That and knowing what the fuck your doing helps

I'm just speaking for myself & don't mean to dis anyone's style because we all have favorites, kinda like religion.
Anyway, 1st things 1st, which is don't do what every rookie grower out there has done in their life, which is cut leaves off the plant, usually thinking that the bud will get more light, which is true.
But does the bud need that much more, or are you eliminating/reducing the plant's ability to absorb more lumens to produce the energy NEEDED for the bud to DEVELOP!!!!
Just move the leaves & pull the branch into the light, end of story.
Also fan's hold a lot of moisture & will help the plant maintain in case you can't/forget to water.
One of the most beneficial/important aspects of the leaves is that tell you what's up with the plant.
How will you tell if your N is too high/low if you don't have any fucking leaves?

You will have a hard time figuring out def's without them, they tell you EVERYTHING!!!!

So, I don't take ANY leaves unless they're dead or diseased.
Sure, the de-foliated plant is prettier, no doubt, but is it healthier?
Nope, that's impossible.
This ain't Bonsai, you want the biggest/healthiest plant, not the prettiest (at least I do)
You will produce skinny-ass girls if you lollypop/de-foliate, whereas my ladies have big/fat asses & I LOVE FAT ASSES!!!!! (juicier)