Final transplant


Well-Known Member
I’m planning my final transplant for this Friday. Moving from 3 gal to 5 gal, planning to just place the 3 gal inside the 5 and fill it in.
Going this route do I still want my medium to be moist for the transplant?
I was going to soak the medium tomorrow (Wednesday) and then let it dry through Friday until the transplant, any problems with this approach?
Also, if I’m adding a trellis net is a week or two before flower an appropriate amount of time before flipping?


Well-Known Member
This sound like you are going drop a 3 gallon pot inside of a 5 gallon pot, not a good idea
Yeah that was the plan, any reason that’s not a good idea?
Last cycle I went from 3 to 7 gal pots and it wasn’t easily manageable. Didn’t want to keep in 3 gal pots for the whole cycle and figured 5 gal was the best option.


Well-Known Member
The 3-gallon pot will restrict the root growth unless you're using an air pot or fabric etc
I drop the plants in a bucket of water, get the roots soaked for a good 10 minutes
use a 3-gallon pot inside the 5-gallon pot, push the soil down so it takes the shape of the 3-gallon pot, lift the pot out.
Turn the plant upside down and the pot should slide off, wet soil holds the shape much better than dry.
drop the root mass in the hole, should slide in like a glove, don't water for the first 3 days.


Well-Known Member
The 3-gallon pot will restrict the root growth unless you're using an air pot or fabric etc
I drop the plants in a bucket of water, get the roots soaked for a good 10 minutes
use a 3-gallon pot inside the 5-gallon pot, push the soil down so it takes the shape of the 3-gallon pot, lift the pot out.
Turn the plant upside down and the pot should slide off, wet soil holds the shape much better than dry.
drop the root mass in the hole, should slide in like a glove, don't water for the first 3 days.
Yeah forgot to mention they are fabric pots. My idea was to cut a good portion of the 3 gal pot as it is seated in the 5 gal. My transplanting skills aren’t the greatest yet and I give myself a heart attack every time lol. I have 2 plants going so maybe try and official transplant with one and stacked with the other


Well-Known Member
if you’re gonna cut a good portion of it why not cut all of it. it’s a bit tricky to get that rootball out of a fabric pot for sure. not like plastic give it a squeeze and a thud and voila the a pot shaped pile of dirt more like peeling a kiwi with fabric pots and a delicate process but doable i mean i do it from time to time but anyway if you’re gonna cut it open just ditch it.


Well-Known Member
So I just went and did a normal transplant without doing pot in pot, much easier than I thought it would be. Was going to wait a week before adding the trellis, but some branches looked like they could use the support.

Any certain amount of time I should wait before flipping to 12/12?
I was thinking of flipping in about 2 weeks


Well-Known Member
I just transplanted some 2 gallon pots into 10 gallon pots of coco/perlite.

dump a couple inches of growing mix into your desired transplant pot, set your plant you plan on putting in it in there and fill the bottom of the pot with however much mix you need to have the top of your plant sitting where you want it. Dump the rest of the coco or mix around the plant then water in right away entirely until slight runoff, leave plants alone until they need water again.