January 6th, 2021

I think buttering (since that's what buttiegieg corrects to on my phone) would be a good pick on a lot of fronts, being gay isn't that taboo and the people that have issues with it aren't voting Democrat anyway. Those reasonable Republicans that Biden won over aren't going to have an issue with it. Being gay has gained quite a bit of acceptance within minority groups, had to go do some Google as that was an argument I had heard before, but times have changed and I don't think it would hurt.

Will still do my way left thing for primaries, but whatever, will just vote for the opposite of whoever people with blue lives matter stickers support.
I think buttering (since that's what buttiegieg corrects to on my phone) would be a good pick on a lot of fronts, being gay isn't that taboo and the people that have issues with it aren't voting Democrat anyway. Those reasonable Republicans that Biden won over aren't going to have an issue with it. Being gay has gained quite a bit of acceptance within minority groups, had to go do some Google as that was an argument I had heard before, but times have changed and I don't think it would hurt.

Will still do my way left thing for primaries, but whatever, will just vote for the opposite of whoever people with blue lives matter stickers support.
The kinda left and way left need to pull together for the duration. The survival of the republic’s machinery is more important than the differences I have with progressives, if I have the naming right.
I'd love to continue these arguments, but y'all's momma's are getting mad, y'all not suppose to be on the internet no more, get yall lil asses in bed, we'll continue this discussion later
I'd love to continue these arguments, but y'all's momma's are getting mad, y'all not suppose to be on the internet no more, get yall lil asses in bed, we'll continue this discussion later

How about that Biden speech? He totally roasted Trump and pulled no punches.

Fuck Trump and his band of losers.

Oh yeah, and in case you didn't get the message, Trump lost the election when he held all the advantage. It drives him and his toadies as well as you crazy. So suck it, shill.

I've got to go, I need to check my stocks and figure out how many millions I've made while writing this.

We will continue this discussion later.

Uh oh - WTFistedtwat! is going to be pissed off when she sees you put Trump down.

You know he tried to have "Trump is a great leader" tattooed on his cock, right? Well, it didn't go that well - they could only get "Tr" on there.
Uh oh - WTFistedtwat! is going to be pissed off when she sees you put Trump down.

You know he tried to have "Trump is a great leader" tattooed on his cock, right? Well, it didn't go that well - they could only get "Tr" on there.

We should take a moment to think of that poor Tattoo artist - how they managed to even get "Tr" on there using ultra strong magnifying glasses and the world's smallest tattoo gun is something to be rewarded. Hats off to them.