I think all sides of the aisle can agree with that.I’m done with this one, it’s getting boring. Too bad, he had such promise.
I think all sides of the aisle can agree with that.I’m done with this one, it’s getting boring. Too bad, he had such promise.
Yayyy - he's back - I was worried that you wouldn't turn up after you had your arse handed to you last time. Good to see you're back for more.I wonder if this is potroasts sock account? ^ If it is, good tactic to keep me from the politics. Well played. Im out of here!
Boring is as boring does! Its fun to be boring - I thought you felt the same way.I’m done with this one, it’s getting boring. Too bad, he had such promise.
It’s just as well. You weren’t doing very good in this section anyway.I wonder if this is potroasts sock account? ^ If it is, good tactic to keep me from the politics. Well played. Im out of here!
No - not all sides!I think all sides of the aisle can agree with that.
You are boring and there is no point in chasing my tail to prove you are wrong.Get some glasses and re-read your posts.
So you often read your posts, do you - is that some kind of condition or illness? Does it make you excited in your gentleman's garden when you read how you put down that nasty English / Russian man? Or is it just that even you cant understand your words!
You are boring and there is no point in chasing my tail to prove you are wrong.
Good luck with your stupid troll spam.
You've spent pretty much all day trying to get one over on a boring person - now what does that say about you?You are boring and there is no point in chasing my tail to prove you are wrong.
You've spent pretty much all day trying to get one over on a boring person - now what does that say about you?
Please read some news from the States that isn’t being propagandized. You may have a belief barrier, but that is sentiment and not fact. Hanimmal recommends AP and Reuters as “least biased, most factual”.As Johnny Foreigner here, I really struggle with the idea that one political party is good, and one is bad - that good / bad parties depends on who you are talking to, so that tells me this thought is fundamentally flawed. This must be an Americanism. We in the UK have realised that all politicians are all self servicing shits, who will take advantage whenever and wherever they can. I am sure that counts for the US too - knowing humanity as we do, there is zero percent chance that one party is actually better than the other. They are the same shade of brown.
how very british of you. lol.Its fun to be boring
how very british of you. lol.
take a pic of any license plate with a note that says hanimmal sucks next to it within 5 minutes and i'll wire you 100 pounds.
all those thousands of years of inbreeding on your tiny rock has taken it's toll I see.Not sure why you would want me to do that, to be honest.
100 pounds UK to Rubles?View attachment 5062105
Can I win? I’m not British so I assume my prize is in pounds of weed, correct? I take rubles too tho.