
Well-Known Member
So I think my first attempt at LST is going well, trying to keep the canopy as even as possible.
My question is there a point in the training that I can remove the Flexi wire holding down the branches?

33FA46C3-7F61-4734-8BD4-C956C02EE1F6.jpeg7D35C5F5-88C5-4968-895C-76049A44EFB0.jpegMy thinking is that after enough time you won’t have to keep em tied down, but want to confirm that.


Well-Known Member
I untied mine during the stretch. And it totally fucked up all of my work.. it didn't completely ball up but the branches started straightening out to almost vertical, the curve was there but not as wide as I would of liked (too many side stem shoots shot up and crowded the inner diameter restricting some light access)