Nearing the end of First indoor grow?


New Member
Hi there.. could do with some advice. I think I'm nearing the end of the grow with this one.. nothing much more seems to be happening. The lower leaves all started turning yellow, then shrivelled up and fell off, this started happening higher up the plant.. i have flushed it, and am not introducing any more nutrients. I have removed the yellowing leave, and feel this may have been a mistake as if its pulling what it needs from the larger fan leaves surely this is by design at this point? sugar leaves and buds remain fine? Images attached if they help.
Buds still smell musky but not skunky smelly as i would imagine.

Thanks in advance!



Well-Known Member
Hi there.. could do with some advice. I think I'm nearing the end of the grow with this one.. nothing much more seems to be happening. The lower leaves all started turning yellow, then shrivelled up and fell off, this started happening higher up the plant.. i have flushed it, and am not introducing any more nutrients. I have removed the yellowing leave, and feel this may have been a mistake as if its pulling what it needs from the larger fan leaves surely this is by design at this point? sugar leaves and buds remain fine? Images attached if they help.
Buds still smell musky but not skunky smelly as i would imagine.

Thanks in advance!
Still has about 2 weeks left. No the leaves are not supposed to turn yellow and die off. No that's not by design. That's from lack of care. Flushing the nutrients out of the medium is only going to accelerate the process of killing off the plant.


Well-Known Member
If you want a quality light for a cheaper price...I HIGHLY suggest the Maxisun pb series off amazon...basically whatever your size tent is...if it's 3x3 get the 3000, 4x4 get the 4000 etc. It's crazy high quality for the price and I'm honestly damn impressed.


Well-Known Member
If you want a quality light for a cheaper price...I HIGHLY suggest the Maxisun pb series off amazon...basically whatever your size tent is...if it's 3x3 get the 3000, 4x4 get the 4000 etc. It's crazy high quality for the price and I'm honestly damn impressed.
MF series little nicer price not much diff.