How much for a pound near you?

$2600 for a lb of top shelf fire around here. But what most people in this thread call top shelf is mids. If its truly some top shelf exotic then it will always hold its value.

Check the dark web for reference. You can get $800-$1200 lbs all day and everyone calls it fire and best value on the dark net. Then get a $2800-3500 lb from a vendor and peep the difference. 90% of it ships from Cali. Theres just a huge difference of what people are calling fire and what is truly exotic top shelf weed. It's easy as hell to grow weed. It's hard as hell to grow good weed.

what would you rate this?

Are we going to see a Spring recovery in price? Doesn’t seem promising…
I doubt it man maybe if everyone took a break for a year but the way everyone keeps over producing it’s not gonna bounce back and a lot of people don’t care about pushing quality they will take the cheapest shit they can get. There is a lot of old 2020 outdoor going around for cheap around here right now looks like crap
I doubt it man maybe if everyone took a break for a year but the way everyone keeps over producing it’s not gonna bounce back and a lot of people don’t care about pushing quality they will take the cheapest shit they can get. There is a lot of old 2020 outdoor going around for cheap around here right now looks like crap

I think a lot of outdoor growers called it quits in 2021, they weren’t able to move packs for even $300
Where I'm at you can buy a lb of top shelf for 800$-1600$ per lb off the black market or you can buy dirty mids/lows off the government and pay 300$ 28 grams or single grams of "top shelf" for 18$- 23$ a gram.
Where I'm at you can buy a lb of top shelf for 800$-1600$ per lb off the black market or you can buy dirty mids/lows off the government and pay 300$ 28 grams or single grams of "top shelf" for 18$- 23$ a gram.
What state or country are you located in?.