Can Ohio get it done without screwing it up as bad as our Med program was

Sadly most are, Gov. Dewine has pretty much said he will veto the legislation. The good thing is the ones trying to get it done feel they will have the votes to overturn the veto. Our best hope is for it to go to the ballot and we can get the voter turn out we need to pass it. As I said both legislative bills are okay but what they want as far as amounts we can have ay any given time is too low to allow for home growth. I talked with one of the representatives sponsoring the democratic Bill and one change they are considering is to have a personal use/grow license. This state won't allow hardly anything unless the government can make a dollar.
So if the home growth bill passes, do we have to let them in our house???
FOR REAL??? Even If you have a degree/ license???
Not sure about that applied with a company here in central Ohio 1st interview was asked about background check how it would come back told them just said they wouldn't be able to hire me based on the posession charge. Only criminal charge I've had totL bs imo. Could just be a company thing
Not sure about that applied with a company here in central Ohio 1st interview was asked about background check how it would come back told them just said they wouldn't be able to hire me based on the posession charge. Only criminal charge I've had totL bs imo. Could just be a company thing
They're loss anyway!!! You would think that would be an advantage, seeing that you have experience with marijuana, regardless of whether you were arrested for possession of it...