advocating? That I should listen to lies about them being Antifa or tourists? Come on man, that was a violent insurrection and the people behind it are pumping out propaganda to cover their asses. What is there to discuss?

I'll stop mocking you if you give me a straight and factual answer.
You can mock me all you want. I am not phased by it. I have stated some of my positions. Just because you do not like my answers is not my problem. But as far as you saying the events that took place at the Capitol were done by terrorists and people who wanted to suppress the vote of the people I agree with you.
... one of those people who does not like being told what to do by the government. I am a staunch believer in a person's right to choose. No matter what the issue.
Funny, i heard someone say the exact same thing but the joke's on him as he ended up doing everything the doctors told him to do as he was in a coma on an ecmo machine.
Hey guys I have family over visiting. I will return and continue this discussion. I appreciate all of you guys and wish you all well.
I wonder why we give guns to the Capitol Police and then they didn't use them and shoot the first 20-30 assholes that came thru the broken door and windows? That would have stopped the mob in it's tracks.
You can mock me all you want. I am not phased by it. I have stated some of my positions. Just because you do not like my answers is not my problem. But as far as you saying the events that took place at the Capitol were done by terrorists and people who wanted to suppress the vote of the people I agree with you.
How does one "discuss" the Jan 6 insurrection when they are lied to about the attempted violent overthrow of our government by the same people who are still actively intent on carrying it out?

Also, you misused the word communist, among others.
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I wonder why we give guns to the Capitol Police and then they didn't use them and shoot the first 20-30 assholes that came thru the broken door and windows? That would have stopped the mob in it's tracks.
That is a question that needs answering. But I'm glad there wasn't a massacre.
I can not argue with your logic. I am just one of those people who does not like being told what to do by the government. I am a staunch believer in a person's right to choose. No matter what the issue.
So you owe no responsibility to the society that you live in? A simple thing like taking a vaccination that could save lives and reduce the economic turmoil we are going through? You want other people to do the work to keep society running?
I don't understand the disparity when members of the armed forces (current or vets) proudly say they serve(d), which for the most part consists of obeying and following every single order given, to protect the constitution and the citizenry, but then turn around and as private citizens proudly say they will refuse to lift a finger to help save lives.
Do you think it should be fine that a company like say Ritz crackers be able to lie on their TV commercials and say that their product guarantees weight loss?

What censorship do you refer to?

Should a restaurant have to allow someone to stumble into their business and scream horrible things at families trying to eat their meals? Should a business not be able to remove graffiti from their walls because it is someones 'free speech'?

I would also point to the fact that paid trolls spamming this and every other website with a comment section trying to get folks like yourself to stand up for their 'right' to spread propaganda is why they cry about being 'banned/censored'. Are you ok with them trying to brainwash people into buying their lies?

It got hijacked when the far right dictators started their attack on our nation.

Did you vote? One of the ways the attack on us happened was to get the people who would not vote for him to program the 'both sides' troll to nudge people into not voting.

What makes you think that some random online account is a American citizen? Just because they say so?

Nobody in government is making vaccines mandatory. That is bullshit programming, and not really possible. The mandate is a test or vaccine for businesses.

And people explaining that the lying propaganda are trying like hell to trick our citizens into being unsafe during a pandemic when a extremely safe and effective vaccine is available, is not stopping them from making up their own minds. It is attempting to get them the accurate information so that they can make better choices.

I am not sure where the racism part is coming into the conversation. Are you also aware of things like Redlining that has kept non white people at a severe economic and social disadvantage? Things like keeping them confined into very small highly populated areas with very little power to impact our government with things like underfunding their ability to easily vote and gerrymandering away their political power after the white people who had the power over police these communities as they fled to the suburbs.

It is at least a good thing to understand the racism and white power agenda's exist, but it is also important to understand fully how it still has a powerful impact on where we find ourselves today.

Right on. I would ask that you maybe take the time to understand that those accounts you are talking about being 'demonized' is not 'censorship' and that those accounts might just be trolls getting you to feel bad for the 'other side'.

The attack on our society is very real and is very worth understanding how it takes place.

What vaccine mandate? You do get that if someone doesn't want to get the vaccine that they don't have to right? That is an option, that is why it is a 'vaccine-or test' mandate.

Maybe it would be worth understanding that you have been programmed to believe a lie.

Also do know the impact that people who are unvaccinated is having on our medical system? The unvaccinated are hammering them and causing tremendous burn out in our hospitals due to the vast majority of the people clogging them being the unvaccinated. Your decisions have real world impacts. It is a lot like not having car insurance and driving drunk.

What do you mean by 'the media'? It is one of those bullshit programming terms that can literally mean anything.

And who is being 'censored'?

This gets back to the Ritz question I had. Are you really saying that a company should be able to flat out lie to people to sell their product?

Just because you may 'feel' what you are saying makes sense, I would suggest to really put some time into considering the impacts of your 'say anything and never censor' liars has had on the mentally impaired people that our nation does a shit job of taking care of.

But Fascism is cool with you? Because that is the real issue when you allow politicians to pay these foreign nations to troll our citizens with lies and propaganda to trick them into being afraid of 'socialism' and 'communism' or whatever boogey man that they can program people into believing like is happening today in America and every other democratic nation.


No response to Hannimal? You said you were bothered by people who respond with insults. I freely admit that I don't give you the respect necessary to give you a complete answer. Yet when Hannimal gave you respect that I feel you don't deserve, you ghosted him.

If you weren't a self described veteran and patriot, I'd think you were being mendacious.

Anyway, I thought I'd give you a second chance to respond to Hannimal's very complete and well thought out response to your earlier post.

No response to Hannimal? You said you were bothered by people who respond with insults. I freely admit that I don't give you the respect necessary to give you a complete answer. Yet when Hannimal gave you respect that I feel you don't deserve, you ghosted him.

If you weren't a self described veteran and patriot, I'd think you were being mendacious.

Anyway, I thought I'd give you a second chance to respond to Hannimal's very complete and well thought out response to your earlier post.
I did not mean to ghost anyone. I just started answering to the questions and comments that were coming in. As far as the Ritz cracker question goes I believe that anyone is entitled to say what they want. It is my responsibility to do my own research and determine if that product is for me or not. As far as graffiti on a wall goes that is destruction of someone else's property. Now if that person that did graffiti on their own property I have no problem with that. But I do appreciate the respect that was shown by Hannibal to actually ask me some questions and allow me to respond.
I did not mean to ghost anyone. I just started answering to the questions and comments that were coming in. As far as the Ritz cracker question goes I believe that anyone is entitled to say what they want. It is my responsibility to do my own research and determine if that product is for me or not. As far as graffiti on a wall goes that is destruction of someone else's property. Now if that person that did graffiti on their own property I have no problem with that. But I do appreciate the respect that was shown by Hannibal to actually ask me some questions and allow me to respond.
I'm not convinced you are worthwhile. Don't really care about the reasons you gave for not replying. Just saying you came here saying "why you so mean to fascists?" You advocate "coming together" and being open to other's comments even when they are vile lies. Yet you ignored to the one careful and detailed reply you received. Hannimal did give you respect and you just answered posts where you could claim a grievance. Makes me think you are just another sock troll.
So you owe no responsibility to the society that you live in? A simple thing like taking a vaccination that could save lives and reduce the economic turmoil we are going through? You want other people to do the work to keep society running?
I do not expect others to do the work. I have made a personal choice for me. I do not expect anyone to agree with me. As far as expecting others to keep society running and protecting the people of this country I believe I have done more than most. I spent 12 years in the US Army and fought to protect this great country. I did not set idly by when this country was attacked. I answered the call and am very proud of that. That does not mean that those that did not go fight or any less than me.