What is a Thai Stick?

There would be a good market for the connoisseur and nostalgia. I’d like to get my weed like that, a big f’n stick instead of these lame plastic containers with dried to dust tiny buds
That's lame. It looks like they claimed they were too dangerous to adopt. I'm glad we don't do that shit anymore, and let people adopt them. That's some bullshit what they did after Vietnam. I had no idea.
Thats a crock of bullshit. They killed those dogs because they didn't want to take the time and effort into adopting them out. Those dogs saved hundreds if not thousands of lives, and they were discarded like trash. Just another reason to hate the federal government.
In 2000 Clinton passed a bill allowing people to adopt them at least.

I've also heard that they still put down dogs that can't perform their duties even if they have years of life left. That shit needs to change. Those dogs deserve way better. Steak dinner every night and shit.
Thats what happened... I read a book in middle school called " Cracker: The best dog in vietnam"

Fucking terrible book, but I learned one thing from it lol
I scored some mid 70's, $15 a stick. We had some good smoke for the time, Columbian Gold, some seedless stuff from Oaxaca that was primo, some homegrown Sinsemillia probably from Afghan stock. Black hash was my favorite. I had smoked honey oils also, and the high from the Thai was TOTALLY different. We smoked a pinner between 3 people and we were done. There was no list of ingredients, but the high seemed to be opium enhanced to me due to the small amount smoked and the effect. They started smashing them into bricks with a smaller stick and less weed when I quit buying them.
I scored some mid 70's, $15 a stick. We had some good smoke for the time, Columbian Gold, some seedless stuff from Oaxaca that was primo, some homegrown Sinsemillia probably from Afghan stock. Black hash was my favorite. I had smoked honey oils also, and the high from the Thai was TOTALLY different. We smoked a pinner between 3 people and we were done. There was no list of ingredients, but the high seemed to be opium enhanced to me due to the small amount smoked and the effect. They started smashing them into bricks with a smaller stick and less weed when I quit buying them.
Im wondering if the opium effect was either intentional, a side effect of the processing (potentially fermenting?), or from being transported tightly packed with heroine?

Fascinating stuff
Got some in the early 90's. It was dipped in opium. There's lots of ways to prepare them from what I've read over the years. They can be dipped in hash oil, opium, or just be straight weed. I'm sure the curing has something to do with the effects as well. Reminded me of this sweat cured mexican we used to get. Big buds that smelled like ammonia. Got you very high.
This has brought back a lot of memories My brother managed to get some home in 74 at that time it was the highest I had ever been. Just started growing again after about 27 years or so now I'm wondering. How hard is it to find true land race strains?