Ladie Growers/Tokers out there?!!


Well-Known Member
i just smoked some real shit weed, its hard to get at this moment in time, and i went to some dealer i don't know lol

Thats the last bag o weed im paying for lol, got about 2 weeks to wait for my christmas tree to finish and got another 2 on the go, that are turning out nicely.

Prob won't be the last bag o weed i buy lol but i'll give it a good go, hate it when some dick sells you real shit weed grrrr


Well-Known Member
i just smoked some real shit weed, its hard to get at this moment in time, and i went to some dealer i don't know lol

Thats the last bag o weed im paying for lol, got about 2 weeks to wait for my christmas tree to finish and got another 2 on the go, that are turning out nicely.

Prob won't be the last bag o weed i buy lol but i'll give it a good go, hate it when some dick sells you real shit weed grrrr
Sorry to hear about the bammer weed..that'll make your smoke that much sweeter!


Well-Known Member
does anyone else sit in their grow room and blow smoke at their girls? I do...
I sit in my grow room and blow the smoke towards my extractor ducting

I cant imagine blowing smoke at your plant is a good thing, i dont do it as i don't want myne to turn out like a roadside weed lol